Chapter 299 Cyber ​​Crisis (15)

Immediately, An Xu put up his guard, his eyes became clear immediately.

But the man still pretended to be sleepy and went out, yawning and asking:
"Mom, why are there so many people?"

"Miss Anna, we have received a report and questioned you as an outsider."

The person who came didn't look like a policeman, but looked like a lawyer with glasses on.

"Outsiders? What is this, what are you doing..."

An Xu hid behind the mayor's wife shyly, looking at the group of people with fear in his eyes.

But the mayor's wife felt distressed, and shouted to several people with an angry face:
"I let you in as guests, but you used such outrageous reasons to take my daughter away?! I will fight whoever takes away my Nana today!"

"Ma'am, calm down."

The leader was also frightened by the mayor's wife.

They just wanted to take Anna to check the chip.

"Mom, are they going to take me to the hospital? I don't want to go to the hospital, I don't want to."

An Xu cried and hugged the mayor's wife, shrinking into a ball.

Originally, Anna was forced to have her left hand amputated in the hospital because of a car accident when she was a child, so she was very resistant to the hospital.

At this time, the mayor rushed home in a hurry. As soon as he entered the door, the mother and daughter hugged and cried, and suddenly became furious:

"What are you doing?! It's turned upside down!"

"Mayor, we just want to take Miss Anna for a chip check."

The man with glasses lowered his head and said humbly.

It's hard to be a messenger.

"This is an insult, it's slander! My daughter just narrowly escaped death, how could she be an outsider. Okay, let's go to the police station for inspection. After the inspection, please apologize to my daughter in front of the media!!"

The mayor didn't believe that his daughter would be possessed by an outsider, so he took An Xu and the mayor's wife to the police station.

With Pippi's cover-up, of course nothing was found out.

Instead, from the video of An Xu at school, she was found to be a genius in artificial intelligence.

The man who wanted to take An Xu away kept bowing down to apologize, but the mayor ignored him.

The family of three boarded the car to go home, the mayor suddenly said:
"Why didn't you tell me to change your major?"

An Xu glanced at him, and said cautiously:

"I didn't change it, the teacher transferred it for me..."

Seeing the tension in the atmosphere, the mayor's wife explained:
"Nana has liked gadgets like robots since she was a child, and it's not like you don't know it."

The mayor looked at An Xu, who was frightened, and sighed.

"I thought you were just playful, but I didn't expect you to be extremely talented in this area. It's your father who delayed you."

An Xu looked at the mayor's profile, but didn't speak.He lowered his head and clenched his fists.

This crisis has been avoided.

Hello Xiangyangqiao!

No need to guess, it must be his fault.

Knowing that he is the child of a government official, he has a surveillance chip in his brain.Do this on purpose to see if you are calm and careful enough.

He also specifically reported to the mayor's nemesis, the deputy mayor. Even if the other party knew that An Xu was not an outsider, he would do this in order to humiliate the mayor.

This is the so-called test?

That being the case, shouldn't she also reciprocate some courtesy?
Taking out his phone, An Xu smiled lightly.

Xiang Yangqiao leaned back on the chair, staring at the computer with his glasses.

I don't know if this Miss Anna has survived the crisis safely?
I really hope she gets through it, otherwise I don't even have an ally, how lonely I am.

Thoughts were flying, and a warning came from the computer suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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