Chapter 277 The Restraint of Desire (33)

Aurangsi didn't know that Kriti would appear, so he immediately turned around and hugged Anxu tightly.

"I am a dragon body, I will not be burned."

While hugging An Xu, he murmured softly.

He won't let Andy get hurt.

"We're fine!"

An Xu broke free and took out the silver moon bow.

"Water Moon Mirror Flower!"

Using his ability, An Xu copied a silver moon bow.

"Hit him!"

Throwing the copied Silver Moon Bow to Aurangsi, Anxu charged up and aimed.

"call out!"

With a golden light, the arrow rushed towards the virtuous dancer.

But the golden arrow is only a small problem for the defensive sage dancer.

Slapping away the golden arrow with one palm, he leaned over and was about to charge towards An Xu.

Aurangsi sensed it immediately, charged up and shot an arrow.

For a moment, he felt back to the time when he was shooting arrows with Andy at the arrow range.

The virtuous dancer also sensed Aurangsi's thoughts and turned over to escape.


Oranci couldn't help but squeeze the arrow tightly.

He still doesn't know much.

An Xu took advantage of the moment when the dancer turned over, and stabbed him in the throat with an arrow!

The virtuous dancer cried out in pain, and a golden glowing thread spread from the neck.

The whole body seemed to be split apart.

In the end, the cracks gradually covered the whole body and disappeared.

"I can't spare you!!!"

This sentence can only be the last ruthless word.

"he died."

Oranci could feel,
Because the induction is gone.

At this moment, An Xu couldn't help but smile.


Why is the task not showing as complete?
"The task doesn't show as complete."

Said to Aurangsi in a panic.

After hearing this, Aurangsi smiled:

"Come on Andy."

An Xu shook her head, she didn't believe it.

She can't.

The quest does not appear to be complete, indicating that the survival game considers Xiandan and Oranci as one.

If she wanted to complete the task, she could only kill Aurangsi too!
"As much as I want Andy and I to be together forever, Andy sure doesn't want to, right?"

Aurangsi approached Ansu and reached out to caress her cheek.

"I hope Andy is happy."

An Xu's eye sockets moistened slightly.

She really couldn't kill Orancie.

Seeing that Anxu bowed his head in silence, Aurangsi picked up the golden arrow.

"What are you doing?!"

An Xu panicked and looked at him in shock.

In the next second, Aurangsi stabbed the golden arrow straight into his throat,
The second he fell down, Oranci spoke slowly:
"I seem to be in love with you, Andy."

But I can't selfishly keep you...

"don't want!!"

【Congratulations on completing the task! 】

The four weeks began to collapse, and An Xu was kicked out of the dungeon.

When she tried to support Oranci's fallen figure, she had already reached her room.

Looking at the empty hands, An Xu felt confused for the first time.

why?Aurangsi obviously did nothing.

Why kill him to get a dungeon?
In her eyes, Oranci was a simple child.

He longs for love, longs for someone to accompany him.

"Xuxu, don't be sad."

Kriti came out of the dagger, and tenderly hugged An Xu who was kneeling down and crying.


Pippi cried too much.

Oranci is miserable.

The other four players in the dungeon were still thinking about what to do.

As a result, the dungeon was ejected.

After the dungeon, they also remembered the original mission.

It was plotted against!

This dungeon boss changed their memories.

The female player looked around and immediately thought of An Xu.

Could it be that woman who killed the boss?

 Pippi: (crying) "Thank you for the monthly ticket of Nirvana Qingcheng, and thank you for the monthly ticket of Dye Bai."

  Don't ask why it's crying, just ask because you've been abused
(End of this chapter)

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