The villain of quick wear is so sticky

Chapter 180 Professor, are you going to kill me?

Chapter 180 Professor, are you going to kill me? (23)

But no matter what Xia Xiaoxiao tried to do in her heart, she still didn't dare to show it on the surface. She tried her best to suppress the anger in her heart, "Little sister, do you want to eat ice cream, can my sister buy it for you?"

How could someone have such an ugly smile?
Bai Mu felt hot eyes, and silently looked away, where is my dog ​​man, I need to wash my eyes with him.

"Today, there are strawberry, vanilla, cantaloupe, and chocolate ice creams in the ice cream shack. Which flavor does my little sister want?"

Xia Xiaoxiao saw that Bai Mu hadn't said a word, but she hadn't resisted her either, so she had to sit beside her, "Little sister, why are you ignoring me? Are you afraid that I will be too troublesome? It's okay, sister can go."

He said so in his mouth, but he didn't have the slightest sense of queuing up in his actions.

Xia Xiaoxiao: Just kidding, the sun is so strong outside, what if the milk skin that I spent a lot of points in exchange for gets tanned?
"Little sister, how old are you this year? Judging by your appearance, you must not be in middle school yet. You look so cute."

Mou Mu: Open your eyes and talk nonsense.

"Little sister, do you know that I also have a younger sister who is about the same age as you. You can play together when you are free. You should make more friends at your age. How about it? Would you like to introduce me to you?" .”

Mou: Why does this person talk so much nonsense?
Xia Xiaoxiao felt that her throat was a little dry, maybe it was because of the props she used, when she rubbed her throat gently with her hand, a gentleman handed her a bottle of water, "Miss, your throat is dry , take a sip quickly."

Immediately, Xia Xiaoxiao's sense of superiority came up, she accepted the bottle of water reservedly, felt the envious or envious eyes around her, and raised her chin slightly, "Thank you sir, I don't know if there is any water for my sister A bottle?"

Xia Xiaoxiao said very bluntly, in her heart, as long as props are used, no one will refuse her request.

The man glanced at Bai Mu who was dressed in rustic clothes, a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes, how could such a beautiful lady have such an ugly younger sister.

However, gentlemanly demeanor is still required, "Since the young lady has asked this question, it is natural."

After Xia Xiaoxiao heard this, she was very proud and arrogant, thinking that all the men in the world would be impressed by her charm, "Sister, you will have water to drink soon, please thank this brother soon."

Hearing the beautiful lady call him "brother", that gentleman immediately straightened his back, as if he was waiting for Bai Mu to thank him.

Mou: Where do they get the confidence to think that I will do what they say?

At this time, Bai Mu really wanted to read a poem to them: The sky is flat and the road is three thousand, looking at the distance between the eyebrows and clouds, last year, a tear of lovesickness has not yet reached the ears and cheeks. (Your face is really big)
Fortunately, at this time, the dog man who rescued her appeared. From a distance, he saw his dog man holding two ice creams in one hand. Even doing the most ordinary things, he attracted everyone's attention.

Woohoo, his girlfriend is so happy!
However, when they saw Feng Qingyu approaching Bai Mu, they suddenly felt that a flower was stuck in the cow dung.

It turned out that such a handsome gentleman was adopted by someone, and he was such an ugly ugly girl.

In fact, Bai Mu is really not ugly, but the first time everyone sees her, they will subconsciously notice the black birthmark on her face, so that they turn a blind eye to the intact half of her face.

"Mu Mu, your ice cream has arrived, how about it, did I not lie to you?" Feng Qingyu didn't care about the vague eyes of the people around him, his eyes could only accommodate his idiot.

But why is there someone sitting next to the little idiot?
Feng Qingyu glanced at Xia Xiaoxiao with some dissatisfaction.

But when it came to Xia Xiaoxiao's place, nothing could stop her charm, and even such an ascetic and cold male god fell in love with her.

"Mu Mu, if you don't like it, go, Yu Yu go." Bai Mu said angrily, not liking the way men around her looked at her.

Feng Qingyu showed a doting smile on his face, "Okay, okay, let's go, let's find a quiet place to eat ice cream."

After saying that, Feng Qingyu let her little idiot drag her away, and smiled softly, "The little idiot's vinegar smell is quite strong."

And over there, Xia Xiaoxiao has been looking at Feng Qingyu obsessively, she suddenly remembered, isn't this the person she met at the banquet last time?
Although she is no longer wearing a mask, she can still be recognized at a glance. Is this a kind of fate?

[Great man, didn't you say that the hero's younger sister is autistic, how can she still talk? 】

"I'm a heartthrob." The system didn't save her any face, and said mockingly: 【Did you see that she just talked to you? 】

Xia Xiaoxiao was very stingy, but she couldn't refute, so she could only watch Feng Qingyu and Bai Mu walk away.


Under a huge Ferris wheel, there was a little idiot squatting on the ground licking ice cream, no matter how Feng Qingyu coaxed her, she was unwilling to get up.

In desperation, Feng Qingyu could only squat down, looking at Bai Mu who was eating like a little cat, couldn't help but let out a chuckle, "What a idiot, I can eat ice cream like this."

He took out a napkin from his pocket, and wiped Bai Mu's face carefully, "Eat slowly, I won't fight with you, you can still eat, these four are yours."

Bai Mu blinked his eyes and glanced at his chocolate-flavored ice cream, and smacked his mouth, this seems a bit bitter and not tasty.

So she directly stuffed the chocolate-flavored ice cream into Feng Qingyu's mouth. The ice cream had already melted a little, but it fell directly on his clothes.

A large dirty stain immediately appeared on the white shirt, and his face was also darkened.

"Mu Mu, I didn't mean it." Bai Mu's eyes were full of innocence, as if the weird thing was really just an accident.

But she still looks aggrieved, obviously she just wants him to taste the ice cream, why does he look so fierce.

If he hadn't seen the cunning hidden in her eyes, Feng Qingyu would have been fooled by this idiot, the corner of his mouth curled up, "The idiot has shown his feet."

"Mumu didn't."

Still a complete sentence.

Feng Qingyu showed a helpless smile, just play, if you can make his little idiot recover faster, you can do anything.

A yellow group of melon farmers: Can you really do anything? (Wretched laugh.jpg)

(End of this chapter)

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