When school started the next day, An Xu was reviewing the knowledge in the books.

Recently, she is basically looking at other professional knowledge, and she doesn't read textbooks much.


Bai Lulu waved happily when she saw An Xu.

"You came."

An Xu said to her with a smile.

"It's so fast, we will take the college entrance examination at the end of this semester."

Yes, time flies so fast.

I have been here for half a year.

In just half a year, her sense of belonging was stronger than the twenty-odd years of her original planet.

Treat this as your own home.

"Well, come on."

An Xu knew that the heroine could be admitted to Kyoto University.

"Continue to work harder, we are going to the same university~"

After Bai Lulu finished speaking, she hugged An Xu's arm affectionately and entered the school together.

In the second half of the third year of high school, the studies are heavy.

An Xu and Bai Lulu are in the key class. At a glance, everyone is reciting their own books.

Don't dare waste any time.

"Wow, everyone is working hard."

Bai Lulu said in a low voice.

An Xu curled his lips and closed his eyes in pain.

The second college entrance examination in life is coming.

It seems that I can't go to Master Xu's for dinner recently, and I have to stay until eight or nine o'clock for evening self-study.

After sending messages in the group, An Xu started a day of study.

At nine o'clock in the evening, after the evening self-study, everyone packed up their things and prepared to go home.

"Continue, Brother Cheng and I will take you home."

Bai Lulu is worried about An Xu, after all, she was followed last time.

"No, who can beat me."

"That can't be taken lightly."

After Cheng Xun finished speaking, he and Bai Lulu held An Xu's arm, as if they were holding him.

An Xu: "..."

Is this going to the execution ground or going home?

Funny as he was about to say something, he saw a slender figure standing at the school gate out of the corner of his eye.

The male and female students passing by couldn't help but look at him.

It's Master Xu!

"Haha, Master Xu is taking me home, you guys go back quickly."

An Xu waved at him twice, and ran to Master Xu.

Master Xu smiled and handed the milk tea he bought to An Xu, and then the two walked home from left to right.

"That's a continuation."

"Yes, yes, no wonder I said she reconciled with Bai Lulu. It turns out she found a more handsome boyfriend."

The two girls hugged their books and discussed quietly.

"Should I say that the boy just now is really handsome, and he has the charm of a mature man."

It's a hormonal explosion!

A girl's face was reddish, and she looked at An Xu's back enviously.

My brother is so handsome, and my new partner is also so handsome.

I really envy her.

After Cheng Xun heard it, he turned his head seriously and asked Bai Lulu:
"Lulu, am I not as handsome as Master Xu?"

While asking, she put her face in front of Bai Lulu.

"Haha, brother Cheng, are you childish?"

Bai Lulu pushed his face away funny.

An Xu, who had already left first, smiled and asked Master Xu:

"Master, why are you here?"

"I've been sending you home in the evening before, and your evening self-study is no exception."

After Master Xu finished speaking, he patted An Xu's head.

"That's it~"

Master Xu looked like he had dressed up on purpose today.

It seems that he wants to support himself!

An Xu looked at Master Xu with an expression that I understood, making him a little unnatural.

Are you dressed up today?
"Today's Master Xu is super handsome!"

An Xu smiled and gave Master Xu a thumbs up.

Master Xu turned his head away and coughed.

he should be glad it's night
It can hide his reddish earlobes.

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