Crossed into the infinite stream of novels and became the villain

Chapter 280 There is another level of identity

I actually have other identities.

An Xu's thinking couldn't help but broaden.

Yue Cang sighed, and waved his hand in front of her eyes.

"Don't think about it, this identity is not that simple. In short, your strength is now low. Once you are exposed, you will be killed."

After hearing what Yue Cang said, An Xu frowned.


Who is going to kill her?
Suddenly, she thought of the pair of people who controlled her life.

Could it be this person?

"By the way, this time... I will also inform you, and be mentally prepared."


An Xu's thoughts were pulled back by him again.

"There are not enough players, and more people may be drawn in later."

When Yue Cang said this, he looked a little tired.

"I have always been curious about one thing. You are afraid that the death souls of other races will increase and cause saturation. What about players? The death rate of players through the game is also very high."

An Xu asked him strangely.

This is something she has always been curious about.

"Isn't this a very simple matter? Think about where these players are from."

"In the novel."

"Where do the characters in the book have souls?"


Anshu's eyes widened.

"Why not, they..."

"I know, you want to say, they all have love and righteousness, and have life, right?"

Yue Cang knew what An Xu wanted to say, and felt a little headache.

An Xu stopped talking, looked at Yue Cang, and waited for his next sentence:

"However, the characters in these novels are virtual in the final analysis. You can feel so real because the world is actually materialized."

is soulless.

An Xu felt a pain in his heart.

Master Xu who is like everyone's parents, Lu Yu who is silly, Bai Lulu who is simple, Cheng Xun who is awkward, and Liu Heqing who is gentle.

Obviously, they are all so fresh and vivid.

Obviously a real person!

"That is to say, if they die, will there be no afterlife?"


No wonder, no wonder they were chosen as players.

Anshu pursed her lips,

"The organization has problems with reincarnation due to accidents. The number of souls to accommodate is scarce, and a batch of undead is piled up. The resentment of the undead is too heavy, and some of them have generated domains.

At this time, internal differentiation emerged.

Half of the people decided to take away the soulless body to solve the problem of the domain, but the other half thought it was too cruel.

In the end, the two sides made a compromise, allowing the soulless body to go to the field and giving rewards.

Most of the rules were customized by Bai.

It was Black who made the decision.

The previous decision to destroy that planet was made by the people over there.

People on Bai's side objected, so the two sides made an oath.

In the doomsday rescue dungeon, whichever side wins, the right to speak in the future will be directed by whichever side.

But this time, Black proposed to let other soulless bodies participate in the field.

Bai refused, and instead let Hei seize the opportunity, suggesting that the existing soulless body world should draw out more soul bodies. "

After Yue Cang finished speaking, he sighed slightly.

An Xu was surprised that he would talk so much to himself.

After all, he was always secretive before.

"You tell me this..."

"An Xu, I hope you can help Bai's side."

"But my strength is negligible."

An Xu looked into Yue Cang's eyes and didn't understand why he said that.

Is it because I have another layer of identity?
"No, you will gradually become stronger. We, Bai, will try our best to help you."

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