"And it's basically the time to choose girls."

Master Xu has read other materials.

Otherwise, there will always be girls who will be recruited and will attract attention.

"Looks like I'm going to go to Tumiao's stockade and take their nest away."

An Xu said unhappily that he was still looking up the information in his hand.

Lu Yu looked at her and asked:
"But we don't know how to get there."

"I know."

Bailulu responded immediately.

She was summoned to the entrance of the village by A Dong, and then sent back by him.


As soon as Cheng Xun knew the location, he immediately wanted to go.

Master Xu stopped him:

"Players cannot use props or abilities to harm non-players. What if they are expelled by the people inside? Sneak in quietly."

So a group of people sneaked into Tumiao village under the cover of night.

The village is very quiet, and there are even few street lights.

The houses are all wooden houses, which are very good at hiding people in the dark.

As we walked, everyone felt that it would be better to spread out.

There are too many people in the team, the battle is too big, and it is easy to be exposed.

An Xu was the first to say that he wanted to act alone, and then he ran away immediately.

Go it alone No.1.

Master Xu shook his head and looked at her.

Quietly walking through the alley, I could vaguely hear footsteps.

Is there anyone else this late?

Crouching behind a stone slab, An Xu vaguely saw the back of a man.

It should be soil seedlings.

She stepped forward and patted the other person's back, but saw the man turned his head and looked at An Xu in surprise.

Damn, isn't this the man who handed himself the necklace? ? ?
The man wanted to drag An Xu away without saying a word.

But she was knocked out with a knife in her hand.

It's your kid who covets sister, how bold!
He dragged the man to a forest, and prepared to interrogate him in a while.

As for language, with Kriti, don't worry.

When the man woke up, he noticed movement behind him.

someone is coming.



It was Liu Heqing.

Seeing that it was him, An Xu breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's you, you scared me."

"What are you doing here?"

Liu Heqing stepped forward, saw the man on the ground, and glanced at An Xu again.

"This brat is the one who gave me the bracelet."


You're done, you're done, you're on the gun.

Pippi ate melons silently in An Xu's mind, eating deliciously.

After 2 minutes, the man woke up.

The two people in front of him stared at him covetously, so scared that he opened his mouth and wanted to scream.

Liu Heqing quickly covered his mouth, An Xu drew out his dagger and threatened him.

"Dare to call for a try?"

The man understood and shut up instantly.

"Hey, do you have any props to erase memory?"

Seeing that the man shut up sensiblely, An Xu turned to ask Liu Heqing.


"That's good."

After confirming, Anxu released Kriti.

"Let me ask you, why did you play tricks on female tourists?"

The man was still immersed in the shock of seeing the mermaid, when An Xu slapped his face with a dagger.

After chattering a few words, Kriti looked at An Xu and translated:
"Who are you, let me go quickly, or I will make you look good."

Still stubborn?
Liu Heqing twisted a needle and pierced his left hand.

The man immediately lost feeling in his left hand.

"I don't have much patience. At worst, I'll kill you later and ask someone else."

An Xu looked at him dangerously and said, this look is quite scary.

The frightened man tremblingly said something, and Kriti continued to explain:

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