When the filming of the crew was in full swing.

During the filming, An Xu also discovered that the director's background is really not small.

Logically speaking, small directors are very short of money, whether it's actors' remuneration or special effects production.

They should all be eager to invest.

But this little director is very generous, he wants to do the best special effects, and he wants to do the most restored Fu Huadao.

The key is that there is no investment at all, it is all his own money.

Even An Xu's salary was quite a lot, 80 per episode.

Moreover, he often organizes the crew to go out to eat, spending no less than [-] each time.

This is the little director?An Xu didn't believe it.

But she didn't ask much.

Just shoot as long as you can.

Soon, the shooting time of the crew came to an end.

"Today's finale, today's finale, let's go, let's go have a meal together."

The director held a loudspeaker and announced to everyone,

An Xu also went, watching everyone laughing and joking on the way.

She was very curious, the number of npcs in this copy can be said to be many, many.

What about the boss?
Always feel something is not right.

"Why is it loose again?"

The maid was so angry outside that she wanted to smash An Xu's memory crystal.

The other movements are not moved.

Just Anxu's shaking at every turn, shaking at every turn.

Of course, she definitely didn't dare to smash it.

After stabilizing the crystal, the maid waited beside her tiredly.

Today my sister will watch over you, let's see if you shake again.

And here, An Xu, who finished the wrap-up meal, was resting at home, but was told by his agent to choose a script and continue filming.

"I just finished filming, can't I take a break?"

An Xu frowned, and answered him on the phone.

She just needs to keep the ranking at the top, why is she so busy making herself a dog.

"Where can you rest now, the popularity is booming, you need to make a few more movies to appear in the public eye, so that you won't be forgotten!"

In the eyes of the manager, the movie that An Xu had just finished filming was a complete waste of time.

If An Xu hadn't clamored for the filming, he would never have let her do it.

"Wait until the show is over. Let me have a good rest during this period. You don't know. During this period of time, I feel tightness in my chest and heartbeat. Go on filming, I'm afraid I will die suddenly from overwork."

An Xu said to the manager without blushing.

Of course the manager knew that she was using this as an excuse, so he hung up the phone speechlessly.

What can I do, I can't drag her to the set if I don't want to act.

He is such a golden bump, he can only hold it.

Part-time job is not easy.

An Xu's popularity has also dropped a little because of the silence during this period.

Of course, the rankings are still far ahead.

If you guessed right, their ranking in the previous round determines the popularity of this round.

So this ranking is not much different from the previous game.

A month later, this small web drama finally officially launched.

During this period of time, An Xu had nothing but food and sleep every day, and his life was very pleasant.

It would be nice if all the dungeons were lying down like this.

The other players are not having a good time.

The female player has to bring goods every day, and her throat is about to be slapped in the live broadcast room.

And she has also restrained a lot in front of the camera, and she still has that bad temper in private.

I also enjoy the feeling of being held by fans.

The other three male players also enjoyed this feeling,
Because she is a small Internet celebrity, or an anchor with good looks, she has a group of small female fans.

In private, she has a lot of fun, and even a rich lady rewards her for a live broadcast.

It can be said that, apart from An Xu, several other players have begun to drift to varying degrees.

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