The armed squad has always been on her mind.

In reality, there is no way to touch a gun because of national regulations.

I didn't expect to touch it in the copy.

It should be said no, guns are much more convenient than bows and arrows!
When he came to the barracks, An Xu began to select talents.

As soon as many soldiers heard that Wang Zun wanted to build an armed squad, they immediately came here regardless of anything!
This was built by Wang Zun himself!Soaring into the sky is now!

In the end, An Xu selected [-] soldiers who could see through in physical strength and intelligence.

"Let me say it first, the next training volume may be ten times more terrifying than your usual amount. If you can't persist, you should quit now. I can't do anything to you."

Sitting on the chair, An Xu lazily said to these soldiers.

"Wang Zun! We can!"

the soldier shouted.

For the next month, Anxu trained the soldiers every day.

The high-intensity training did not force anyone away, but it caused physical problems for the two soldiers.

An Xu gave them a lot of pensions and let them go back to live a good life.

For the rest of the soldiers, Anxu gave each of them a gun.

"The guns that each of you are equipped with are unique, you must cherish them, this is a great honor!"


The armed team had been demonstrated by Anxu how to use guns before, and they wanted to own a gun for a long time.

If she wasn't still around right now, they would all be screaming with excitement.

After An Xu left, the gang of soldiers really started screaming.

Touching the gun is like touching his own wife.

This is the treatment that even the generals do not have!
The armed squad was named the Sharpshooter by An Xu as the kingdom's trump card.

The generals are all jealous.

Now the guns are tight, these are the most.

It was still the 18 that An Xu hurriedly rushed out.

Iron ore resources are tight, and guns are difficult to produce.

But gunpowder is not difficult to make, and a batch has already been made.

Two months later, the assembly was complete.

Anxu officially declares war on Lang!
When Lang Guo heard that the leading country was going to fight with him, he was frightened and went to ask Chen Guo for help.

Chen Guo didn't take Anxu's country seriously at all, so he sent [-] troops to support it.

On the day of the official battle, An Xu brought his troops to the city on the edge of Lang Kingdom.

"Listen, people inside, surrender without killing! If you don't surrender, you will stay with me to the end!"

Roaring with a loudspeaker, the general on the city said with disdain:

"A small country like Anguo is worthy of talking to us! The monarch is a bitch, and it's not that good!"

When the soldiers heard that this little general dared to humiliate their lord, they were so excited that they wanted to attack the city.

"If you don't surrender, then fight!"

An Xu was riding a horse, looking dangerously at the enemy general on the city.

The two sides sent troops to each other and began to fight,

Just as Lang Guo soldiers were running towards An Xu's team, An Xu waved his hand.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

The gunpowder troops threw the grenades, and the horses of Langguo marched first, and the people who were bombed were thrown off their feet.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, the leader of the troops in the rear wanted to evacuate urgently.

Killed by a single shot from the sharpshooters in the rear.

"what is that!!!"

The general on the city looked at the team dully.

"Siege the city! Don't slaughter the people, don't rob the people of Lang Kingdom!"

With an order, the soldiers shouted yes and began to fight with the enemy soldiers.

The army in the rear was blown up by gunpowder and had no ability to resist.

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