And An Xu, who reached another level, stared at the group of people who bowed to him in front of him with staring eyes.

What is this for?

"Wang Zun, please be ready to fight on the battlefield and expand the territory!"

One of the tall men knelt on the ground half-kneeling, clasped his fists and said.


This level is about fighting for territory.

"Wait for me to think about it before making a decision."

Anxu decided to understand the current situation before making a decision.

All the generals pursed their lips and went out the door with solemn expressions.

"Wang Zun's attitude..."

One of the generals couldn't help but speak.

"Wang Zun is a woman after all, too indecisive, Jiangshan is sad, sad!"

Another veteran couldn't help crying with a bitter look on his face.

"If you are so self-confident, one day our door will be opened by the enemy!"

Of course An Xu heard their discussion, and pretended not to hear, and asked the guard to give her the map.

She has to look at the strength of her own country.

After searching for a long time, she finally found her own country.

so small? ? ?
The tiny country is simply that.

Hastily clicked on the ranking, and his own territory was at the bottom.

The area is 30 square kilometers.

Female players are not much better, 20 square kilometers.

The other three male players are big players.

Sure enough, it was the last level that decided this level.

But it doesn't show the players' land, only the land area.

It's time to grab the territory! ! !
Of course, it must be picked up from a young age.

You can't swallow an elephant like a snake,
After looking at the map for a long time, An Xu decided on a place not far away.

Although this country is larger than itself, the monarch is extravagant, and he has survived so far only by relying on the breath of the big country.

If you hit this land, you will definitely be warned by a big country.

So, she had to prepare first.

The next day, the generals were called to a meeting to discuss the war.

"I decided to attack the country of Lang."

The eyes of the generals brightened one after another, but the old general said worriedly:
"Wang Zun, Lang Country is a subsidiary country of Chen Country, if it attacks, won't it be attacked by Chen Country?"

Although he was very happy that Wang Zun was willing to take the initiative and no longer be complacent like before.

But things are tense right now.

"I know, so we need to be armed."


Everyone couldn't help but replied in unison.

"We need to build an elite army, force is the best suppression!"

An Xu is not without brains. Since he is not afraid of big powers, he must have his own cards.

He showed the generals the blueprints he had drawn all night, but the generals were so rough that they couldn't understand them at all.

Forget, this is what civil servants should do.

So with a wave of his hand, he summoned all the civil servants.

Speak your thoughts with the generals.

"Currently, our weapons require close range to attack each other, but I have developed a new type of weapon that can kill with one blow from a distance!"

Hearing that An Xu said that he could be killed with one blow from a distance, everyone looked at each other in shock.

Is there really such a powerful thing?
After the civil servant arrived, although he didn't understand it very well, he probably understood what An Xu wanted to do.

"The formula of this gunpowder is very similar to that of fireworks."

A civil servant looked at An Xu in puzzlement.

Fireworks on the battlefield?Celebrating started a fight?
"Fireworks can hurt people, how about improving it?"

An Xuliang said this leisurely, and a thin layer of cold sweat broke out on the back of the civil servant.

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