When the web series first aired, only fans of An Xu and fans of the original book watched it.

Fans of the book were already prepared to check out the first episode.

But I found that it was a bit over the top! !

Continue to watch the second episode.

And then the third episode.

After watching the fifth episode at one time, I shouted that I can't watch enough! ! ?

"Hurry up, crew, let me release the rest, I want to watch it!!"

"Help me, I love General Fu so much, I'm about to bend over."

"Me too, me too, I love General Fu so much! It's so sassy!! Going crazy!"

First, there was a wave of small explosions that no one paid attention to.

Two days later, there was a sudden explosion.

The hot search is full of various entries about this drama.

#want to marry General Fujun

#Anxiang you deserve it
#Xu Zhouchi is too handsome! !

Many people watched and shouted that the domestic Xianxia has improved!

After watching too many fairy-tale dramas with routines, a fairy-tale drama with excellent special effects and online acting skills of all the members suddenly appeared.

Everyone couldn't help sighing that their eyes had been washed.

Anxu's popularity soared to 3000 million.

"I rely on me, Xiangxiang, our popularity has increased a lot!"

The managers were all dumbfounded, holding their mobile phones to watch the number of fans keep rising.

No, is this show so popular?
Is it so inexplicably hot?
An Xu held the tablet, clicked on the show, and pushed it in front of the agent.

"Go after it yourself, I'll go out for a while."

"What are you going for?"

"Go to the supermarket to buy something."

An Xu tidied up casually, and went to the supermarket wearing a mask and hat.

The agent took a bag of potato chips from the refrigerator and watched the show.

An Xu, who arrived at the supermarket, pushed the cart, picking and choosing to buy some necessities.

I have eaten a lot of snacks recently, let's make up for it.

When passing by the potato chip area, I saw a girl reaching for the potato chips on the table, but she couldn't get it.

He walked over, took it off for her, and handed it to her.

"thank you."

The girl took the potato chips and looked at An Xu gratefully.

After watching for two seconds, the eyes suddenly glowed.

"You you you you, Ann..."


An Xu stretched out a finger to signal her not to shout.

It's also very strange in my heart, she has covered herself like this, but she can still recognize herself?
The girl immediately covered her mouth, but her eyes were still wide open, looking at An Xu brightly.

"You, you, me."

The girl had lost her language function, so she didn't speak for a while.


An Xu didn't rush her, but lowered his head and asked her in a low voice.

"Okay, can we take a photo together..."

The girl asked with some trepidation.

"of course."

An Xu replied with a smile.

yeah! ! !
Immediately took out the phone and turned on the camera.

An Xu took off his mask and made a scissors hand.

The girl covered her mouth excitedly.

In the end, An Xu also bought her order together as a treat.

After returning home, the girl excitedly issued a scarf.

"Ahhhhhhhh who knows! I met General Fu in the supermarket today! I couldn't get potato chips, but General Fu helped me get them! It's so gentle~"

Some expressed envy, while others expressed doubts.

"Cut, I've seen too many marketing accounts for traffic."

"I also said that Anxiang invited me to dinner."

Seeing so many people questioning her, the girl immediately released the group photo.

"General Fu didn't treat me to dinner, but he did treat me to snacks. She invited me to this bag of snacks!"

As soon as the group photo was posted, everyone was envious.

Many people ran to her to find out which supermarket it was, but the girls turned them away.

An Xu also brushed it, because the girl Aite raped herself.

So give her a thumbs up.

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