The leaders were all killed by members of the sharpshooter team.

The dragons had no leader, and the 12 army was defeated by Anxu's [-] army at once, and it was torn apart.

Occupying this frontier town is effortless.

The border town was occupied, and Lang Guo was so frightened that he frantically asked Chen Guo for help.

Chen Guo was also reluctant to send troops.

But as a big country, if it can't even protect its own dependent countries,

Wouldn't it be a joke for other countries!

No way, another 20 troops were sent to support.

And after Anxu attacked the city, he saw that the people in this border city were thin and haggard.

There is no difference between being human and being dead.

There is no response to the city breaking.

"Hey, the country of Lang is decaying and declining, and the people are also living in hardship."

The general couldn't help sighing.

An Xu directly asked the city lord to be tied up, but was told that the city lord had disappeared.

Only a house of concubines was left.

"Go, confiscate all the property of the rich in the city, but don't hurt people, unless you resist too much."


And the food of those rich people was distributed by Anxu to other poor people in the city who couldn't eat.

Lang Country is really rich in minerals, there are two veins in this city alone.

After returning to the country, Anxu immediately arranged for people to introduce people from the border town of Langguo to mine ore veins and transport them back to the country.

The women and children were all sent back to the country to settle down.

Prisoners of war are also treated favorably and do ideological work well.

It can be said that these treatments were unprecedented from the beginning to the end, and many civil servants are admonishing and opposing.

"My lord, these refugees are outsiders after all, so they can't be single-minded!"

"Aiqing, let me ask you, what do we need now?"

An Xu was grading papers and asked him with a headache.

"Lack of territory."

"No, it's a shortage of people. Our army is short of people, our farmland is short of people, and we are short of people everywhere. The people of Lang Kingdom are not very happy, and they must be kind to us. Don't you understand this reason?"

"Understood, my lord is wise."

Not only did it start with force, but Anxu also started with the national system.

"Women can join the army, or they can start their own family!"

The women who saw the announcement on the street discussed excitedly.

Women in Anguo are very free, after all, the lords are all women.

But joining the army and establishing a family on our own is still not enough.

Now it's open!

For a while, the Women's Army was established.

Many feudal systems can be changed, but Anxu is going to take it slowly.

It is unacceptable for many people to change all of a sudden.

It will only make the situation more volatile.

After winning the battle, Anguo's momentum was strong for a while.

Many men began to join the army, and the country of Lang was once surrounded by the capital city.

In the end, the head of the lord fell to the ground.

From then on, the country of Lang changed its name to Anguo.

Originally, the people of the Lang Kingdom lived in dire straits, but now the country is ruined and their families are ruined.

Falling into despair, only to find...

Anguo's system is so easy?
All the original rich people's property was confiscated, and their houses were distributed to the homeless people.

Life is actually much better than before!

And Anguo soldiers are also very kind and never bully the people.

All of a sudden, Anxu not only got the land of Lang Country, but also the hearts of the people of Lang Country.

Once the iron ore is in hand, guns can be mass-produced.

An Xu reproduced the assembly line production, and now he can create hundreds of guns a day.

Once Lang's treasury was confiscated, the treasury became much richer.

The treasury was rich, and Anxu immediately lowered taxes.

Start training other arms.

Chen Guo did not protect Lang Guo, and was very angry at Anguo's slap in the face.

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