"Wang Zun, may I ask why you attacked Lang?"

The veteran asked his own question,

Even with the support of force, you can't fight Chen Guo?
"Lang Country has a lot of iron mines."

Of course, An Xu was eyeing other people's things.

My own country has nothing to ask for, not even iron mines.

If you want to expand your territory, how can you have fewer weapons?

"I understand it."

The veteran nodded.

After the meeting ended, Anxu secretly organized a group of top blacksmiths in the country.

"See Wang Zun."

The old craftsman knelt down in fear with trembling hands.

"Come on, please come here this time for this reason."

An Xu handed them the blueprints. Rao is a skilled craftsman, who was completely dazed by the complicated gun blueprints, so he could only tell An Xu in fear:

"Wang, Wang Zun, I may not be able to do it..."

"It's okay, I know you can't do it, so I'll guide you from there."

After An Xu finished speaking, he ordered the craftsmen to forge the iron first.

After what happened on the mutant desert island before, she began to read a lot of books.

Especially about this build class.

She also memorized the disassembly drawings of the simplest earth guns.

Therefore, she plans to build a batch of earth guns, and then train an army with super high force value!

Hot weapons are inherently suppressed by cold weapons.

After a week of trying back and forth, the first soil gun was born! !

An Xu excitedly summoned a group of civil and military officials to see the power of the earth gun.

Of course, she did it herself.

The recoil of the soil gun is so strong that even generals may not be able to hold it.

A goat was brought in, and the guard whipped it, and the goat immediately ran in terror.

An Xu set up his gun and took aim.

Press the trigger,


The strong recoil of the soil gun made An Xu's shoulder go numb.

The goat fell to the ground.

"Is this any different from a bow and arrow?"

A military officer couldn't help muttering.

An Xu smiled and motioned for the guards to bring the sheep over.

When everyone saw the carcass of the sheep, they saw that the sheep was dead and could not die anymore.

Generally, when a bow and arrow penetrates the body of the prey, the prey will not die immediately.

Unless it's getting to the point.

It is very difficult, generally the head and the heart are difficult to penetrate.

The demands on archers are high.

They didn't open their eyes wide until the guards dug into the goat's brain for a long time and pulled out a tiny iron ball.

This, this is the real one-hit kill!
Such a powerful weapon suddenly made many people eager to try it out.

"This gun is easy to use, and the recoil is extremely heavy. I'm afraid the lovers will have to practice for a while before they can get used to it."

The military officers didn't understand what recoil was. They only knew that Wang Zun said they couldn't use it for the time being, so they could only stare at the gun eagerly.

After putting down the gun, An Xu brought the prepared gunpowder again.

"This is?"

The civil servant looked at the little iron ball in puzzlement.


An Xu pulled off the iron hook and threw it far away.


The mud on the ground was blasted three meters high, and the sound was so loud.

The civil servant was so scared that he fell to the ground.

"This, what is this thing, the power is so terrifying!"

Tremblingly pointing at the explosion, eyes terrified,

"This is gunpowder, and the recipe is the fireworks."

Added something else.

No one expected that fireworks would be so powerful!

"Hahahahaha! With such a baby, do you still worry about my country?!"

The military commander was so excited that he admired An Xu completely.

In the following time, An Xu let the blacksmiths continue to make guns and prepare gunpowder.

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