Looking back, most of them arrested some outsiders one after another, and nothing came out of the interrogation.

An Xu guessed that it was because of the restrictions on players in survival games.

Otherwise, with the interrogation methods of this technological world, how could there be no way to deal with the players?
I'm afraid these players are really suffering from being caught, but they deserve it.It is estimated that many other players could not help scolding after seeing these news.

It seems that Anna in the original body really lost her memory, and it affected her to lose her memory.

After figuring this out, An Xu felt a little relieved.

He checked the memory chip again, and was speechless while looking at An Xu.

Is the copy really not wanting to let myself go?
Only government officials will install this chip, the purpose is to monitor them, and it can be regarded as ensuring safety.

As the mayor's daughter, Anna naturally had to install it.

Now this status is indeed honorable.

But for An Xu, it's completely unnecessary!is redundant!

Hands are bound, and he is always worried that he will be exposed.

She is only a level three player, why did she start in this hell!

No wonder, if every player has a chip in his head, then this dungeon will be difficult to survive.

【Body Fusion 30%】

Merged again.

An Xu was worried that his arms would be exposed when he grew out, but now he is relieved.

Pippi can shield herself for two hours in an emergency, and then just hide the robotic arm.

I wanted to find news about the players, but I only found those who were caught.

Everyone is too wary to show their faces online.

This is really difficult to handle.

Two hours passed quickly, and An Xu also ran back to bed and continued to lie down and sleep.

When he woke up, An Xu's body fusion rate was already half, and he remembered a lot of things.

It should be fully integrated at night, right?
"Nana! Are you going to school today?"

The mayor's wife's voice sounded outside the door.

go to school?


The original body seemed to be a college student.

The mayor's wife outside the door was a little nervous. Originally, she wanted Anna to rest for a while.

But the mayor said that going out for a walk more is good for memory recovery.

"it is good."

An Xu changed his clothes and went out to have breakfast.

"Going out for a walk more often is also good for your health."

The mayor's wife touched An Xu's head and said softly.

An Xu nodded and said:
"I do remember something."


The mayor's wife said in surprise.

Andy went on to add:
"But I still have a lot of things I can't remember..."

"It's okay, let's take it slowly, Nana."

After finishing speaking, the mayor's wife showered An Xu with loving eyes.

An Xu looked flustered.

After eating, take a private car.Anxu was sent to school.

In my memory, this school seems to be the top institution of learning, but the original owner's major is political, which is similar to liberal arts students.

An Xu: "..."

I don't want to read all of a sudden.

If it is a science major, she can also go to the class to learn technology.

After getting off the car, An Xu looked at the gate.

Well, it's still full of technology.

The passing students all looked at An Xu and couldn't help discussing.

"Anna is going back to school now, isn't she kidnapped?"

"It looks like she's fine."

An Xu didn't care, turned on the optical computer and looked at the schedule.


Someone was shouting not far away, An Xu looked up and saw a man and a woman.

An urgent search in memory, but no memory.

"Why are you here, aren't you recuperating at home?"

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