Wait, big black dragon!

Bai Mu's eyes suddenly lit up. It turned out that A Yu was the big black dragon in that cave, but she couldn't help liking that big black dragon the first time she saw it.

It's just, why did the child born by the big black dragon and the little flower fairy look so weird? Bai Mu looked at the two milk balls and slowly wrinkled into a bun face.

"Mother, mother, Grandpa Dashu said that if mother wakes up, let mother go to find him." The girl said.

Looking at such a cute milk dumpling, Bai Mu couldn't help stretching out his hand to pinch her face, "Good baby, tell mother, do you have a name?"


Bai Mu thought for a while, and two names suddenly popped up in his mind, so he said, "An'an and Fufu, you will be called this from now on, you know?"

Bai Fu and Long An'an nodded obediently. Grandpa Dashu said that mother had just woken up, and she had to rely on her in everything.

Bai Mu looked at the two well-behaved babies, and felt very happy in her heart. Fortunately, she only gave birth to two little babies, and did not have more than fifty babies like Sister Jasmine.

That's great, when I woke up, not only was nothing wrong, but there were two more babies, but Ayu was gone.

Bai Mu felt sad again, and decided to hurry to find her big black dragon in the cave.

Then, Bai Mu forgot about the fact that Big Yushu wanted to see her, and took the two milk dumplings on the road of searching for the dragon.

Not only did the barrier in the forbidden area of ​​death not disappear, but it also became more indestructible, but for Bai Mu, it didn't change a bit, and she still entered it easily.

In front of the big cave, Bai Mu's face slowly wrinkled as he looked at the cave that had been struck by lightning.

Bai Fufu took Bai Mu's hand, blinked her big eyes with the same style as Bai Mu, "Mother, is this where Daddy lives?"

Dad is so poor, he can't even afford a house, so he found a cave as a house.

Bai Mu nodded, holding back the surprise in his heart, and slowly walked in with two milk dumplings.


As soon as she made this sound, Bai Mu felt her neck was pinched by something, and she felt a little out of breath, "Let go, let me go..."

The big black dragon who was disturbed to sleep was very irritable, but when he heard this delicate and soft voice, his heart throbbed inexplicably, and he could only slowly loosen his claws.

"Cough, cough, cough." Bai Mu touched his neck and couldn't help coughing.

Seeing Bai Mu's uncomfortable appearance, the uncomfortable feeling in Da Heilong's heart became more and more intense, and he felt sorry for her.

An emotion like never before.

But when Bai Mu saw the big black dragon she was looking for, he muttered dissatisfiedly: "Ah Yu, you hurt me."

Big Black Dragon: Ah Yu, who is she talking about?

Seeing that the big black dragon didn't respond at all, Bai Mu frowned slightly. If it was before, Ayu would have hugged and coaxed him.

She found something wrong. The big black dragon looked at her as if looking at a stranger.

Bai Mu suddenly felt a little sad, did her Ayu have forgotten her...

Thinking of this, Bai Mu's tears fell directly, the tip of his nose was red, and he looked very cute.

The uncomfortable feeling in the big black dragon's heart became more and more intense. In the blink of an eye, he became a tall man, and a huge sense of oppression hit him.

Obviously has the same face as A Yu, but the eyes are not the same at all.

"Don't cry..." The big black dragon patted Bai Mu's little head lightly. His smooth and soft hair was like fine silk, which made him a little fond of it.

"Ayu..." Bai Mu threw himself into the arms of the big black dragon, rubbing his little head against his arms, as if trying to find comfort.

The big black dragon froze, and the faint fragrance of flowers scrambled into his heart, and he was suddenly at a loss.

This fragrant and soft little flower fairy seemed to be different from the others, and strangled to death with a little force.

"Don't cry." The big black dragon didn't know how to comfort the crying little Huaxian, so he could only let Xiaohuaxian make trouble on him.

After a while, Bai Mu cried enough and buried her face in his chest, how could she cry so hard, it was too embarrassing.

"You, are you ready to cry?"

The big black dragon is notoriously short-tempered, and because he was disturbed by several immortal officials, he directly swallowed those immortal officials into his stomach.

Because of this incident, the big black dragon was directly labeled as the "big devil" by the gods of the heavens.

However, when facing this little flower fairy, he always restrained his temper. He wanted to give her all the best things in the world, and he wanted her to be happy.

Bai Mu responded softly, and slowly left the embrace of the big black dragon. Even if A Yu didn't know him anymore, he would still be kind to him.

The fragrant and soft little Huaxian suddenly moved away from him, which made Daheilong feel a little uncomfortable. The two of them were so silent, and the atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

At this time, Bai Mu suddenly thought of his two babies, and with a bright smile on his face, he pushed the two milk dumplings in front of the big black dragon, "Ah Yu, our babies."

The big black dragon looked at the smile on Bai Mu's face, and was a little dazed. When he first heard the words "our baby", he felt a secret joy in his heart.

However, he immediately realized that it was the first time he met Xiao Huaxian, where did the baby come from.

When he thought of the fragrant and soft little Huaxian having a baby with other people, a trace of hostility flashed across his eyes, since it was the first time they met, he wanted to take Xiaohuaxian as his own.

But at the same time he was angry, the big black dragon was a little bit wronged, Xiao Huaxian brought her and other people's babies here, did he want to find himself as a successor?

If Xiaohuaxian can be left in this way...he is also willing.

Bai Mu could see what the big black dragon was thinking at a glance, and couldn't help feeling a little funny, why he loves brainstorming so much.

She picked up Long An'an, put it into the arms of the big black dragon, and said angrily: "Look for yourself, is this your baby?"

The first time the big black dragon hugged such a fragile dragon cub, he froze there, but when he felt the familiar smell from Long An'an, he froze there completely.

He hadn't been in the cave all the time, how could he have a baby with the fragrant and soft little Huaxian?

The big black dragon was a little apprehensive, he didn't dare to look at Bai Mu at all, he just lowered his aggrieved head, "I'm sorry, I, I forgot..."

"I know." With a big smile on Bai Mu's face, he held the hand of the big black dragon, "Ayu, it's okay, I will tell you our story bit by bit."

"it is good."

The big black dragon thought darkly, it would be best if he never remembered, why at that time he could have the fragrant and soft little flower fairy.

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