Ten days passed, and An Xu was about to enter the copy.

Suddenly remembered that there are two new props I haven't seen!
"Name: Cheng Yu continued [third-level player]

Age: 18
stamina:? ? ?

Intelligence value: 80
Strength: 100
Current credits available:

Props: [Disposable protective shield] (passive prop, level d) [love gu] (level c, upgradeable) [questioning machine] (available) [time watch] (active prop, level c) [magic sand dagger] (Special props, not owned by Survival Game Management) [Judgment Baton] (active props, level c) [spiritual sleeping pills] (active props, level d) [spell of jealousy] (active props, level d) [Vicious toad] (active props , level d) [Silver Moon Bow] (active item, level a) [anti-poison capsule] (active item, level c) [Dragon Scale Heart] (passive item, level c, upgradeable) [people's blessing] ( Active props, level b)
Ability: Water Moon Mirror Flower, Flesh Regeneration (Passive)

Time to open the next copy: 28 days.

Players are not allowed to use props and abilities to mutilate, insult, and kill non-players and players in the real world, otherwise they will be obliterated. "

[Dragonscale Heart, automatic defense when suffering a fatal attack, cooling time, 90 days. 】

This... should be given to him by Aurangsi.

An Xu smiled and clicked on the next one.

【The people's blessing, the luck value increases by 10% within 40.00 minutes after use!Disposable props]

This is good!After all, she occasionally gets bad hands for no reason.

After entering the game, a panel pops up in front of An Xu.

"This round is a large-scale self-created dungeon! [Cybercrisis] Level: Number of npcs from level 3 to level 4???, number of players???

Main task: save humanity.

Side mission: Prevent humans from being assimilated by artificial intelligence as much as possible.

Clues: 1. Don't expose the outsider's identity.

2. Beware of artificial intelligence.

3. Players please work together.

4. Player strength determines the difficulty of the opening.

The task rewards are very generous, please work hard to complete the task! "

Another self-created copy?

Cyber ​​crisis?

An Xu didn't think much about it, he had already entered the dungeon.

Before he could recover, his stomach was kicked.

Damn, it hurts.

Who is so bold.

An Xu opened his eyes and saw a one-eyed man looking at him ferociously, he laughed and said:

"Haha, if this hand is removed, it must be very valuable!"

Dismantle? !
[Current physique fusion, 10%]

What does it mean?
The pain in the stomach didn't dissipate for a long time, An Xu understood.

Own passive ability, flesh and blood regeneration.


Because what I got was a new body.

Including my super high IQ is gone.

All she can rely on now are props.

However, my intuition told me that props cannot be used.

Just thinking about what to do, there was a loud roar from outside the dark alley:
"what are you doing?!"

The one-eyed man looked dissatisfied and looked out of the alley.

It was a man, because of the backlight, An Xu couldn't see his appearance clearly.

"What are you going to do with this girl?"

"I want you to take care of it, go away!"

"I've already contacted the interstellar police, and the space jump will come over soon, and you won't be able to leave by then."

When the big man heard that the man had called the police, he ran out in fright.

The man didn't stop him, but watched him run away.

"Are you OK."

Hastily stepped forward to ask An Xu, seeing her pale face, anxiously carried her on his back.

"I'll take you to a nearby clinic."

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