Divorce, don't delay my abuse of green tea

Chapter 20 Changes in Perspectives

Chapter 20 Changes in Perspectives
"Miss Lin, I will take your opinion into account and revise it as soon as possible before handing it over to you." Mu Xiao picked up the manuscript from the table.

Lin Yu smiled, "Anyway, there's only one week left, if your work doesn't satisfy me, the Lu family will have to pay liquidated damages."

"I know." After Mu Xiao finished speaking, she came out of the reception room.

Mu An'an was standing at the corner, with his arms crossed, smiling complacently.

"Aren't you laughing at me? How does it feel to have the roles reversed now?"

She wanted to keep trampling Mu Xiao under her feet, instead of letting Mu Xiao see her jokes.

Mu Xiao didn't even look her in the face, returned to her desk, and began to revise the manuscript.

After she called and communicated with Lin Yu several times, the second version of the manuscript was finally released.

She deliberately added Lin Yu's WeChat first, and sent the design drawings to Lin Yu, but Lin Yu was still not satisfied with the adjusted design.

Lin Yu has been emphasizing that she wants to design elegant skirts, but when Mu Xiao further inquired about her preferences, Lin Yu kept silent and let her find it herself.

Looking at the chat records on the screen, Mu Xiao took a deep breath, silently recited 'the customer is God' several times in her heart, and began to search the Internet for photos of various dinner parties in the city, trying to find Lin Yu inside.

Hard work paid off, and she found many photos of Lin Yu.

It can be seen from the photos that no matter which dinner party it is, Lin Yu dresses very carefully. Standing with the people around him, Lin Yu can be seen at a glance.

Mu Xiao calculated Lin Yu's preferences based on the skirt in the photo, and incorporated her preferences into the current design drawing. When she finished drawing the draft, it was already four o'clock in the morning.

She is the only one in the huge Lu family.

Mu Xiao rubbed her eyes, picked up the cup, and made herself a cup of coffee.

She wants to go home and sleep now, no, she just wants to sleep, it doesn't matter where, she wants to sleep all day.

But she can't.

There are still six days before the deadline, and she will send the design drawings to Lin Yu today. If Lin Yu is not satisfied, she still has time to revise.

After drinking her coffee, she used her mobile phone to set the alarm clock for three hours later, and took a light sleep for a while.

When the alarm clock rang, Mu Xiao woke up.

"You didn't come home all night?" The colleague sitting next to Mu Xiao asked in a low voice as she watched her sit up.

They all knew that Mu Xiao was working on Lin Yu's design, and they even privately bet that Mu Xiao would go to the manager in a few days and give up the case.

But at this moment, her view of Mu Xiao changed.

Mu Xiao nodded, her body was sore and limp.

"Lin Yu is an old customer of our company, but she also forced away two old employees of our company. You go to the manager and ask him to hand over this job to someone else. The manager won't blame you." The colleague kindly persuaded.

Mu Xiao smiled, "I know, but I don't want to give up yet, thank you."

She stood up, "I'm going to make coffee, would you like a cup?"

"Okay." The colleague handed his cup to Mu Xiao, and then took out a bag of handmade biscuits from the bag, "I made the biscuits myself, just as you didn't have breakfast, please use them as a cushion."

Sunlight poured in through the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office, shining on the two of them, and the distance between them faintly narrowed.

After eating at noon, colleagues chatted with others, and someone mentioned Mu Xiao.

"Yesterday I heard Lin Yu criticize Mu Xiao's design draft, saying it was useless. I don't think Mu Xiao will be much better than Mu An'an. Wu Ran clarified it in front of the reporter, but how do we know what the two of them are like in private? can know."

The colleague sitting next to Mu Xiao said, "I've seen Mu Xiao's design draft, it's very good, Lin Yu is tricky, it's not like you don't know. Although Mu Xiao is a newcomer, she worked hard. In order to adjust the design draft last night, she Didn't go home all night. If she and Wu Ran really have an improper relationship, why work so hard. "

After she reminded, several people sitting next to Mu Xiao began to agree, saying that they all saw Mu Xiao's efforts.

"I didn't expect the gap between the two sisters to be so big. I heard that the person in charge of Lin Yu was replaced by Mu Xiao, who was recommended by Mu Anan."

"I heard from Sister Qiu that she cried when she saw Mu An'an being scolded by Lin Yu. She recommended Mu Xiao to go up there because she wanted to relax."

"Speaking of which, I have never seen Mu An'an finish a complete design draft in the company. Every time I hand over the work to her, she has to postpone it until the next day. Could it be that she is looking for the shooter in private?"

"You can't talk nonsense! You have to know."

"what are you guys saying!"

Mu Anan ran up to several people aggressively, grabbed a coffee cup from one of them, and splashed it directly on the face of the woman who said she was looking for the shooter.

"You slandered me!"

Several colleagues were startled, so they reacted and quickly explained to Mu Anan, but Mu Anan cried and asked the other party to give her an explanation.

In desperation, the other party could only apologize to Mu An'an, but he hated Mu An'an even more in his heart.

After the crowd dispersed, Mu Anan stood on the spot and called Li Tingxiao, but she couldn't get through, so she could only call Li Tingxiao's assistant.

After she cried and complained emphatically, Li Tingxiao rushed to Lu's.

It happened that the employees were on their lunch break, so no one noticed Li Tingxiao's arrival.

"An An, I heard you were bullied?" Li Tingxiao nervously held Mu An'an's arm, "Are you injured?"

Seeing him, Mu Anan burst into tears.

"Brother Tingxiao, my chest feels tight and my head hurts too."

She fell into Li Tingxiao's arms, clutching her chest and panting heavily, pretending to faint.


Li Tingxiao shook her gently, and when he found that she had passed out, he immediately took her away from Lu's and ordered the driver to take them to the hospital.

On the way, Mu Anan woke up.

"Brother Tingxiao, where are we going?" Mu Anan asked knowingly.

Li Tingxiao said softly, "On the way to the hospital, you fainted just now."

"I don't need to go to the hospital, Brother Tingxiao, you can take me back to the company quickly. My colleagues already feel that I am not focused on work. If I ask for leave because I don't feel well, I'm afraid they will talk about me behind my back. I'm not good. Master, I can only change other people's stereotypes of me through hard work."

The second part of her sentence made Li Tingxiao's heart skip a beat, thinking of Mu Xiao who hadn't come home last night.

He checked the GPS of Mu Xiao's car, and he didn't leave Lu's all night, and his assistant also told him that Mu Xiao had been working overtime at Lu's.

"An'an, you are not in good health. The doctor advised you to work too hard. In my opinion, you should leave Lu's, recuperate at home, or find a more leisurely job. What do you think?"

"I don't! Brother Tingxiao also thinks that I can't do well?" Mu Anan's cheeks were flushed with anger, and tears glistened in his eyes, "I know many people think so, I want to prove it to them! "

Li Tingxiao originally wanted to say something, but seeing her like this, he swallowed the words again.

(End of this chapter)

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