[Enable the question machine, please enter the question, the question machine will only answer yes or no]

The answer is yes, or no...

An Xu stroked his chin, and after a while, stretched out his hand to type:

"Is my unknown and powerful enemy above the survival game?"

After clicking confirm, An Xu clenched his fist nervously.

The screen rotated in circles and displayed:


After getting this answer, An Xu's eyes turned cruel.


None of the members of the survival game organization can extend their hands to each world.

But this person can control his life at will.

Although she vaguely had an answer in her heart, she didn't dare to confirm it.

Because a species stronger than that organization member, I dare not imagine...

Now the questioning machine gave her the answer.

Knowing the strength of this person, An Xu didn't have much fear in his heart.

She can still sit here safely, which shows that that person still doesn't know her existence.

To be strong, to be strong.

Now, An Xu has only one thought in his heart.

Yue Cang on the other side found that the questioning machine was used, smiled, looked at Li Jin and said:
"She has really figured out everything, and everything is developing according to her expectations."

"That's... ahem, is she okay?"

Li Jin asked Yue Cang with an unnatural expression.


Yue Cang naturally watched his jokes, and the sadness that could not be erased from his face disappeared.

It finally started, and he thought that he would never be able to wait for her to wake up in this life.

In the martial arts hall, Lu Yu stared dumbfounded at the hammered wooden piles on the ground, and swallowed.

"Well, master, I've been pretty good lately, haven't I?"

Looking at An Xu who was beating the new stake, Lu Yu was a little scared.

"Ah, very cute."

An Xu didn't look at him, and continued to concentrate on driving stakes.

Lu Yu became even more frightened, and ran to the kitchen to whisper to Master Xu who was cooking:

"Master, something is wrong with the master!! It's scary!!!"

Master Xu didn't take it seriously, he weighed the dishes in the pot and said:
"Your master is enlightened and knows that he has to work hard to become stronger, and you have to keep up with your master's pace."


Lu Yu poked his head out and saw that An Xu had hammered the wooden stake to pieces, and replaced it with an iron stake.

He shivered with fright.

So terrifying.

An Xu looked at the bruised and bruised joints on his hands, as if he didn't know the pain.

After five seconds, the bruise slowly disappears.

Not enough, still not enough.

"Xuxu, come and eat."

Master Xu held the dishes and called An Xu.

"it is good."

While eating, Master Xu said homely:
"Why are you working so hard all of a sudden?"

"I want to be stronger."

"If you want to become stronger, do you just force yourself so much?"

Master Xu picked up a chopstick and put the twice-cooked meat into An Xu's bowl.

An Xu stopped eating, his nose was slightly red.

"Don't force yourself, Xu Xu, there is still a master."


She's just stressed out.

She couldn't breathe at the thought of a strong, suffocating enemy above her head looking for her weak self.

"Master, don't hurry yourself away, you still have us!"

Lu Yu also put down the bowl and chopsticks, making an Ultraman gesture.

An Xu was amused by his dick, and couldn't help laughing out loud.

Tears flowed down.

Master Xu took out a handkerchief and wiped it gently for her.

"It's good to cry, you are only so old, don't hold back in everything."


Wiping away his tears, An Xu cheered up again.

Don't let these two worry about you!How greasy and crooked.

"Eat, eat, master, today I have your favorite twice-cooked pork."

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