Divorce, don't delay my abuse of green tea

Chapter 21 She Won't Give Up

Chapter 21 She Won't Give Up

After Mu Xiao sent the manuscript to Lin Yu, what the other party threw at her was still a long dissatisfaction.

She wrote down Lin Yu's opinions one by one, and thought of solutions one by one.

This busy, one afternoon passed.

"Mu Xiao, do you still have to work overtime tonight?" asked the female colleague beside her.

Mu Xiao nodded, "I'll be busy for a while, you can go."

The female colleague took out two bottles of nutritional oral liquid and put them in Mu Xiao's hand, "Work is important, but the body is even more important."

"Got it!" Mu Xiao waved her goodbye, and then returned to the busy work.

She was dizzy in the midst of a problem at work, and her cell phone, which was buried under a thick pile of documents, vibrated.


Mu Xiao didn't see who the caller was, so she pressed the answer button and threw it aside.

"Hey, what are you doing? I'm eating out with your master, do you want to come over?"

Fu Yanhan's voice came from the phone.

Mu Xiao finally picked up the phone, "I'm still working overtime, you guys eat."

"Work overtime? Aren't you a newcomer now? Why do you work overtime?" Fu Yanhan muttered, as if he was eating.

Mu Xiao frowned, "It's more important to give me an old customer."

"No matter how important it is, you have to eat. You're in the company, right? I'll pick you up now. After dinner, I'll send you back."

Fu Yanhan's words said this, and Wu Ran was beside him, so Mu Xiao could only agree.

After arriving at the restaurant, Mu Xiao saw that all the dishes were served, and half of the dishes were her favorites.

"When Wu Ran and I first came here, we called you over, and ordered a lot of your favorite food." Fu Yanhan pushed the glass of drink in his hand to Mu Xiao, "So, today, no matter what, we have to call you over."

Mu Xiao unceremoniously picked up the chopsticks and stuffed them with a big mouthful.

"Then I want to eat more, I have to work overtime later."

Wu Ran and Fu Yanhan looked at each other, and Fu Yanhan said, "Does that client ask a lot? You still need to work overtime."

"It's more than a lot." In front of Fu Yanhan, Mu Xiao opened up the chatter box and turned on the mode of complaining, "Except for today, there are still five days until the last day of the contract, and even the design drawings have not yet been finalized. I was busy last night One night, posting the picture today, well, it’s still nothing.”

"What dissatisfaction does this person have?" Wu Ran asked.

Facing the master, Mu Xiao restrained her wanton energy just now, and honestly told Lin Yu's dissatisfaction with her design one by one.

"Is she looking for trouble on purpose?" Fu Yanhan couldn't listen any longer, so he interrupted and asked.

Before Mu Xiao could speak, Wu Ran spoke.

"I don't think you should stay in the Lu family any more. Follow me in the future. I won't treat you badly."

Just now Mu Xiao spoke halfway, and he couldn't listen anymore, but his professionalism made him hold back.

His thoughts were the same as Fu Yanhan's.

"Master, do you still remember what those unscrupulous media said?" Mu Xiao looked serious and paused, "If I work with Master, they just don't mention it explicitly, but they will say it in private. I don't care about gossip, But I don't want my abilities to be buried under gossip."

"Okay, I respect you."

After dinner, Fu Yanhan and Wu Ran sent Mu Xiao back to Lu's to work together.

At eleven o'clock in the evening, Li Tingxiao returned to Li's house and looked up at the dark windows on the second floor.

"Hasn't Mu Xiao come back tonight?" He asked the assistant.

The assistant nodded, "Madam is still working overtime at Lu's tonight."

"What has she been up to lately?" Li Tingxiao frowned. He thought that the overtime work last night was an accident, but it looks like it will become the norm in the future?

The assistant thought about it and reported it truthfully.

"Madam recently took an order from an old customer of the Lu family. You know that customer, Lin Yu."

Li Tingxiao narrowed his eyes, searching for the name in his mind.

After a while, he finally remembered who Lin Yu was.

A difficult man indeed.

The two of them had just entered when they heard the sound of the door opening. Li Tingxiao turned his head and saw that Mu Xiao's car had returned.

It seems that there is no need to work overtime for too long tonight.

Li Tingxiao turned around and walked upstairs, instructing the assistant behind him as he walked.

"Before you leave, tell the butler that the breakfast tomorrow morning will be richer, but not too greasy."

The assistant froze for a moment, then nodded quickly.

"I see."

The next morning, after Li Tingxiao woke up, he glanced at the courtyard through the window, and only went out of the bedroom after making sure that Mu Xiao's car was still at home.

When he reached the stairs, Mu Xiao also came out of her room with delicate makeup and a bag in her hand, obviously planning to go to work.

"Let's go after breakfast." Li Tingxiao said softly.

Mu Xiao was surprised, glanced at the time, and nodded.

The two sat side by side at the dining table, but there was only a bowl of porridge on the table.

Li Tingxiao glanced at the butler standing beside him, who immediately lowered his head and trotted into the kitchen.

After a while, another bowl of steaming porridge was served.

Li Tingxiao saw that the housekeeper was about to give Mu Xiao the newly served porridge, so he quickly stopped the housekeeper and pushed the warm porridge in front of him to Mu Xiao.

"You can use this bowl."

"Thank you." Mu Xiao thanked politely.

These two words fell into Li Tingxiao's ears, but he felt a little uncomfortable.

"Have you been working overtime for the past two days?" Li Tingxiao pretended to ask unintentionally.

Mu Xiao gave an 'hmm' without explaining.

"You don't have to work so hard. You can let go of difficult clients first. Pushing yourself too hard is not good for your health. In fact, you don't really need work, right?" Li Tingxiao kept his eyes on the porridge, lightly Say.

Mu Xiao looked up at him, but didn't speak.

Doesn't she really need work?What does this mean?
Did Li Tingxiao feel that the alimony given was enough, so she could spend the rest of her life waiting to die?Even though Li Tingxiao witnessed her winning the championship in City A, did he still feel that she was worthless and wanted to persuade her to give up her job and live on his 'charity'?
"Why don't you take a rest at home today, I'll ask An An to ask you for leave."

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Li Tingxiao was stunned, and Mu Xiao was also stunned.

Li Tingxiao was full of regret that he mentioned Mu An'an in his words, he knew better than anyone else that the two were not compatible, now Mu Xiao was going to misunderstand him.

"It's hard for you to make plans for your sweetheart." Mu Xiao put down the porridge spoon, picked up a napkin and wiped her mouth, "I didn't snatch this client from her, but she couldn't handle it by herself and pushed me away. Go out. Don't worry, I won't give up halfway like her. "

She picked up her bag and left the table.

Before going out, she dropped another sentence.

"I need this job. Don't use your eyes to look at others and judge their needs."

Li Tingxiao raised his hand, wanting to explain something, but Mu Xiao left without looking back.

(End of this chapter)

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