"Miss Luo Lanlan, Mr. Shi Lian, our lady suffered a brain injury and has lost her memory. She doesn't even remember... Madam and the mayor."

The bodyguard who was following An Xu said to the two of them.

Luo Lanlan was very surprised. She didn't know Anna's condition and thought it was a minor injury.

Anxiously said to An Xu:

"Anna, I'm Luo Lanlan, your best friend! Good girlfriend!"

"I'm Luozhu, and I'm a childhood sweetheart with you."

Luo Zhu also hurriedly told An Xu.

An Xu frowned and responded in a low voice:

"I really don't remember, I'll get a headache if I try to remember..."

Luo Lanlan couldn't bear it,
Anna has an arrogant temper, and has never shown such a pitiful look in front of people.

It seems that I really don't remember anything.

"It's okay! Today, my sister took you around to play around. If you think about it, you can make money. If you don't think about it, you can have fun!"

After speaking, Luo Lanlan put his arm around An Xu and walked into the gate.

The bodyguard followed behind.

Because of Anxu's amnesia, the mayor's wife is really worried about her being alone.

Say hello to the school and arrange a bodyguard.

An Xu was amused by this girl who looks like a big sister, her personality is really bold.

Luo Zhu followed beside the two ladies.

As soon as she entered the classroom, Luo Lanlan couldn't wait to start telling An Xu:
"I'm Luo Lanlan, your best friend since childhood. Our family is the richest man in Ke'ermu City, and I'm the daughter of the family! Luo Zhu is my brother, and you and him are childhood sweethearts. "

It turned out to be two siblings, no wonder they look a bit alike.

An Xu and Luo Zhu looked at each other and smiled at him.

Luo Zhu also responded with a gentle smile.

The ghost knows how worried he was when he heard the news of Anna's abduction, but his father forbade him to inquire further.

It's good to see she's okay.

"Wow, childhood sweetheart, the little childhood sweetheart has been replaced! This is simply a super sad drama."

Pippi started to piss again, but An Xu's expression didn't change and he said:
"Do you still want your body?"

"Think, little one shut up."

Pippi was indignant,

snort!Every time I use my body to scare him.

After starting class, An Xu felt for the first time...

I look like a scumbag.

I can't understand anything.

But fortunately, the teacher knew her situation and didn't make things difficult for her.

Instead, he comforted me to take it slowly, but another classmate was not so lucky.

"Student Qin Qing, you were the best in the past. You are serious. What's going on today? You can't answer any of them!"

The girl who was criticized hurriedly stood up and apologized to the teacher:

"Sorry teacher, I was lazy yesterday and didn't review my textbooks, that's why I did this, I promise I won't do it again next time..."

Qin Qing apologized earnestly, which softened the teacher's heart.

Well, everyone has their moments of slack.

After teaching her a few words, let her sit down.

Qin Qing noticed that An Xu was looking at her, and smiled friendlyly.

An Xu also responded with a smile.

"Hey, what do you see her doing?"

Lorraine asked puzzled.

"Oh, just a little curious."

"She is an excellent poor student. She is very good. She passed the exam step by step from a small place. But she is not from the same world as us."

Although Luo Lanlan's words were difficult, they were true.

Class cannot be broken. Although Qin Qing is excellent, at most he can find a good job in the future.

It's incomparable to them these days' favored children, unless she gets a wealthy son-in-law and marries into a wealthy family.

An Xu didn't reply.

When she looked at Qin Qing, she simply felt strangely familiar.

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