My name is Oranci.

He is the second son of the leader of the Dragon Clan.

Dragons usually give birth to one son, but my mother gave birth to two sons at a time.

This is an unfortunate birth in the Dragon Clan.

My father wanted to strangle me in the cradle, and my mother couldn't bear to see me lose my life when I was young, so she kept me behind crying.

That's why I hate her instead.

The elder brother who was born with me is called Ao Langxian.

Since childhood, my brother has been shining brightly,

Admired and loved.

The maids liked him, and his parents took special care of him.

Because the elder brother is powerful, he showed amazing talent at a young age.

At 10 years old, I can spread my wings and fly, but I...haven't even grown wings.

This made my father loathe me even more, thinking that I was a disgrace to the Orang family.

My mother never cared about me. In my childhood, there was only the maid sister.

My sister, the only maid I relied on, was also snatched away by my brother.

In front of people, he always looks after me.

The empress who abused me deserved to die, a piece of trash like me shouldn't be his younger brother.

I hate him, I hate everyone.

So I rebelled against the Dragon Clan and tried every means to transform into the Human Clan.

Among the Dragon Clan, I am a disgrace to the Oran Family and the cause of the Dragon Clan's misfortune.

But in the human race, I am a heroic knight, a hero who expanded the territory!

I, who had never been affirmed, was satisfied in the human race.

But not long after, the Dragon Clan found me.

Not only that, they also occupied the human world and raised humans in captivity as food.

And the mastermind of all this is my brother, Ao Langxian!
I scolded him, why did he do this.

He said arrogantly, I don't deserve to live a good life.

I should be the humble muddy water in the muddy land on a rainy day.

At this moment, my hatred for him reached its peak.

But sin will be punished.

To humans, dragons are creatures of a higher race.

Then there are more powerful existences above the Dragon Clan.

The cruelty of the dragon clan made the high race furious, and sent gods to strangle the dragon clan.

I am no exception.

At the moment of death, I was extremely happy.

The brutal dragon clan deserves such treatment.

But I hate that Ao Langxian has his own domain!

Forcibly stuffed my soul into the world he occupied, and erased my memory.

At that time, I was a lowly slave.

Although I am a male slave, my self-esteem does not allow me to be a tool for venting.

However, because I didn't want to sleep with me, I was constantly sold and humiliated.

Finally, I compromised.

I went to the manor owner's bed, ready to serve her.

But I didn't expect that she would drive me away suddenly.

Although I was angry inside, I couldn't help but rejoice.

In the days that followed, in order to live a better life, I went to curry favor with this weird manor owner.

But found that she was not interested in the male slaves in the backyard at all,

I gradually became curious about her, she was like a book full of magic.

It fascinates me more and more.

She will give me special care and will promise many of my requests.

He even wanted me to be a commoner and no longer a slave.

A wandering soul seems to belong to her.

I take her as my everything,
Later, I also felt that she was different, she didn't seem to belong here.

But it doesn't matter, wherever she goes, I will go there.

As long as I can be with Andy forever, I don't care about anything.

However, when she was about to leave, she didn't seem to be planning to take me with her.

I begged her, begged her to take me with me, not to leave me.

She didn't agree, she just told me that she wasn't going to drive me away.

I believed it, I thought the meaning of this sentence would take me away.

The next day, I found out she was gone.

And I, became the owner of the manor.

I looked for her everywhere like crazy, but I couldn't find her anywhere.

I don't want any manor or wealth.

All I want is Andy.

Later, I sensed Andy's location.

Also remembered the memory that was erased.

That weird dancer is Ao Langxian!
She's with Ao Langxian, and Andy is in danger!
I broke through this world desperately, came to Andy's side, and together with Andy defeated Ao Langxian.

I'm so happy, but I'm scared.

Fear that things will turn out as I expected.

I know Andy's mission, to kill the master of this world.

Ao Langxian and I are the common masters of this world.

So... should I let Andy go?

At that moment, many thoughts flashed through my heart.

I can go and hide so Andy can't find me so she can't go.

However, when I saw her worried eyes.

I relented,

I want Andy to do what he loves.

Such a soft-hearted Andy must be reluctant to attack me.

So, don't let Andy have a psychological burden.

I'll do it myself.

To meet Andy, I die without regret.

Andy, I don't have an afterlife.

I love you and I want to be with you forever.

You have to be safe and live happily for me.

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