"it is good."

An Xu was silent for a while, then nodded.

Yue Cang smiled, bowed his head slightly to her,

He was teleported back to the room.

When he opened his eyes, there were other people with worried eyes looking at him directly beside the bed.


A very familiar scene.

"It's okay, Shushu."

"Master, why are you dizzy?"

Pippi in his mind also started to ask questions repeatedly.

An Xu quickly waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

Master Xu knew what An Xu meant, so he pulled everyone else out and closed the door behind him.

The quiet An Xu let out a long breath.

I am really curious about that hidden identity.

But she is also willing to believe in Yue Cang, and now she knows that it is not appropriate.


Yue Cang's attitude changed obviously.

He lowered his head slightly to himself before thinking of coming out.

An Xu immediately realized the problem,
Could it be that he is actually a super boss? ? !

After being interrupted like this, An Xu couldn't emo anymore.

Work hard to improve your strength and get up early to figure out your true identity! !

Feel good, but hungry.

Unexpectedly, Master Xu entered the room directly with the dishes.

"You must be hungry."

Master Xu was still wearing an apron, and came to An Xu with his face up.

"Ah, master Xu, I love you!"

After flattering, he hurriedly took the noodles and began to eat them hummingly.

Master Xu tapped her on the head amusedly.

Just refresh yourself.

The little girl always bears with herself when she has something on her mind, and doesn't tell them.

That's all he can do for her.

An Xu ate, and gave Master Xu a slightly worried look.

I thought about what Yuecang said again,
"People in books have no souls."

Feeling slightly sad again.

There is no afterlife, death is death.

"Master, are you afraid that you won't have a next life?"

"Why do you ask?"

Master Xu took a bottle of water, unscrewed it and handed it to her.

"Just ask."

Anshu muttered softly.

"Anyway, I won't remember what happened in my previous life in my next life, so what's the difference?"

Seeing that An Xu had finished eating, Master Xu took out the bowl and washed it.

An Xu looked at Master Xu's back and smiled.

I just love to think too much,
Master Xu is so free and easy.

Thinking of the questioning machine, I quickly opened the interface:

"Name: Cheng Yu continued [third-level player]

Age: 18
stamina:? ? ?

Intelligence value: 80
Strength: 100
Currently available points: 7 (2 extra points are awarded due to the urgent change of tasks. 3 points for main missions, 2 points for side missions.)
Props: [Disposable protective shield] (passive prop, level d) [love gu] (level c, upgradeable) [questioning machine] (available) [time watch] (active prop, level c) [magic sand dagger] (Special props, not owned by Survival Game Management) [Judgment Baton] (active props, level c) [spiritual sleeping pills] (active props, level d) [spell of jealousy] (active props, level d) [Vicious toad] (active props , level d) [Silver Moon Bow] (active item, level a) [anti-poison capsule] (active item, level c) [Dragon Scale Heart] (passive item, level c, upgradeable) [people's blessing] ( Active props, level b)
Ability: Water Moon Mirror Flower, Flesh Regeneration (Passive)

Time to open the next copy: 28 days.

Players are not allowed to use props and abilities to mutilate, insult, and kill non-players and players in the real world, otherwise they will be obliterated. "

Sure enough, the questioning machine worked.

An Xu clicked to use, and a line of subtitles appeared in front of him.

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