The cave was the same as before, except that the pile of gold was more full, and some of it was covered with dust, so it looked no different from the one just looted.

It turns out that Ah Yu likes gold so much.

Bai Mu took Da Heilong's hand, felt his body was a little stiff, couldn't help laughing, and said in a soft and sweet voice, "Ayu, lower your head."

The big black dragon didn't know why, but he still lowered his head obediently. He also had two dragon horns on his head, which looked a little cute.

Bai Mu's finger lightly touched the dragon's horn, and with just such a light touch, the whole face of the big black dragon turned red, and his breath became short of breath.

The dragon's horn is a very sensitive place for a dragon, and it is also a symbol of status, but at this moment, this noble big black dragon is willing to lower his head and let his dragon's horn become the little flower fairy's toy.


Bai Mu stood on tiptoe and kissed his dragon horn.


The voice of the big black dragon is hoarse and sexy, more like tempting someone to do something.

Bai Mu blinked his eyes twice, put his fingers on his chin, and asked innocently, "What's the pain?"

"Little villain." The big black dragon can't wait to carry the fragrant and soft little flower fairy in now, and let her and himself have a few dragon babies.

Just paving the ground with gold, that feeling must be very good.

No, but also to build a big golden cage for his little flower fairy, so that his little flower fairy can stay here with him forever.

Just when the big black dragon's eyes were tainted with lust and wanted to continue to approach Bai Mu, Bai Mu avoided it very flexibly, "Ah Yu, stop making trouble, the child is still here."

The big black dragon and the two little ones standing on the ground looked at each other, as if they were invisible.

Bai Fufu looked at the big black dragon curiously, and suddenly showed the same smile as Bai Mu, and stretched out her little arm, "Daddy hug Fufu!"

A little flower fairy who looks exactly like Xiaohuaxian.

The big black dragon was a little nervous, and carefully put Bai Fufu into his arms, for fear that he would hurt the fragile milk balls with a single effort.

Bai Fufu was very excited, her mother fell into a deep sleep just after she was born, she was brought up by Grandpa Dashu with great difficulty.

Well now, Fufu not only has a mother, but also a father who loves her, but this father seems to be a bit poor.

"Daddy, are these all yours?" Bai Fufu asked, pointing to the pile of gold.

The big black dragon nodded, thinking that he not only has a lot of gold, but also many beautiful gems.

Seeing that his precious daughter likes these things so much, the big black dragon waved his hand and said very generously: "Fufu likes it, so I will give it to you."

Bai Fufu was so moved, Dad really liked Fufu, he was already so poor, yet he gave me so much gold.

"Daddy, Daddy, let Fufu down quickly."

The big black dragon did as he did, and saw the cute little flower fairy cub playing with the little black dragon cub playing with gold, the big black dragon showed a faint smile.

"Ayu, where did you get so much gold?"

The big black dragon walked up to Bai Mu, and said quietly, "I searched all of them from the mortal world. I still have a lot of gems, which I snatched from the caves of those old gods." The truth is, maybe the dragon's tail will be lifted into the sky.

Bai Mu suddenly understood why the gods in the heavens didn't like her A Yu anymore. It turned out that A Yu was robbed and scared.

"Those old gods are not good gods, so I went to snatch them." The big black dragon was afraid that his little flower fairy would misunderstand, so he quickly explained.

"Yeah, we Ayu are the best."

of course.

The big black dragon raised his chin proudly, and suddenly thought of something, he lowered his head, "Xiao Huaxian, we can go to have a baby now."

Eyes full of anticipation.

Didn't Xiao Huaxian touch her dragon horn before because she wanted to have a baby with her?

A certain big black dragon desperately wanted to leave its own aura and traces on Xiao Huaxian's body, and he was almost insanely jealous of the big black dragon at that time.


Before he finished speaking, he saw the big black dragon wave his hand, set up a protective barrier in this place, and turned his head as if to say "it's okay now".

Bai Mu's face turned red all of a sudden, remembering that he and A Yu were in the cage... his legs felt a little weak.


There are only two words but different tones, seductive and seductive without knowing it, the whole heart of the big black dragon is hooked away by the fragrant and soft little flower fairy.

He picked up the fluffy little flower fairy, and in the blink of an eye, he came to another cave.

The ground is covered with clean spiritual grass, and the stream on the mountain flows down from the cave, forming a water curtain.


In the original cave, Bai Fufu, who got a little bored playing with gold, stood up, looked around but didn't see her mother and father.

She asked Long An'an: "Brother, brother, mother and father are gone."

As a descendant of the big black dragon, Long An'an perfectly inherited his cheap father's gene of loving gold and gemstones, sitting on the ground and counting gold all the time, never getting tired of counting.

Hearing his sister's doubtful voice, he struggled for a long time before slowly raising his head, with a serious and tense face, "Fufu is good, mother and father are going to give birth to a baby."

He had just heard it, and he must be right.

Bai Fufu opened her mouth in surprise, "Is it the same baby flower fairy as Fufu?"

Long Anan thought for a while, his expression became more and more serious, as if he was studying some world problem, then he shook his head decisively, "No, it's a dragon baby who is as powerful as me."

The younger sister should live in the golden house and be protected. Only the dragon baby can protect the little flower fairy baby like me in the future.

The more Long An'an thought about it, the more he felt that his logic was correct, and he nodded his head seriously, but in the next second, tragedy happened.

The earth-shattering cry came out, and Bai Fufu sat down on the ground crying out of breath, and said vaguely in her mouth: "No, no, Fufu wants Xiaohua fairy baby, not dragon baby , wow wow wow..."

Long An'an was frightened by this posture. In his memory, his baby sister had never cried so sadly.

His little face was no longer serious as before, but still full of blankness. After being dazed for a few seconds, he walked up to Bai Fufu and hugged her up with difficulty.

"Fufu, be good, let's stop crying, stop crying, it won't look good if we cry."

Not good looking.

Bai Fufu stopped crying and hiccupped cutely.

"Bad, bad brother, Fufu, I, I will never talk to you again!"

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