Chapter 94

"Are you sure you don't need to see a doctor? I think your fever seems to be a little serious." Mu Xiao saw that after he went to bed, the temperature of her body rose gradually, and she could feel it even on this side of the bed.

Li Tingxiao shook his head, and the corners of his mouth trembled upwards because he couldn't hear it. He was indeed feverish. It was just a normal man's reaction when he saw a fair-skinned and beautiful woman wearing suspenders.

When Mu Xiao helped him to bed just now, he accidentally saw the scenery... well, it's beautiful, and it really makes people daydream.

"Why are you still sweating?"

"It's because of the fever."

"I'll pour you a glass of cold water and apply a cold towel." Mu Xiao hurriedly got up, but before Li Tingxiao could stop her, she disappeared.

The side was empty, but for the first time Li Tingxiao felt his heart was full, and he thought to himself: She should still care about me.

The image of Mu Xiao helping Yu Qi and Li Sijie appeared again in his mind, and he felt dissatisfied again. Seeing her taking care of other men, he made up his mind to get more care from Mu Xiao than the two of them.

With the sound of footsteps, Li Tingxiao immediately lay back on the pillow, stroking his forehead with one hand, pretending to be in great pain.

"Come on, here comes the water, drink some." Mu Xiao handed over the water, not forgetting to tell: "It's cold, don't drink it too fast. I have a fever now, so don't catch a cold in a while."

Li Tingxiao took it and took a sip.

"Or go to the hospital."

"My own body knows it. I'll be fine after a night of sleep." Li Tingxiao flatly refused. If he went to the hospital, wouldn't his little trick be exposed by the doctor immediately.

Mu Xiaoxiu's eyebrows trembled slightly, and she sized up the person who was drinking water, thinking that with his body, the illness would not be serious, maybe it would really heal after a night of sleep, and if it really got worse , as long as the mobile phone has power and signal, it will be fine to dial 120 directly at that time.

After thinking it over, she no longer bothered about his reluctance to go to the hospital.

"I'm done drinking."


Mu Xiao took the cup from him and put it on the bedside table. Just when she was about to talk to him about why she had to go to bed, she felt someone hugging his waist behind her.

There was a long and hot breath by her ear, gently blowing her earlobe.

"You..." Mu Xiao turned around in astonishment, and met Li Tingxiao's jet-black eyes just in time. She had to say that she realized that his skin was really good after getting so close.

The skin is fairer and more delicate than most women, the sharp-edged features, the tall nose bridge and the thin lips, it seems that every inch of the face is so sensitive that it is hard to breathe.

Mu Xiao took a deep breath, and managed to regain some reason: "Don't move, go to bed quickly."

"I just want to rely on you, otherwise I won't be able to sleep." Li Tingxiao's hand that was covering her waist was still slightly upward, while Mu Xiao pressed it with both hands: "If you move around again, I will kick you out of the bed. "

"But I'm a patient..." After finishing speaking, Li Tingxiao pretended to be very weak.

Mu Xiao rolled her eyes helplessly. She suddenly realized that Li Tingxiao's so-called fever might not be a physical problem, but a psychological problem. Some kind of psychological thought caused the blood to flow faster, and that's why he had a fever.

But his breathing was so long, he didn't look like someone with a rapid heartbeat.

Or, these are all illusions...

"Li Tingxiao, do you have a fever?"

"Yes, I urgently need your cooling down. Seeing you drinking and chatting with other men made me very angry..." Li Tingxiao suddenly said a lot of things that cared about her as if he had drunk too much wine.

Just as Mu Xiao was about to refute, a kiss suddenly landed on her lips.

"Just a kiss, your mouth is so soft and sweet..."

"Don't make trouble, let me go."

"I really have a fever. If you don't believe me, touch my forehead. Is it very hot?"

Li Tingxiao took her hand and brought it to his forehead. Sure enough, it was very hot there. As Li Tingxiao kept approaching her, her mind suddenly went blank.

"You are the best cooling medicine." Li Tingxiao never forgot to act like a baby.

Hearing the man's magnetic voice, Mu Xiao's heart softened for a moment, she indulged herself and agreed...

Even though she knew, she would definitely regret it tomorrow!

If Yu Qi hadn't been attending the peer exchange meeting, he would never have woken up from the bed at 08:30 this morning. He vaguely remembered drinking with Li Sijie yesterday, and his memory was very vague afterwards.

He didn't have time to think about what happened last night, and he arrived at the peer exchange meeting on time at 09:30.

When I sat down, I realized that I hadn’t eaten breakfast. I looked at the time and it was 09 minutes before 30:5. This time was embarrassing. I didn’t have time to order takeaway, and it was too late to go out to buy a breakfast. It's not time.

I had no choice but to wait.

The meeting started on time and ended an hour later.

Yu Qi only wanted to go to lunch quickly, and when he was about to leave, he found someone talking about him, which was very blatant.

"The current film and television industry is just like the service industry. The customer is the god, and our audience is the god. We can shoot whatever they want to see, but some of them are pedantic. If they don't shoot blockbusters, they will be better." It’s an action movie. I don’t know when and what month it will become popular. Maybe the investors’ money will be wasted.”

"That's not necessarily the case. It's not easy to draw conclusions on things like the market." This person saw that Yu Qi was listening to their conversation, so he didn't want to offend others, so he talked tactfully.

He was tactful, but made the chat partner even more unscrupulous: "Look at you, you have no life experience. The market is indeed difficult to determine, but there must be rules. We just want to be people who can grasp the rules! What are the rules? What everyone likes is the rules!"

Speaking of this, the man deliberately turned in the direction of Yu Qi and asked tentatively: "Director Yu, do you think your action movie will become popular? Chi Chi did something that made people lose money."

Yu Qiben was already in a bad mood, but now this person almost hit him with a gun. He looked at that person, smiled crookedly at the corner of his mouth, and walked over.

Seeing the suppressed anger on Yu Qi's face, like an extinct volcano that might explode at any moment, the person who talked about him just now was also frightened: "We are civilized people, don't mess around with us."

A "bang" fist landed on the face.

Yu Qi waved his painful fist: "Your face is really shameless."

"I expect you to hit me!"

"It was you who hit!"

The two started working, and the shooting was delayed.

After half a day, Yu Qi, who had a red face on his face, returned to filming the sausages. Li Sijie laughed and said, "You really started fighting with a junior."

(End of this chapter)

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