The villain of quick wear is so sticky

Chapter 181 Professor, are you going to kill me?

Chapter 181 Professor, are you going to kill me? (24)

Originally, Bai Mu was ready to kiss her dog man secretly, but a voice that was so wretched that Bai Mu wanted to hit someone came, "Mu'er, it's really you, Mu'er!"

Isn't this voice the same scumbag who lied to the original owner's money and heart? Why do you meet him in this kind of place?
She just wanted to go to the playground with her dog man, why are there so many messy people?

Bai Mu is very irritable now. When he looked up, he knew why this scumbag came here. It turned out that he brought his new girlfriend to the playground.

What a scumbag.

There are girlfriends around, and they still make this affectionate look.

Seeing Song Chengping's greasy look, Bai Mu felt like he was going to spit out his overnight meal.

"Mu'er, you don't know me anymore, I'm your brother Taiping." Song Chengping was very excited. He has been looking for a way to get into Bai's house recently, but that kind of place is actually so easy to get into.

God actually gave him the best chance. Thinking of the grievances he had suffered recently, when he looked at Bai Mu, his eyes became more affectionate, "Mu'er, Brother Taiping misses you so much."

Bai Mu glanced at Song Chengping's new girlfriend, and couldn't help showing a look of pity, whoever he saw was bad, and whoever he saw was such a scumbag, he really didn't look very well.

Seeing Bai Mu staring at his new girlfriend, Song Chengping was secretly happy. It seems that this stupid woman still has her own in her heart, otherwise why would she be so jealous.

But this new girlfriend he made is very good, she has been trained by him very well, and she is devoted to him, even if she does something, she will not say anything.

So, Song Chengping quickly said: "Mu'er, don't get me wrong, this is just my sister, not what you think."

Look, isn't this a typical quote from a scumbag?
The new girlfriend standing next to him silently lowered her head, completely acting like a doormat, not daring to refute him at all, and even said softly: "Yes, I am his sister... ..."

Bai Mu couldn't understand, this Song Chengping didn't look so shocking and weeping ghosts and gods, how could such a great charm attract one after another ignorant girls to sink?
"Mu Mu, who is this?" Feng Qingyu stood up, half a head taller than Song Chengping, just looked at him indifferently, and overwhelmed him with momentum.

Of course he knows who the greasy man in front of him is, isn't he the one that the idiot liked before.

What a bad eye, actually picked such a thing.

Song Chengping was stared at by Feng Qingyu, and some cold sweat broke out on his forehead, who is this man, why is his aura so strong, could it be that stupid woman's new love?
A murderous intent flashed in Feng Qingyu's eyes, seeing her little idiot obediently staying by her side, stretching out her hand, the soft little idiot was in her arms.

There was an ambiguous atmosphere in the air, Feng Qingyu gently rubbed his chin against the soft hair of his idiot, "Mu Mu, may I take you to play on the Ferris wheel?"

Song Chengping finally came to his senses, the things he liked were taken away, he said through gritted teeth, "Mu'er is most afraid of heights, don't you know?"

Just didn't say, it seems that you don't know much about Mu'er, even this, I am Mu'er's favorite person.

"Mu Mu is afraid of heights?" Feng Qingyu asked in a friendly tone, but Bai Mu still heard some danger from it, and she shook her head quickly with a strong desire to survive.

Original owner who is afraid of heights, what do I do?

"Then Mumu wants to go up with me?"

"Come up with Yuyu!" Bai Mu raised his head and pointed to the highest point of the Ferris wheel with a smile on his face.

The nerd seemed happy.

The little idiot smiled at me, the little idiot smiled so beautifully.

Meanwhile, Song Chengping, who had been completely ignored, immediately turned gloomy. The man who ran out of nowhere could actually make that stupid woman talk.

While angry and angry, Song Chengping felt a little bit of panic in his heart. He was used to the kind of life he used to live in. Even though he had nothing now, he still believed that one day he would return to the old life. living.

After all, without him, that stupid woman's autism would definitely be more serious, and he also had some intentions to let him go.

But now, there are other people around that stupid woman, and she completely treats herself as a stranger, can she return to that kind of life...

Song Chengping didn't want to admit this fact in his heart, and was very irritable. When he saw the submissive new girlfriend beside him, he couldn't help shouting at her: "It's all your fault. If it wasn't for you, Mu'er would definitely not ignore me!"

Hearing that his new girlfriend was crying, Song Chengping became even angrier, "Why are you crying? Don't make yourself feel wronged by the sky. I'm the one who was wronged!"

Bai Mu doesn't want to know about the farce here. Anyway, with that cheap brother around, there is no need to take action. This dead scumbag will definitely receive retribution and punishment.

Her most important task now is still to blacken the dog man worth [-].

Bai Mu took a quiet look at Feng Qingyu, feeling very angry.

"What's wrong with Mumu, are you a little scared?"

Feng Qingyu felt that she was a little naive, knowing that her little idiot was afraid of heights, she brought her here just to annoy that person.

"With Yu Yu, Mu Mu is not afraid."

Feng Qingyu raised his eyebrows, "The little idiot is speaking more and more fluently."

Bai Mu puffed up her face and turned her head away from looking at him. A casual word from this dog man in this plane can drive her half to death with anger.

"Angry?" Feng Qingyu stretched out his hand and poked Bai Mu's soft and slippery face, feeling a little...unwilling to put it down.

"After the little idiot gets angry, he looks even more stupid."

It's good to be angry, and if you have emotions, it proves that your condition is much better.

A smile appeared on Feng Qingyu's face, he hugged the soft little idiot into his arms, put his chin on her shoulder, and murmured: "Mu Mu, you will always be with me, right?"

Please, please don't leave me, otherwise I really don't know what I will do.

"Mu Mu, don't leave."

"Silly Mumu, I'm a lunatic..."

"No." Bai Mu retorted stubbornly.

The ferris wheel started slowly, and every scene was like a scene in a dream. The breeze blew by, and the fine hair slowly swept across his cheeks, a little itchy.

Feng Qingyu never knew that he would have such a day, and he felt... not bad, "I heard that if you kiss at the highest point of the Ferris wheel, you can be together for the rest of your life, Mumu..."

Bai Mu turned around in a daze, and the sheep fell into the tiger's mouth...

(End of this chapter)

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