When the big black dragon and Bai Mu came back again, they saw Bai Fufu riding a little black dragon playing, and Bai Mu just wanted to cover his face with that brash look.

The big black dragon had the word "satisfaction" written all over his body, he embraced Bai Mu's slender waist in an absolute possessive posture, saw his brat making his sister happy, and smiled with satisfaction, "Well done. "

"You still say." Bai Mu glared at the big black dragon.

The big black dragon immediately became aggrieved, gently rubbed Bai Mu's back with his palm, and muttered: "What's wrong with my brother coaxing my sister, isn't it justified..."

Big black dragon = dog man = daughter slave

"Mu Mu..."

The big black dragon just found out Bai Mu's name when he was doing that. He thought that he must have loved Xiaohuaxian very much in the past, otherwise why he couldn't stop being excited when he heard this name... There are still endless strength.

He must love Mumu now more than he did before.

A group of people who eat melons: Men's damn desire to win, even myself will not let go.

Bai Fufu, who was playing around, also saw her mother kissing, and quickly got off the little black dragon, ran to Bai Mu and stopped, her eyes were fixed on Bai Mu's stomach, as if she wanted to see through the clothes scenario.

Bai Mu saw the wet tears on Bai Fufu's face, and wiped them with his fingers, "What's wrong?"

Bai Fufu snorted softly, "My brother bullied me."

Long An'an, who just turned into a human form: "..."

"Why did brother bully you?"

"Hmph, Fufu said that mother's stomach is a baby flower fairy, but my brother doesn't believe it, insisting on saying that mother's stomach is a baby dragon."

Bai Mu felt that he couldn't turn his head around. When did I say that I have a baby in my stomach?
It's not enough to have two of them, how many more are there to torture me?
Everyone is still a baby.

Bai Fufu gently touched Bai Mu's stomach, and said softly, "Little baby, you have to grow up quickly, come out and play with your sister quickly."

Bai Mu: "..."


The news of Prince Ce Long Zheyi's rebellion spread overnight. It was heard that the Black Dragon Guard, who was invincible even in battles, was not Long Zheyi's opponent.

Just when everyone thought that the strategy king, Long Zheyi, would succeed, the sky changed drastically, and the real dragon appeared. With a roar that resounded through the sky, Long Zheyi was smashed into the ground with his palm.

For a while, everyone knew that Long Zheyi had evil intentions and attempted to rebel, which angered the heavens and naturally aroused public outrage.

But at this time, no one can find the great tyrant, the dragons have no leader, and the Nanyue Kingdom is in jeopardy.

At this time, there appeared a female general who did not give in to her men, and led the Xiao family army to repel the Yi people who attempted to annex the Nanyue Kingdom, and became famous.

Not long ago, this female general was entrusted by the people to become the emperor, the first female emperor of South Vietnam in history.

The empress's name is Rong Yue, the foolish daughter of Duke Rong who was insulted by everyone back then.

Just when everyone thought that Rong Guogong's family was going to ascend to heaven, an imperial decree came down, directly depriving Rong Guogong of his title and demoting him to a commoner.

Seeing a scene completely different from the original plot, Tuantuan silently drank a big mouthful of happy fat house water, and said old-fashionedly: "This is the most shining heroine I have ever seen."

Being an empress is easy, but the empress entrusted by the people is the first in history.

Tuantuan looked at the owner of the lazy house who only knew how to fall in love, accomplished nothing, and had nothing to do, and sighed deeply, "Nuojiji, do you think it's too late for me to change the owner?"

Nuojiji sat on the soft sofa, heard the words and glanced at Tuantuan, "Tuantuan, you can't beat Qingyu Shenjun, let alone your master."

What an honest word, it seems to be saying to Tuantuan that "you can't do what you can".

Tuantuan pulled out the villain's data, looked at the big red letters on it - the blackening value of villain No. 100 is 50, and the blackening value of villain No. [-] is [-], and said helplessly: "It is difficult to do the task, and it is difficult to go to the blue sky."


Today happened to be the Qiqiao Festival in the mortal world, and Bai Mu was eating a candied haws in her hand. She was very happy walking on the street. She wanted to go shopping with her ah Yu very early on.

Followed by a big black dragon, the big black dragon is holding two milk dumplings.

Because the horns on the big black dragon's head were too obvious, before coming to the mortal world, Bai Mu put a big black cloak on him so that he couldn't see it.

"Mother, what is this?" Bai Fufu asked, pointing to the booth where she was making sugar paintings.

Bai Mu's eyes lit up when he saw the realistic sugar painting, "Let's go, I'll take you to eat delicious food."

This small stall is guarded by an old man, who is very skilled in crafting. He easily made a lifelike dragon and gave it to Bai Mu, "Girl take it."

"Ayu, I want to eat you." Bai Mu licked the dragon horns on the Tanghualong and sighed in satisfaction.

So sweet and delicious.

The big black dragon's eyes darkened a bit, "What's the point of eating this kind of thing, isn't it more delicious to eat a real dragon?"

The word "eat" is extremely heavy.

Bai Mu's face immediately turned red, this bad Ah Yu was thinking about this kind of thing all day long.

What a joyful scene, but it was extraordinarily glaring to a person's eyes.

In the dark alley, an illusory Ah Piao floated there, the blood in his eyes became thicker and thicker, "Mu Mu..."

That Ah Piao and Long Chenyu had exactly the same face, but there was a thick hostility surrounding their bodies, as if they were going to destroy everything in an instant.

There is still a person standing behind Long Chenyu, no, to be precise, it should be a cloud of black air, "You see, the person you put on the tip of your heart has already forgotten you."

As soon as these words came out, the hostility on Long Chenyu's body became a little stronger, Mu Mu, how could you forget me, how could you?

Mu Mu is really bad, she should be locked in a cage and can't go anywhere.

Feeling the earth-shattering hostility from Long Chenyu's body, the cloud of black air let out a "quack quack" laugh in satisfaction.

Qing Yu, it doesn't matter if you ruin my body, you still escaped me.

I want to see how that woman Bai Mu can take back your soul fragments this time.

"I told you a long time ago that Bai Mu's words don't count at all. After a long time, I don't have any place for you in my heart. No, no, maybe I didn't have any place for you from the beginning."

"What are you talking about?" Long Chenyu stared at the cloud of black air, the anger in his eyes was about to turn into substance.

"Didn't you notice it?" The cloud of black gas turned into a finger and pointed in the direction of the big black dragon, "You look exactly like him. It's a pity, he is a noble big black dragon."

Looks exactly like him.

The same.

So Mumu, am I just a...substitute?

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