Chapter 103
In just a moment, his gentleness disappeared completely, and his face became gloomy. His eyes as deep as the sea were filled with a gloomy and stern light.

Looking at her sweet and defenseless sleeping face, he stretched out his big hand and pinched her face without the tassel curtain.

There was a blush on his face after drinking, which made him unhappy.

He kneaded vigorously, wishing to remove all the blush from the wine Ji Qingyu gave her.

Li Yuyan was in pain in her sleep, and murmured: "Don't touch me!"

Ye Yiheng stopped immediately, seeing her bright red lips...

He still couldn't help bringing his fingertips to her lips.

The warmth exhaled from the tip of her nose fell on his fingertips, like a fragrance...

Ye Yiheng withdrew his hand again, straightened his robe, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

When he arrived at the East Palace, he carried her to Tingfengyuan.

I don't know how much this woman drank and slept all the way in the carriage. Now that he is holding her like this, she still doesn't seem to wake up.

What's worse, her little face was still rubbing against his chest.

Through the spring shirt, he could clearly feel the warmth from her body.

For many years, his body has been very cold, and he has hardly experienced the body temperature of a normal person.

Today, it made him feel a real feeling.

Seeing His Highness the Crown Prince holding Miss Li Wu back, even though it was night, many court ladies and eunuchs walking around in the East Palace turned around one after another, or bowed their heads and knelt down, not daring to look more.

Song Guo led the way, and Ye Yiheng carried Li Yuyan back to Tingfengyuan without saying a word.

Mother Zhao and Miao Zhu saw their young lady being carried back by His Royal Highness, and rushed to greet her.

Finding that her young lady was asleep, Miao Zhu didn't dare to ask after seeing the gloomy expression on the prince's face.

Ye Yiheng strode into Li Yuyan's bedroom and put her on the bed.

Just when his hand left her body and was about to straighten up, Li Yuyan hooked his neck unexpectedly.

Even though she was drunk, she was quite strong.

Ye Yiheng shook her head, and when she lowered her arm, she pressed her soft lips against it...

At this moment, Li Yuyan is in a dream——

She shrank in the corner, looking at the man in front of her.

The man's expression was cold, he should be angry.

When he was angry, he needed her to please him.

Everything needs her initiative.

Thinking of this, she got up from the corner, walked up to him, stood on tiptoe, and brought her lips together.

The warm and moist lips were right in front of his eyes, as if an inexplicable electric current stirred up in his body, and it convulsed instantly, causing depression.

Ye Yiheng was very displeased with this feeling, just when her lips were about to touch his face, he gave a force with his arm, and Li Yuyan fell from the edge of the bed to the ground.


Ye Yiheng frowned and looked at the woman on the ground, only to see that she moved her body and fell asleep again on the ground.

How could there be such a woman?
This scene was so frightening that Zhao's mother couldn't make a sound, and Miao Zhu opened her mouth wide in shock. If her lady knew that she wanted to belittle the Crown Prince while she was asleep, what kind of state would she be in?
The pinecone on the side was sweating profusely on his forehead, his highness is so like this, could it be true?

The princess-to-be pretended to be sleepy and offered to send a kiss, but His Highness didn't want it.

It's fine if you don't want to, and you will overturn people to the ground!
My God, if this matter spreads out, another piece of evidence that His Highness can't do it will be added!

Ye Yiheng's face was livid, and his sternness became even worse. He flung his sleeves and left Tingfengyuan.

When the prince and Song Guo left, Mother Zhao and Miao Zhu hurriedly lifted Li Yuyan from the ground to the bed.

"Miss, miss, wake up, wake up!"

No matter how the two called, Li Yuyan slept soundly.

In the dream, when she was kissing him, he dodged her fiercely.

In the past, he would have to toss her all night, but this time he actually let her go and didn't do that kind of thing.

Therefore, she slept very soundly!

The next day.

Li Yuyan woke up in a good mood, smelling the alcohol on her body, the first thing she did after waking up was to take a bath.

When she was refreshed and eating the morning food, Miao Zhu told the story of last night.

Halfway through hearing that, Li Yuyan almost spit out the breakfast in his mouth: "What, I actually took the initiative to kiss him?"

She came back to her senses, last night she was drunk in Jiangyanghou's mansion, and he brought her back.Then I was afraid that I couldn't tell the difference between dream and reality, or in other words, put the dream into reality, and accidentally kissed him.

Thinking of this, she quickly asked, "Have I kissed you yet?"

Miao Zhu shook her head: "No, His Royal Highness seems to be very disgusted, and pushed the young lady away."

Hearing this, Li Yuyan laughed loudly: "Good push!"

I'm glad I was pushed down by him, otherwise my first kiss would be gone!
Miao Zhu was dumbfounded, and quickly added: "Miss, you were thrown directly from the bed to the ground by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

No wonder her shoulders and hips hurt a little, Li Yuyan squeezed her shoulders: "It's okay, pain is a trivial matter."

The first kiss is the big deal!

She wanted to finish eating as soon as possible so that she could thank him for his kindness.

Suddenly, a thought flashed through his mind.

She quickly grasped that this thought was a problem.

The question is is he really bad?

The one who can't even kiss?
Li Yuyan thought while eating.

After a while, she suddenly realized that the plaque on her face might have frightened him.Though she wore fringed curtains, he knew there were plaques under the fringes.

It's okay for someone to feel sick!
Never before had she been so thankful that she had a plaque on her.

After eating the food, Li Yuyan walked briskly to the prince's study.

Seeing her coming, Jiang Le got up from the chair immediately: "Li Wu, how did you come back last night?"

Just now he asked His Highness the Crown Prince, but His Highness refused to say anything.

According to His Highness's violent temper, he would definitely get angry, but when he came to the East Palace today, he didn't hear a single word in this regard.

Even if he asked Song Guo, Song Guo remained silent.

Such a situation made him feel very problematic.

Therefore, seeing Li Yuyan approaching now, he wanted to ask what happened.

Out of his expectation, Li Yuyan smiled at Yan Yan and said, "Your Highness brought me back, and I came here to thank you."

After saying that, Li Yuyan looked at Ye Yiheng.

Seeing the meaningful smile in her eyes, Ye Yiheng said to Jiang Lecheng in a deep voice, "Go out first."

"Your Highness, this..." Jiang Lecheng frowned.

The matter between Dali Temple and Liang Wang has not been finished yet, why did he let him go out?
Ye Yiheng said coldly, "Get out!"

Jiang Lecheng hurriedly bowed and said yes, left the study, and closed the door obediently.

Li Yuyan said: "Your Majesty was a little drunk yesterday. Please forgive me for what you did to trouble Your Highness!"

Seeing the slight hint of irony on her lips, Ye Yiheng frowned, thinking of what Song Guo was worried about, could it be that this woman also thought he was not good?

Thinking of this, he picked her up and walked straight to the back room.

The sudden movement made Li Yuyan turn pale with shock: "What does Your Highness want to do?"

"Let the Crown Princess know, you can't do it alone!"

There was an obvious aggression in the voice.

 Thanks A Mengjiang for the reward and monthly pass!Add more today!
  Thanks to Hongxiu Baobao: the reward of rice with milk!

  Thank you little cuties for the recommendation tickets, okay~~~
(End of this chapter)

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