The warm blessing sprinkled every inch of the land, but Tianjun's face was getting worse and worse, and there was an imperceptible fear in his eyes.

With his hands firmly grasping the pillar formed by the condensed immortal energy, he kept murmuring: "I am the Heavenly Monarch, the Lord of the Heaven Realm, no matter how powerful that big black dragon is, it will not dare to touch me..."

An existence that can devour the Dao of Heaven is no longer something that a mere Heavenly Monarch can resist.

What's more, he has done such a thing before.

There was a roar of a dragon not far away, and the immortals and servants in the Tiangong knelt down on the ground, welcoming our most powerful dragon god with the most pious attitude.

This is where the strong are respected, and the fantasy-loving Tianjun still believes in the dignity of blood.

The big black dragon entrenched on the entire Tiangong was enough to make everyone surrender, and the way that claws danced seemed to be able to razed the entire Tiangong to the ground with just a random flap.

When it was close to the ground, the big black dragon had turned into a human form, and the black clothes were radiant, with a lifelike big black dragon embroidered on it.

There are two dragon horns on his forehead, and his face is handsome and unattainable.

But he was holding a delicate little fairy in his arms, which was hidden so well that he couldn't see her face clearly. His eyes never left the person in his arms, and his eyes were soft and gentle.

"Mu Mu, I'm here to avenge you..."

The sanctimonious Tianjun must have been involved in these matters, and he wanted to avenge his Mu Mu.

As if hearing Long Chenyu's words, Bai Mu's fingers moved slightly, the pain in her body had disappeared, nestled in Long Chenyu's arms, there was a feeling of tranquility.

Before he reached Tianjun's palace, some desperate people came to send him to his death.

As the saying goes: Like a father, like a son, this heavenly prince is simply out of blue and better than blue. He is well-dressed, but his heart is full of harmful deeds.

Long Zheyi came back from the calamity. In order to take away the luck of the big black dragon when he was going through the calamity, Long Zheyi also went down to earth.

He is the darling of heaven, and he should have easily taken away the luck of the big black dragon, but accidents happened everywhere, which made Long Zheyi, who has always been proud and arrogant, very angry.

Maybe it was because he was too much admired before, but even at this time, Long Zheyi still put on a condescending look, raised his chin and said, "Bold black dragon, without the edict of Tianjun, how dare you trespass into the Heavenly Palace!"

Xian'e, who was still kneeling around, raised her head, looked at Long Zheyi in surprise, and immediately lowered her head.

For the first time, they discovered that their highness the crown prince was so stupid.

Why did they think His Highness the Crown Prince was handsome and fell in love with him before?

Hearing Long Zheyi's words, Long Chenyu didn't feel any disturbance in his heart, and even felt that treating this kind of person as an opponent in the past was too demeaning of his own identity.

With this kind of person, if you say a word more, you have a brain problem.

The corners of Long Chenyu's mouth twitched, revealing a sarcastic smile, it would be nice to repay old and new grudges together.

"You made Mu Mu fall asleep because of the noise." Long Chen Yu's face darkened, as if the smile on his face just now was an illusion.

He just raised his hand like this, and Long Zheyi's body floated up uncontrollably, no matter how Long Zheyi struggled, he couldn't break free.

Long Zheyi, without the halo of the male lead, is just a rookie. He only knows how to shout loudly: "Long Chenyu! Put me down! I warn you, I am the prince of heaven..."

Before he finished speaking, Long Chenyu withdrew his spell, and Long Zheyi fell into the water uncontrollably.

Long Chenyu was so angry that he kept thrashing about in the water. Seeing this scene, the fairy servants wished to beat himself up who loved His Highness the Crown Prince back then.

Such an ugly and stupid person, why did they like him in the first place?

"Just stay here and stay here." Long Chenyu moved his fingers slightly, and set up a barrier in the water, preventing Long Zheyi from escaping.

Haven't played enough yet, so this dead pig can't die.

Long Chenyu hugged his Mu Mu and walked inside, completely ignoring Long Zheyi who was shouting.

Tiangong is indeed the place with the strongest celestial energy, it is so lingering everywhere that it is almost impossible to see the lower body clearly when walking on the road.

The scent of flowers on the side of the road spread into Bai Mu's nose, a little choking, she sneezed, "Um..."

"Mumu woke up."

Ayu's voice.

Bai Mu rubbed his eyes, and when he opened his eyes, he was shocked by Long Yu's beauty. Well, her A Yu is indeed the prettiest.


Long Chenyu bent down, rubbed the tip of his nose against Bai Mu's face, and gently kissed her on the forehead, "Mu Mu, don't be afraid, no one will dare to hurt you in the future."

"Ayu, what is this place?"

"Heavenly Palace."

Bai Mu blinked her dazed eyes, her mind seemed to be unable to turn around, and her memory was still stuck in the moment when she fainted in the cave.

"What are you doing in Tiangong?" The silly Bai Mu asked again.

A trace of murderous intent flashed in Long Chenyu's eyes, but his voice was still very gentle, "Heaven has harmed you like this, there must be Tianjun's handwriting in this."

All those who hurt Mumu should die.

Wait, Tianjun!
Bai Mu felt that her fist was hardened. This bad heavenly monarch actually thought of such a way to harm A Yu. She must avenge A Yu.

Seeing Bai Mu's non-stop swinging fists, the corner of Long Chenyu's mouth curled up, "Don't worry, I will catch Tianjun for you to play with."

"I want to avenge Ah Yu!"

Long Chenyu stopped in his tracks, his eyes turned red all of a sudden, "Mu Mu..."

The little crying bag is so big that it still cries.

Bai Mu slipped out of Long Chenyu's arms, stepped forward and gently hugged the little crying bag, no, it should be said to be a big crying bag now, "Hey, don't cry anymore, you are all grown children, don't cry .”

A group of people who eat melons: You can have fun secretly.

Soon, Bai Mu found out that something was wrong, and there was a bit of surprise in his eyes, the two Ayu seemed to fit together.

But Bai Mu didn't let Long Zheyi see his emotions. After all, this dog likes to be jealous of him the most.

Tianjun stayed in his palace all the time. He asked Long Zheyi to explore the wind before, but he didn't expect that Long Zheyi hadn't come back until now. Tianjun couldn't help feeling a little dissatisfied.

I didn't think there was anything wrong with this prince before, but now I just feel that I can't get used to it, and I can't handle any of the things that he was asked to do.

It seems that the prince should be replaced.

Tianjun was thinking secretly like this, the door was kicked open by Bai Mu, and before Tianjun could react, Bai Mu grabbed the whip on his waist and swung it over.

"Let you bully Ah Yu and beat you to death!"

Tianjun couldn't dodge in time, and took the whip abruptly, his whole face became distorted.

Where did Xiao Huaxian come from? She doesn't talk about martial arts.

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