Chapter 95 I'm Happy

"He didn't take advantage of it. A graduate who just started, pointing at me and chattering. I couldn't listen to it before I started."

Yu Qisuan confided in Li Sijie, paused after speaking and continued: "Tell me that I can, but say that the things I shoot are not good!"

Li Sijie himself was in a mess, his favorite Mu Xiaoke was rejected by the bright face, he forgot the pain in his heart when he was drunk, but when he woke up, he still felt a dull pain when he thought about it.

When he was too busy to take care of himself, he still had to be appeased. Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh.

Sighing, Li Sijie quickly adjusted his mood and comforted him: "Director Yu is a person who is very protective of his works, so now we can shoot, you have already delayed most of the day .”

For most of the day, the entire shooting scene was waiting for him.

"You're right, work first." Yu Qi adjusted his thoughts, took a deep breath and tried to destroy the frustration in his heart.

Shooting begins.

Everything seemed to be on the right track, but only Yu Qi knew that he was very out of state. When filming before, he could grasp the whole story's context and the emotional observation of the protagonists very keenly, but now he found that I feel like a wooden man, seeing everything is the same feeling.

Yu Qi was very anxious, and he could not help but appear in his mind the ridicule of those few industry newcomers who talked about him in peer seminars, and his self-doubt became more and more inexplicably deeper.

"What happened to the director today, I feel out of shape."

"The whole person feels a little decadent, and the content to be filmed today has nothing to do with decadence."

"It should be caused by a bad mood when fighting with others."

"How could Director Yu be such a person? He is very professional."


These words fell into Yu Qi's ears without hesitation, his face remained calm, but his heart was already depressed, after the filming was finally over, Yu Qi actually wanted to leave work more than the staff present for the first time.

Li Sijie pulled him to find a place to sit down, and said apologetically to the decadent Yu Qi: "What I said a few days ago, don't mind that I really said too much."

Yu Qi waved his hand and sighed while shaking his head: "This has nothing to do with you."

"But I saw that you were out of shape when you were filming, and you looked deeply shocked. Was it because of me? Was it because of those newcomers who entered the industry when you were in the guild, really hit you?" Li Sijie noticed something strange.

This time Yu Qi was silent.

Silence is tantamount to acquiescence.

"People say that making action movies is not good, so you think it's not good. We in the art industry have to have our own creativity. If we only listen to others, how can we make our own good works!"

Li Sijie's original intention was to appease, but the more he talked, the more he went too far, and it even directly caused Yu Qi to feel a little depressed. Yu Qi clasped his head tightly with both hands: "I don't care what others say, but today I The state of the film is inexplicably bad, I was thinking that maybe there is something wrong with me, maybe I shouldn't be photographing such things."

"If your words are heard by the staff, you won't be disappointed. The emergence of a drama is not only the effort of you alone, but also of all of us." Li Sijie was a little anxious. Seeing no one around, his voice was also very loud. Much bigger.

When the two were talking, Mu Xiao appeared.

"Why did you come here?"

"I know you two are meeting here, so I came here." While talking, Mu Xiao found a place to sit down, poured herself a cup of tea, and glanced at the takeaway on the table. Roast duck, three bottles of plum juice, some lamb kebabs and potato chips are all sources of human happiness.

However, as a person in the entertainment industry, whether you are a man or a woman, whether you want to be on camera or not, eating these high-calorie foods is really a bit unprofessional.

"What kind of takeaway are you ordering? If you don't know, you might think that the show is about to end, so everyone indulges." Mu Xiao frowned and looked at the food, hesitated for two seconds, and reached out to pick up a string of mutton skewers .

After all, since I have seen it all, it is natural to eat it.

"Today is special, he is in a bad mood." Li Sijie pointed at Yu Qi.

"What happened, let's hear it."

Li Sijie told Yu Qi everything that happened today, and he did not forget to add fuel to it: "The newcomers in the industry really dare to speak up, and they don't have the motto of respecting teachers and respecting teaching at all."

"Yeah, those people are really shocking." Yu Qi complained, and said, "I'm in a bad state today because I was hit hard."

Originally, Yu Qi thought that Mu Xiao would comfort her, but she never thought of it, but she said: "You feel hit by this little thing, it can only be said that you have been hit a little too little."

The corners of Li Sijie's mouth twitched and he remained silent.

Normally, Li Sijie would have joined Mu Xiao and complained about Yu Qi together, but today Yu Qi was in such a bad mood that when he wanted to complain, he swallowed it back abruptly.

"You mean my skin isn't thick enough?" Yu Qi frowned.

Mu Xiao raised her eyebrows and nodded: "Isn't it? Not only is your skin not thick enough, but also your heart. You said that you are a good director anyway. Why can't you accept the sound of brushing your face? Since people look down on you, you should cheer up and shoot Come out with something good and make those people blind!”

"Yes! You are right." Yu Qi's decadence suddenly disappeared.

Yu Qi's mood improved a lot, Li Sijie took the opportunity to apologize, saying that he will not affect the shooting because of his mood in the future, and he will definitely perform every scene well.

Yu Qi, who got the promise, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Okay, I believe in you, let's work hard together."

Mu Xiao looked at the two with relief, and suddenly saw the mutton stick in her hand, and put it down in embarrassment: "As a self-disciplined woman, I still have to eat less."

Yu Qi couldn't help laughing, he felt that Mu Xiao was both intellectual and wise, and sometimes a little naturally cute, and when he saw Li Tingxiao later, Yu Qi couldn't help but praise Mu Xiao to Li Tingxiao.

Seeing that Yu Qi praised her endlessly and said that they had dinner together again, Li Tingxiao was even more jealous.

"The next time you invite her to eat, you must notify me in advance!" Li Tingxiao said coldly.

Yu Qi was puzzled: "Why?"

"I always need to know the whereabouts of my woman. No matter who asks her for dinner, they must pass through me." Li Tingxiao said as it should.

Yu Qi was speechless, staring at Li Tingxiao's forehead and frowning, he said, "You're making too much of a fuss, it's just a meal."

"I'm happy." Li Tingxiao said domineeringly.

(End of this chapter)

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