Chapter 252 (The World of Beasts) Rivalry Fights Everyday (17)

There are extraordinarily many stars tonight, and through the dense layers of branches and leaves, you can still see the stars twinkling and twinkling.

Bai Mu and her younger sisters sat on the open space outside the cave, looking up at the bright stars in the sky.

Liang Jingjing was fiddling with her backpack, and took out a large bag of chicken legs and a few bottles of beer in cans, "Look, what are these?"

Looking at something she had never seen before, Aisha was extremely curious. She lightly touched the soda can with her slender and slender fingertips, feeling a slight coolness, and the curiosity in her eyes was about to turn into substance.

"Jingjing, what is this?" Could it be some treasure brought by Jingjing.

In Aisha's heart, the omnipotent Liang Jingjing has become the messenger of the God of Nature, so these things may be brought by the God of Nature.

Liang Jingjing smiled naively, and with a pull of her finger, she opened a bottle of beer, "This is called beer, it's a kind of, er, a kind of delicious water, sister, Aisha, try it quickly .”

She passed a bottle to each of them. In this fine weather, you should go outside with your good friends, watching the stars while eating meat and drinking beer.

[Tuantuan, why can the backpack of the time-traveling heroine hold so many things? 】

[Oh, they are all time-traveling heroines, of course there are some cheats, the things in this backpack are inexhaustible and inexhaustible. 】

Looking at Bai Mu's envious and longing eyes, Tuan Tuan got his own eyeballs, 【Master, do you want to consider buying a heroine halo, maybe you can open a cheat in the next plane. 】

【don't want. 】

Tuantuan was a little disappointed, and the money that came to his mouth flew away, but the owner himself is a cheater, and there is really no need to buy this kind of thing.

When everyone was talking together, Aisha had already taken a sip of the legendary delicious water, but she was successfully choked, "Ahem, ahem, ahem..."

Coughing like this, Aisha's face was stained with a layer of crimson, and a little tear came out of her eyes. Such a posture is most likely to arouse others' desire for protection.

"Aisha, you are really beautiful..." This kind of pure natural beauty was rarely encountered even in her era.

Aisha glanced at Liang Jingjing with some embarrassment, "What the hell is this? Why does it smell so strange?"

"Oh, good Aisha, don't be angry, you need to drink more of this thing to feel the deliciousness in it."


"Really, look at Sister Bai, she drinks so happily, so it's naturally delicious."

Aisha turned her head and saw Bai Mu pouring that kind of weird water there, she couldn't help opening her mouth slightly, and murmured: "So this is really delicious..."

Liang Jingjing also expressed that she was very surprised. Sometimes she felt that Sister Bai was from the same era as herself. Every time she took out these things, Sister Bai would never be surprised.

But, it shouldn't be possible, sister Bai is not the same as me.

The alcohol content of the beer is low, Bai Mu drank a can, and felt nothing, just like drinking water. On the other hand, Aisha was already drunk after just a small sip.

The drunk Aisha looked a little cute, and just looked at Bai Mu blankly, with a silly smile on her face, "Sister, I like you so much!"

"Yeah, my sister likes you too."

"No way, I'm drunk now." Liang Jingjing waved her hand in front of Aisha's eyes, but Aisha didn't respond at all, and she couldn't help talking.

"Jingjing, I like you too!"

"Aisha, don't pull my hair. I'm already bald. If I grab it again, I will lose my hair." Liang Jingjing tried her best to save her hair from Aisha's hands.

Bai Mu looked serious on the surface, but in fact he was overjoyed in his heart, "Jingjing, what's wrong with Aisha?"

Liang Jingjing was a little embarrassed. She never expected that Aisha would get drunk so easily. She said vaguely: "Sister Bai, don't worry, Aisha is fine, just sleep for a while."



"Then help Aisha back first, I'll go for a walk."

Liang Jingjing glanced at Bai Mu suspiciously. Sister Bai should not be drunk, should she...

Seeing Bai Mu leaving at a steady pace, Liang Jingjing breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing that Sister Bai looked like this, she must not be drunk, and Sister Bai must just want to go out and have some fun.

【Master, what are you going to do? 】

[Eat meat. 】

【? ? ? 】

【I've been drinking, it's normal to be drunk...】

【? ? ? 】

[Shh, don't make any noise, or I'll lock you into a small black room. 】

Tuantuan: Are you drunk or not?
It took less than ten minutes for Bai Mu to touch the cave of his dog man, and with a sly smile on his face, he went to eat meat.


In the dark cave, Hu Yu suddenly opened his eyes. He had never slept deeply, so he easily noticed the sound of footsteps.

As soon as he stood up, a shadow pounced into his arms, it was soft, and its small head kept rubbing against his chest.

Hu Yu froze all of a sudden, he smelled a familiar scent, and immediately knew who it was, feeling the softness in his arms, there was something about to move.

Why do you feel so uncomfortable when you obviously haven't reached the estrus period yet?
Also, what's wrong with Ah Mu, why is her body so hot, could it be that she is in heat?
Seeing that Hu Yu hadn't moved for a long time, Bai Mu slowly raised her head, and her usually clear and sharp eyes became ignorant at this moment, she muttered in her small mouth, and said with some dissatisfaction: "Ah Yu, hug me!" Hug me, hug Mumu..."

"Okay, hug Mumu." Hu Yu bent down cooperatively, her cheeks were pressed together, and the two bodies were also tightly attached without any gap.

Even if it is covered by a piece of animal skin, it still sticks straight.

"Mu Mu, are you in heat?" Hu Yu was a little embarrassed when she asked this question, but something broke out of her heart.

In the past few days, many orcs have reached the estrus period. At night, he can hear all kinds of sounds one after another. He has good hearing, so he can't fall asleep at all.

Bai Mu let out a "hmm", and her tone became more and more coquettish, "Ayu, I feel bad, um, Mu Mu feels bad..."

"Then, how about those helpers?"


Hu Yu's beating heart almost jumped out, and his trembling hands slowly untied his animal skin, revealing a perfect and muscular figure, and the great joy made him dizzy.

For a moment, the temperature on his body was hotter than that on Bai Mu's.

What should the first step look like?
(End of this chapter)

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