Chapter 251 (The World of Beasts) Rivalry Fights Everyday (16)

The big tiger was distributed to each orc. Tiger meat was hard to come by. When these orcs ate it, they all praised Bai Mu, and a certain Mu said that it was very useful.

Not long after, Hu Yu wrapped some barbecued meat with leaves, and walked up to Bai Mu's side, and handed the meat he had just roasted to Bai Mu just like Xianbao.

He blinked and looked at Bai Mu, his mouth was faster than his brain, "A Mu is still stupid, why did he turn himself into a big cat again?"

Just after finishing speaking, Hu Yu quickly covered his mouth when he met Bai Mu's murderous gaze, as if saying, "It's the disobedient one, not me".

Bai Mu was about to be laughed out of anger, glanced at the barbecue wrapped in leaves, and the corner of his mouth twitched, "Hu Yu, what are you roasting?"

It is shameful to waste food, do you know that!
Bai Mu took out a piece of what could barely be called barbecue, and stuffed it into Hu Yu's mouth, a bitter taste spread in his mouth, "How about it, is it delicious?"

How did this dog man do it? Every piece of barbecue is burnt, and all of them are burnt black, like pieces of carbon.

However, Hu Yu smiled, grinning foolishly, under the light of the fire, the teeth that had turned black were particularly obvious, "As long as it is fed by Ah Mu, I will love it."

Originally, it was rare for this doggy man to say a nice word, so she should be moved, but seeing his black teeth and his silly appearance, Bai Mu still couldn't help laughing.

Ah Mu smiled, does it mean that she is not angry anymore.

The smile on Hu Yu's face became more and more silly, just looking at Bai Mu like an idiot, a strong possessive desire arose in his heart, Ah Mu, his.

"Silly Hu Yu, you still said I was dirty, look at yourself, your face is covered with black ash." Bai Mu reached out and wiped the black ash on Hu Yu's face.

"Amu..." Hu Yu held Bai Mu's hand, and Bai Mu noticed that his eyes were burning hot at the moment, as if he was trying to suppress something.

His face gently rubbed against the palm of her hand, just like this cautiously flattering her, he was also slowly gaining ground, testing her bottom line, like a very patient hunter.

The tip of his tongue licked it lightly, and his palm was wet. Bai Mu took his hand back all of a sudden in fright, and stuttered a little, "You, what are you doing here?"

"I'm trying to make Ah Mu happy." Hu Yu looked at Bai Mu with those big "innocent" eyes.

Just now his mouth was disobedient, and he said something that made Ah Mu unhappy, so he wanted to make Ah Mu happy.

Bai Mu understood what Hu Yu meant, turned his head away with a blushing face, "Okay, I'm not angry, I've accepted your meat too, you should go back quickly."

"Are you really not angry anymore?"

"If you talk like that again in the future, I will definitely be very, very angry."

Hu Yu's mood suddenly improved, and he couldn't help kissing Bai Mu's face, the voice was so loud, all the orcs looked over immediately.

Bai Mu: "..."

As if the plan had succeeded, Hu Yu took Bai Mu's little hand and said shyly, "Amu has agreed to be my partner before."

Bai Mu: "..." [Numbness.jpg]

She shouldn't be deceived by the innocent and innocent appearance of this dog man. This dog man has a thousand eyes.

The first one to react was Bai San. When he heard this, he jumped up from the ground in a jerk, and when he wanted to open his mouth to speak, the piece of meat he was holding fell directly to the ground.

He walked to Hu Yu's side in two or three steps, raised his fist and smashed it, and said viciously: "Good you Hu Yu! I treat you as a good brother, and you dare to cheat my sister away!"

His younger sister is the best female in the world, so she should find the best male in the world as a partner... Why, why was she kidnapped by such a dog?
Hu Yu didn't dodge, and received such a forceful punch, the half of his face swelled up all of a sudden, and he didn't speak, just looked at Bai Mu with those aggrieved but forbearing eyes, hesitant to speak.

Bai Mu admitted that being looked at like this made her heart soften, she gritted her teeth, and secretly cursed men for being seductive.

"Third brother, don't hit him."

Bai San looked at Bai Mu incredulously, and made a very hurt look, as if betrayed by someone he loved, "Amu, how can you say that?"

A certain Mu: "..." Pooh!Every one of them is a playwright, my old lady will stop serving me!

Bai Mu bent down and grabbed a handful of grilled skewers, and walked towards his cave without looking back.

Hu Yu and Bai San looked at each other, both showing disgusted expressions towards each other, Bai San let go of Hu Yu, and kept rubbing his hands, as if they were stained by something dirty.

"Hmph, Hu Yu, let me tell you, don't think that Amu admits you, you will be Amu's partner from now on, hum, it's impossible, absolutely impossible." Bai Sanqi hummed.

Tomorrow, tomorrow I will start looking for the best male for Amu, and Amu will definitely forget about Hu Yu soon.

But even though Bai San thought so, he didn't resist Hu Yu in his heart. After all, he was a good brother who grew up together. Naturally, he knew Hu Yu's temperament, so he would definitely be a good partner.

But, he just couldn't swallow it.

The farce just now directly affected many people, the male orcs who had a crush on Bai Mu, and the female orcs who had a crush on Hu Yu, added up to almost half of the orcs in the tribe.

However, Bai Mu and Hu Yu are indeed a match, no matter in terms of appearance or strength, so they are not so unwilling, because the other party is much better than themselves, and they don't even have the capital to be jealous.

"Bai San, you were too impulsive just now." Bai Sanyi sat back, and Bai Er said that there, his face was not very good-looking.

"Second brother, you, why are you talking for Hu Yu!" Bai San was very upset, what's wrong with this world, why everyone likes Hu Yu so much.

They didn't know how bad Hu Yu was. When they asked him a few days ago, he said he had no interest in Amu, but today he kissed Amu directly.

"That's not what I mean. If you want to hit him, you shouldn't hit him in front of everyone."

"What does second brother mean?"

"We'll go to his cave at night and beat him up secretly."

Bai San's eyes lit up, "Second brother, this is a good idea, that's right, that's it, let's..."

Bai Da on the side heard the plan of the two younger brothers, coughed lightly, and gave them a meaningful look, "Don't let Ah Mu see you when you are beating."

"Brother, don't worry, how could we let Ah Mu find out." Bai San vowed.

As long as Hu Yu is beaten into a pig's head, Ah Mu will definitely not like him.

A group of people who eat melons: You are really smart.

(End of this chapter)

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