"He said that because he is going to marry a wife and needs a woman, that's why he tricked you."

"There are no women in the Miao Village?"

"He said no, he can only find women outside."

How come there are no women?
"Where are the women?"

An Xu asked him, but saw that the man hesitated and couldn't speak.

Don't say yes.

He got up and stood up, shaking his legs.

A kick was kicked between the man's legs, and the painful man lay on the ground wanting to cry.

"I'll give you three more seconds to organize your words, or you'll have another kick."

Whispering softly in the man's ear, to the man, it is no different from the whisper of a devil, so he hastily recruited.

"He said that after giving birth to a boy, a woman is made a venomous mother."

"Mother Gu?"

Liu Heqing answered An Xu:

"It's the carrier of raising Gu, to put it bluntly, it's the food for Gu insects."

It's disgusting.

"Where is the place where Gu is raised?"

"He said it was at the southernmost end of the village."

After inquiring, An Xu asked Liu Heqing to wash his memory.

Then break the calf and throw it into a pit.Shaped into the appearance of a man who fell into a pit and was injured.

"Go, go and see where he said."

After An Xu finished speaking to Liu Heqing, he jumped up and down on the roof.

The jumping ability of the third-level players can be similar to light work.

When we got there, we saw a wooden bungalow.

Made of wood, that's easy.

Pushing open the door and going in, I found many wooden boxes inside.

Open one at random, it is a corpse.

The corpses vary in size, and some even look like baby bones, crawling with bugs.

"It's the baby girls."

Liu Heqing said it right.

"Well, that's right."

The two looked at each other tacitly, and took out the alcohol.

In particular, Liu Heqing is still a medical worker with a slight obsession with cleanliness.

Prepare more.

There are still candles on the top of the Gu hall, just as there are ready-made candles.

Direct alcohol and open fire burned these things.

The fire was getting bigger and bigger, and the two of them hid on the branches of a big locust tree on one side.

"Hey, tell me, how long have these people been here?"

"It should be a while."

Liu Heqing replied absent-mindedly.

The two were a little too close, and he could smell the faint fragrance of An Xu's hair.

An Xu didn't notice his enthusiasm, he concentrated on looking at the burning bungalow below.

It's really convenient to set fire to a log house.

"Hurry up, the Gu hall is on fire!!!"

"Fight the fire, put out the fire!"

"Haha, look, everyone is here to put out the fire."

Seeing the anxious look of these people, An Xu felt that it was not enough to relieve his anger.

It's been so many years, and there is still such a backward and disgusting ethnic group?

"It's almost the appointed time, let's go."

Liu Heqing saw that the trouble was almost over, so he let An Xu go.

"it is good."

When he returned to the hotel, Master Xu rolled his eyes at Liu Heqing and asked An Xu:
"It was you who set the fire."

"Yes, yes, I burned all the worms they raised to death."

An Xu said very proudly.

"We went to see if there were any other girls who had been bewitched, and found that there seemed to be none, not even women in the village."

Cheng Xun felt strange and frowned.

Remembering that they didn't know yet, An Xu hurriedly told them about how he asked Tu Miao when he met Tu Miao.

"What are we going to do next?"

Bai Lulu asked hesitantly.

This group of people is hateful and killed many people.

However, it is unrealistic to call the police and arrest them. It involves too many fields, and it also involves unscientific fields, so it is difficult for the police to control them.

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