Then let these people go like this?
I'm afraid no one will be reconciled, even killing them all will not be able to do it.

"Yes, they arrest women for the purpose of carrying on the family line and bearing sons. Can we make them unable to have children?"

An Xu put forward an idea first,
The rest of the people haven't reacted yet.

"It just so happens that I will match such a prescription."

Liu Heqing coughed and said to An Xu.

Sure enough, Liu Heqing had the best understanding with him! ! !

All of a sudden, everyone felt that their minds were opened!

If you like passing on the family line so much, then let's exterminate the family.

So two days later, dozens of men in the entire Tumiao Village were drugged by them.

As for the method of attack, it can be said that there are all kinds of strange things. Some people are dizzy and then take medicine, and some are blindfolded and forced to feed.

In short, none are left.

Master Xu also left a formation so that these people would not be able to leave the stockade for the rest of their lives.

In the end, it can be said that they retired after success, and only these collapsed Tumiao people remained.

Let them stink and rot in there!

"Hope those women rest in peace."

Bai Lulu bowed in the direction of Gu Tang.

An Xu was thinking, don't these girls have family members to look for them?

Thinking about a person who has been caught in love, it seems that such things as cutting off relations with the family for the sake of men are also done.

The well-born and well-raised girl suddenly wants to marry a poor boy from an unknown village, whoever agrees.

After finishing a series of things, several people are also ready to return.

Especially An Xu and Cheng Xun, who are talked about by Cheng's mother every day.

Liu Heqing also wanted to go back, and gave An Xu a bracelet before leaving.

It was still delivered secretly, not daring to let Cheng Xun and Master Xu see it.

An Xu thought it looked good, the bracelet was transparent and warm to the touch, so he put it on without hesitation.

Seeing that An Xu liked it so much, Liu Heqing also smiled happily.

After boarding the plane, it was the familiar photo-taking process again.

When comparing hands with scissors, An Xu's bracelet was exposed.

Lu Yu smiled and asked:
"Huo, master, when did you buy a bracelet to wear?"

"Bracelet? What kind of bracelet, don't wear it indiscriminately."

Bai Lulu is allergic to bracelets and bracelets.

"This one was sent to me by Liu Heqing, so it must be fine."

"The color of this bracelet is very good, and it's also high-quality jade."

Lu Yu saw a lot of gold, silver and jewelry, so he knew the quality of the bracelet at a glance.

"How much does that cost?"

An Xu couldn't help asking.

"At least 30."

Lu Yu said indifferently.


Damn, Liu Heqing gave himself a golden bump? !
"It's so expensive, it's still Hetian jade."

Bai Lulu was also surprised.

What happened to Hetian Yu?
An Xu thought in his heart.

"It means the loyalty and beauty of love, and it is generally a love token between men and women. Love tokens continue~"

Pippi played his encyclopedia posture, and talked to An Xu in a mean-spirited manner.


Suddenly, I felt that the bracelet on my hand was very hot.

A message came from the phone, it happened to be from Liu Heqing.

"It feels like you are unlucky sometimes. Hetian jade has a very good meaning. If it brings auspiciousness, you must wear it well."

It turned out to be like this, I was so obsessed with others.

It's still a man like Liu Heqing who is as cold as a moon.

Too much guilt.

"Thank you~"

After replying, An Xu continued to wear the bracelet in peace.

You can't live up to people's wishes.

Liu Heqing on the other side felt relieved after seeing An Xu's reply.

He still has no courage.

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