After clicking, he looked at the manager next to him who was still chasing the show.

"Are you optimistic? I still want to play games."

"There is one more episode and one more episode, wait for me to finish watching."

"Take your phone and watch it yourself."

"Oh, it's better to watch dramas on a tablet."

He rolled his eyes at the agent.

Before, I thought it was a small script, a small crew.

Now I can see it better than anyone else.

The female player noticed the ranking, and Anxu's popularity was soaring.

I ran to find the female star in the latest popular drama, and finally found An Xiang.

"Lucky, I've become a star."

Feeling uneasy, the female player stared at the phone.

She also wants to act. The traffic speed of being an Internet celebrity is not as fast as that of a celebrity.

"What, you want to go to a variety show?"

"Yes, I want to be on a variety show."

When talking to the boss, the female player raised her mouth.

It's definitely not good to go to acting, the boss is reluctant to invest.

But going to variety shows is not necessarily the case. Now variety shows come to traffic very quickly and the cost is not high.

The boss will definitely consider it.

"Okay, I'll help you arrange it then."

An Xu also received an invitation from a variety show.

"Xiangxiang, these are the latest invitations, see which one you want to go to."

"It's a mess, just choose one for me."


Hearing what An Xu said, the manager was happy.

In the end, I helped her choose the latest issue of Escape Room.

An Xu was absent-minded,

Should we go to the next level soon?
But why do I feel uneasy all the time.

After the female player heard the news, she also rushed over.

Because she also has 300 million fans, the director agreed to her coming.

No money anyway.

"You said that Internet celebrity is coming too?"

An Xu frowned and looked at the manager.

"That's right, what's the matter? It's also strange, this crew also added a small Internet celebrity."

The manager was quite upset. After all, he felt that with their family's status, they must be serious stars no matter what.

After arriving at the set, An Xu saw the female player.

Glancing at her, he pretended not to see her and left.

Female player: Sure enough, this look is her right.

"Yo, Sister An is here."

The director was joking and came over to shake hands with An Xu.

Sister An is a nickname given to An Xu by fans, and usually many people in the circle will call it this jokingly.

"How can you shout like that."

An Xu answered her with a smile.

The female player was very upset on the side.

The director ignored her from the beginning to the end.

During this period of time, she has been praised, and she has not been treated coldly.

"It's different this time. We're going to record an episode live."

The director said with a smile.

The rest of the cast felt bad all of a sudden.

He is indeed the most skillful director in the entertainment industry.

If you know it's a live broadcast, they won't come.

But if he leaves at this time, it will be impossible to cooperate with this director in the future.


An Xu smiled and winked at him.

"I knew Sister An understood me, hahaha."

The director is happy.

An Xiang is the biggest star in today's cafe.

She didn't mind it, and it would be too ignorant for other people to mind.

After confirmation, the program will begin to prepare for recording.

The female player stepped forward to greet An Xu:
"Hello, Miss An."

"Ah hello."

An Xu greeted her casually, seeing that she was still standing here.

I'm afraid she might not know how to scold herself.

"Why are you still standing here? What are you doing like this? Did our Xiangxiang bully you?"

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