In the evening, An Xu took a comfortable bath, checked the relevant knowledge of artificial intelligence on the Internet, and began to read.

When the point is reached, let Pippi shield the chip.

Taking out his smartphone, An Xu looked for places like calls and messages.

I didn't find any clues. Could it be that I was thinking too much?
There is another place I haven't seen.

Opening the call block record, An Xu saw a cell phone number lying in it.


He called without hesitation, dialed for two seconds, and someone answered:

"I actually found it."

It was Xiangyangqiao's voice, but the whole person's aura has changed a lot.

"How did you find me."

An Xu was sure that Xiangyangqiao knew he was a player.

And, he is also a player!

"Hmm... I thought Miss Anna was an idiot player, but unexpectedly she gave me a surprise."

"Needless to say these, I'm just curious about where I'm exposed."

An Xu needs to figure this out so that he can hide better.

"No, Miss Anna's disguise is perfect, but my ability is to be able to distinguish the player in the dungeon. In contrast, Miss Anna's ability to guess the player below is really amazing."

Xiang Yangqiao on the other end of the phone said playfully, his whole person was completely different from the little sun he had pretended to be before.

An Xu who knew the reason was slightly relieved,

It turned out to be because of his ability.

But he didn't understand why he did this, so he asked:

"I'm curious, why didn't you join me after you found out that I was a player, and instead went through such a winding procedure?"

"Is Miss Anna looking down on this subordinate? Although we are all players, not all fools can cooperate with this subordinate."

Turned out to be a super narcissist.

An Xu was speechless.

"However, Ms. Anna is indeed impressed by others, but working together is still not enough."

"Huh? Why, you still have a standard for picking people?"

"Hmm, wait and see Miss Anna, I will see how you perform, trust me... cooperating with me will let you know what a reliable teammate is."

After speaking, Xiang Yangqiao hung up the phone.

What he meant was that he planned to cooperate with him, but he wanted to give himself a test?

An Xu touched his chin, is this person really a little too confident.

Is there anything about him that is worthy of my heart, and then be a teammate with him?
After two seconds, the smartphone receives the message.

It's from Xiangyang Bridge.
An Xu clicked open, his pupils dilated.

OK, it seems that we have to cooperate.

This Xiangyang bridge really has two brushes.

He is also quite good at pretending, and he was really deceived by his appearance as a little white rabbit at first.

I'm afraid he has used his ability to find many players, but none of them suit him.

He is too conceited, too picky, and only acts with people who catch his eye.

As for the test he gave himself, An Xu was very curious...

With more than an hour left, An Xu took out the equipment he brought out from school and started tinkering with the robotic arm.

Although she has been wearing a glove on her left hand, she is still worried that one day her real hand will be exposed.

So without doing anything, I melted the manipulator directly, and put a shell on the surface of the left hand.

It should look fine.

After tidying up the mess, An Xu went to bed.

When I woke up again, I was woken up by a noise.

"What are you doing?! My daughter can't be an outsider!"

"Madam Mayor, please understand, we just took Miss Anna to check."

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