"According to the time, the black dragon will also reach the day of calamity. If the calamity succeeds, even the Dao of Heaven will be afraid of it, so at that time, it is the best time for us to deal with that black dragon."

The father and son looked at each other, and both saw the ambition and calculation in each other's eyes.

The big black dragon lives the same life as the sky, and I don't know how long it has survived, because it often helps the villagers in the mortal world, and its luck is extremely high. After Ren Tianjun ascended the throne, the big black dragon has always been a thorn in his heart.

Obviously he is the master of the heavens and the strongest existence in the heavens, but he has to be suppressed by that big black dragon all the time, and he has to be suppressed by that big black dragon everywhere.

So from a long time ago, Tianjun wanted to deal with the big black dragon. Fortunately, even the supreme heaven was on his side.

But at the same time, Tianjun is very jealous in his heart, why is that big black dragon so strong that even the Dao of Heaven should be afraid, why can that big black dragon easily get everyone's respect...


Bai Mu just stood there, listening to how they dealt with her A Yu, his heart was full of anger, just because of their little selfishness, A Yu became like this.

They are not worthy to be the masters of this heaven, they deserve to die...


"Mu Mu, Mu Mu, Mu Mu, wake up soon..."

A familiar voice came from his ear, and his consciousness slowly recovered. Bai Mu felt that his body was very heavy, and he would fall into a deep sleep at any moment.

But not now, she knows the tricks of Tianjun and Tiandao, she wants to help Ayu, she will not let Ayu be bullied by them anymore.

Bai Mu tried hard to open his eyes, and saw the worried gaze of the big black dragon. He nervously put his hand on Bai Mu's forehead, and then heaved a sigh of relief.

"Mu Mu, what happened to you just now, you have been crying all the time, no matter how you scream, you can't wake you up?"


Bai Mu threw herself into the big black dragon's arms and hugged her tightly, as if this was the only way she could prove that her Ayu was by her side.

She didn't know why she had such dreams, but what was certain was that these dreams were so real that she had to believe them.

The big black dragon who was being hugged was excited. Sure enough, Mu Mu still loves me the most, otherwise why would Mu Mu take the initiative to hug me.

There was rumbling thunder outside, and a thunderbolt fell from the sky. Bai Mu's heart suddenly ached, excruciatingly painful, as if countless bugs were gnawing there.


Bai Mu fell into the arms of the big black dragon, with no blood on her face, her hands tightly grasped the clothes of the big black dragon, the sweat on her forehead was stained on the clothes, "It hurts, it hurts..."

"Mu Mu!"

The big black dragon stared at the thunderous thunder in the sky, gritted his teeth and spit out two words: "Heavenly way!"

In a blink of an eye, the big black dragon disappeared in place, and its aura was also hidden, preventing Tiandao from prying into it.

Now Bai Mu's situation cannot tolerate any delay, no matter how much he hates that person.

When the big black dragon just stepped into the demon world, Long Chenyu noticed it, and appeared in front of the big black dragon with a gloomy expression, and there was a kind of terror that the storm was about to come.

"I just wanted to find you, but I didn't expect you to come to my door."

If you dare to snatch Mumu from him, you will have to pay the price.

But the big black dragon can't quarrel with this annoying ghost now, he carefully put Bai Mu in his arms on the ground, seeing Bai Mu's frown, he felt a throbbing pain in his heart.

"Mu Mu!" Long Chenyu also noticed Bai Mu's ugly face, and grabbed the big black dragon by the collar, "What did you do to Mu Mu?"

"It's the way of heaven."

The big black dragon's eyes were full of hatred, "Heavenly Dao couldn't deal with me, so he hit Mumu with his idea."

The demons around were trembling. The aura of these two bosses was so scary that even the Heavenly Dao was afraid of them. What kind of monsters were they?

"What can I do to save Mumu?"

The two seem to have reached a consensus, forgetting about those little grievances, what they have to do now is to save the person in front of them.

"With my current strength, I definitely can't win the way of heaven, so... come back."

This is the first time that the big black dragon said such words to Long Chenyu, even though he was very unhappy in his heart.

Tiandao thinks that the two of them have reached the point where fire and water are incompatible, but it doesn't know that in their hearts, Bai Mu is far more important than themselves.

They are willing to accept an existence they are not used to for Bai Mu.

Long Chenyu took one last look at Bai Mu, his eyes softened a little, "Mu Mu, I'm leaving...We can meet soon."

Seeing Long Chenyu's reluctance, the big black dragon was not happy, "We are one body, why are we so reluctant!"

"If it wasn't for me, Mumu wouldn't have looked at you more."

The soul returned to the body, the big black dragon turned into its original form, and its aura changed accordingly. The original big black dragon was a terrifying existence, but now the big black dragon is an existence that can destroy the world.

Its eyes as big as copper bells kept staring at the sky, and the anger in the eyes seemed to turn into reality. Suddenly, there was a dragon roar resounding through the sky, and the big black dragon rushed towards the sky fiercely.

Shocking purple lightning gathered in the sky, and the earth shook. At that moment, it seemed that the color of the sky and the earth changed. Even the big black dragon seemed so small under the lightning.

No matter what it is, they are hiding in the safest place now, for fear that this disaster will endanger their lives.

In the Tiangong, Tianjun stared at this scene, with a crazy smile on his face, so what about the incomparably noble black dragon, isn't it about to die soon.

From now on, he will be the strongest existence in the heavens.

"caught you."

The big black dragon's claws caught something black, and the black air still wanted to escape the big black dragon's claws, but the upgraded big black dragon was no longer so easy to deal with.

With just such a light pinch, the cloud of black air turned into a pinch of black ash and disappeared without a trace.

The black lightning receded, and the warm white light shone on the big black dragon, making the bloody scars very obvious.

This big black dragon defeated the Heavenly Dao and became... the new Heavenly Dao.


In the system space, Tuantuan was drinking a glass of fruit juice that Nuojiji squeezed himself, contentedly slumped on the sofa watching TV.

[Dididi!Didi!Villain No. [-] and Villain No. [-] are combined, and the data of the villain is being reshuffled. 】

[Dididi!Didi!The 62783rd plane collapsed! 】

[Dididi!Didi!The villain of the 62783rd plane has become the new way of heaven. 】

[The favorability value of the big villain is 100, and the blackening value of the big villain is 30. 】

Tuantuan spewed out a mouthful of orange juice, stared blankly at his own system space, and then realized something, shouting: "Nuojiji! Nuojiji! Hahahahaha! My master is indeed the most powerful! "

Nuojiji: That’s not what you said a few days ago.

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