Optical brain?It should be something similar to a mobile phone.

The mayor's wife was afraid that An Xu would lose his memory and not know how to use it, so she explained it to her a little.

"Mom doesn't bother you and continue to rest, go out first, and tell mom when you're hungry."

"it is good."

Anshu nodded.

The mayor's wife was a little sad when her mother didn't shout.

But there is no way, the daughter has amnesia and can't remember herself.

After the mayor's wife left, An Xu started to fiddle with the optical brain.

This thing has a very precise GPS positioning, so it's no wonder that gangsters threw away Anna's optical brain immediately.

After the pupils were identified, An Xu logged on the social account of the original Anna.

Most of them were concerned about whether she was okay, but An Xu was too lazy to return and turned off the optical brain.

As soon as she was free, she couldn't help thinking.

There must be no easy connection between players. This world is full of surveillance, and the control over people is even stronger.

It's like a chip in your brain.

I don't know if there is any way to make the chip in the brain pause the recording.

The thought of going to the bathroom and taking a shower would be recorded, and An Xu felt uncomfortable all over.

It felt like I was stripped naked and thrown on the street.

"Xu Xu, what are you thinking about?"

Pippi was bored, and curiously asked An Xu who was in a daze.

An Xu sighed slightly and said:

"I was wondering if there was a way to pause the recording of the chip in my brain."

"I can."

Pippi said with a smile.

? !
An Xu hurriedly asked Pippi:
"Pippi? Are you serious?"

When Pippi heard it, everyone got up, and said in a stinking way:
"Of course! Our system is very capable. It's just that there is a rule that the system cannot help experimental subjects in the dungeon. But we are all in the original mission world, and this rule is useless to us."

"That's great! Pippi, quickly use your magical powers."

Although Pippi said proudly that he could do it, now he said teasingly:
"However, I just checked. This chip is advanced technology, and it may be controlled for up to two hours a day."

"Two hours is enough! But, if I find out that I miss two hours of video recording every day, will it be exposed?"

Anshu was a little worried.

Pippi pondered for a while, and then answered with confidence for a while:
"Don't worry, Xu Xu, you pretend to be sleeping, and I will block this chip again! Even if someone checks, they can only see that you are sleeping!"

That's good.

The matter of the chip was solved, but she couldn't use the original Anna's computer, so she went to check it with her brain.

There will be usage records.

She doesn't like leaving marks.

Lie down and pretend to be asleep until Pippi's voice sounds:


it is good!
An Xu got up, rummaged through the purse where the clothes were dirty at the beginning, and found a smart phone from inside.

It was given to him by Xiangyang Bridge.

He originally used it for himself to relieve his boredom. This smart phone has been completely eliminated in this high-tech world.

I don't know where he came from.

But it did solve her urgent need. Fortunately, she kept it in her purse.

The smartphone could barely access the Internet, and An Xu checked the news about outsiders.

Turned to the latest news, about a month ago.

"Suspected unknown creatures have appeared, using human bodies as carriers, and will have memories after occupying them."

After clicking in, An Xu finished reading the whole article, and couldn't help cursing secretly.

It should be a good thing done by low-level players, using props, which led to the disclosure of the player's identity.

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