Chapter 104 She Was Fainted
Li Yuyan struggled to get down, but she didn't want the man's arm to exert force and clamped his hand even tighter.

She cautiously raised her eyes to look at him, from the angle of being in his arms at the moment, she happened to see his smooth and perfect chin, the clearly visible Adam's apple, and her cool lips when she looked up.

I couldn't help being nervous and flustered: "Your Highness, have you misunderstood something?"

She didn't write the words "You can't do it" on her face, how could he know what she was thinking?

The man hugged her lightly without saying a word.

Li Yuyan only felt that a cold person was holding her and walking towards the back room.This man's embrace was not warm at all, and she didn't like it very much.

Moreover, his indifferent aura and strong sense of oppression made her heart start beating wildly.

"Your Highness, if there is something wrong with this subject, please forgive me."

Ye Yiheng still did not speak, carried her into the room, and threw her on the bed mercilessly.

Yesterday, her shoulders and hips were still hurting from the fall, and now she fell again, and the pain increased.

Li Yuyan didn't care to rub the painful place, and got out of bed quickly.

After a few steps, he grabbed his wrist.

With a sweep of Ye Yiheng's other palm, the door closed immediately.

This woman drank with Ji Qingyu again last night, where does this put him?

If he hadn't picked him up last night, wouldn't she have planned to come back?

Thinking of this, Ye Yiheng let go of her wrist, grabbed her slender neck directly, and forced her to look at him: "If you are so restless, how should I punish you?"

The man's voice and movements are fierce and brutal.

Li Yuyan was startled, and quickly reached for the silver needle in her sleeve with her fingertips.


She forgot to let it go this morning!
Ye Yiheng took off the eye veil with his slender and white fingers, and stared at her coldly: "Say!"

Li Yuyan pressed his beating heart, and said frankly: "My daughter is not restless, she was greedy for drinking last night, she drank too much."

He snorted: "Your smile just now has a deep meaning, can you explain?"

Li Yuyan's expression froze, what kind of monster is this person, who can actually see the meaning behind her smile, which makes one's hair stand on end.

She bit her lips, and said in a very soft voice: "Your Highness doesn't need to prove anything, if His Highness is up to it, His Highness knows it for himself, and there is no need to prove it to your courtiers!"

Startled by her words, this woman really felt that he was not good.

While he was in a daze, Li Yuyan ran away.

Before he took two steps, he was hugged behind him.

"Let go of me!" She struggled hard.

The man's two iron arms easily clamped her two arms, ignoring her struggle, and he whispered in her ear: "You are so restless, you should do something."

His body is like a frozen soul, just like his words, without any warmth.

She struggled hard, with the warm and fragrant nephrite in her arms, she kept rubbing his chest, causing the dryness in his body to rise rapidly.

This situation displeased Ye Yiheng very much.

The cold poison and dryness in his body were entangled again, making his body restless, as if the pain of being torn by a wild animal came.

In an instant, the phoenix eyes were dyed scarlet, and he picked her up again and threw her back on the bed.

His body moved away from her, the pain gradually decreased, and the depression gradually subsided.

"Your Highness, the courtier is not restless!" Li Yuyan shrank back into the bed, and the expression in front of him was clearly neither happy nor angry, calm, why did his eyes seem to want to eat her up at any time.

Hearing this, he smiled.

She originally had a monstrous complexion, but with such a smile, her emotions were unclear.

But it has an unreasonable fearsome prestige, mixed with insidiousness and coldness.

Li Yuyan's body trembled uncontrollably.

Seeing that she was so afraid of him, Ye Yiheng's eyes shrank, his phoenix eyes narrowed, and the sharp eyes fell directly on her.

For some reason, the depression in his body rose again, causing him to involuntarily tug at the neckline of the brocade robe.

She had encountered this movement countless times in those dreams, and it was only when he wanted her!

In the dream, the feeling of being ravaged by him in every possible way surfaced.

If it happened once in reality, she would definitely be tortured to death.

The more she thought about it, the more frightened she became. The fear in her heart, coupled with her body's instinctive stress response, made Li Yuyan close her eyes and fainted.

Ye Yiheng was stunned.

He just stood on the edge of the bed and looked at her trembling with fear, but didn't do anything to her.

It's good at this moment, this woman is fainted.

He didn't do anything, she was unconscious!
Ye Yiheng pressed his temples, and really couldn't understand why she was so afraid in front of him many times?
This is not how ordinary people are afraid of the imperial power of the Tian Family, but like they are afraid of their enemies!
Before he had time to think about the reason, he stepped forward to pat her on the face: "Li Yuyan, wake up."

Her face was soft and greasy. After patting and kneading her face, it turned crimson in an instant, making his Adam's apple roll unnaturally.

Called her several times, still no response.

Ye Yiheng had no choice but to go out of the room and call Song Guo: "Go ask Miao Zhu to serve her."

Song Guo bowed and asked, "Your Highness, how is Miss Li Wu?"

"She's asleep." Ye Yiheng coldly dropped four words, then turned and went back to the study.

The pinecone was totally puzzled by Monk Zhang Er, who happened to be waiting at the door of the study when the little father-in-law was kicked out just now.

At that time, he thought His Highness was going to do something with Miss Li Wu in the study, so he kicked the young man out.

Driven by curiosity, he looked at the window on the side of the small building. Looking at the figure from the window, it was obvious that his Highness carried Miss Li Wu to the room behind the study.

At that time, he was overjoyed, thinking that his highness had finally enlightened, that his highness was going to cook rice with Miss Li Wu!

But, at such a critical time, why did Miss Li Wu fall asleep?
Or is it that His Highness is really bad, and he did not hesitate to knock Miss Li Wu unconscious to cover up the fact that His Highness is not good.

The more Song Guo thought about it, the more worried she became.

This must be the case, His Highness knocked Miss Li Wu unconscious so as to cover up the unspeakable facts.

On the way to Tingfengyuan, Songguo was thinking about how to tell Miaozhu all the way.

When you arrive at Tingfengyuan, find Miaozhu.

Song Guo took a deep breath: "Miss Miaozhu, Miss has fallen asleep in the small building of His Highness, you go to serve Miss."

"Asleep?" Miao Zhu looked suspiciously at the eunuch next to him, "I just woke up early, how can my young lady fall asleep? Eunuch Song Guo, don't bully the servant girl who came from the valley, don't think The servant girl doesn't understand the routine of normal people in the capital!"

"It's really asleep, His Highness told Miss Miaozhu to go over quickly."

Seeing that his words did not seem to be fake, Miao Zhu put down the work at hand and followed his footsteps out of Tingfengyuan.

The two walked towards the small building and met Jiang Lecheng who was kicking stones on the way.

The two called out in unison: "Little Grandpa is well."

Seeing these two, Jiang Lecheng quickly stopped: "You two, wait a minute!"

One is His Highness's personal servant, and the other is Li Wu's personal servant girl, they definitely know what to do.

Song Guo frowned: "Is there something wrong with the little grandpa?"

Jiang Lecheng coughed lightly: "Well, how are your Highness and Li Wu?"

(End of this chapter)

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