Chapter 105
Song Guo was a little embarrassed to speak.

Miao Zhu glanced at him, and interjected: "Little Grandpa, believe it or not, my young lady fell asleep early in the morning. Anyway, the maid doesn't believe it!"

Jiang Lecheng pondered for a moment and asked, "Are you asleep?"

Then Song Guo replied: "Miss, she is asleep, Your Highness asked the servant to call Ms. Miaozhu to guard Miss."

Jiang Lecheng couldn't help muttering: "How about time?"

Could it be that His Highness really can't do it?
Pine Cone: "Little Grandpa, what do you mean?"

Miao Zhu: "The servant girl said that the young man wouldn't believe it, how could he fall asleep shortly after waking up early in the morning?"

As they talked, they both looked at Jiang Lecheng.

Jiang Lecheng was silent for a moment, then lowered his voice: "Miss Miaozhu is not an outsider anymore, this son is telling the truth, just now His Highness let me out of the study, I vaguely heard His Highness say something to let the Crown Princess know if he can do it or not."

Jiang Lecheng unfolded his folding fan and fanned it: "And, judging from this time..."

It's too short.

Before he finished speaking, Song Guo and Miao Zhu ran to the small building.

Worry about the pinecone!
Your Highness really can't!

Hearing what Jiang Lecheng said, I became more convinced of my thoughts.

Miao Zhu is so worried!
Her family's young lady will not be given something by the prince, right?
Although the time is short...

Some things have nothing to do with the length of time. If the young lady is bullied, how will she explain to the deceased wife and young master?
Moreover, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and her young lady are not married yet!

The two ran so fast that Jiang Lecheng froze in place.

"Hey, you..."

Jiang Lecheng closed his folding fan and pointed to the two people who ran away.

Suddenly, he reacted——

After all, His Highness is his future!

His Highness's lifelong events and His Highness's personal happiness are closely related to him.

Even if His Highness retains the position of crown prince and ascends the throne smoothly in the future, if there are no heirs, wouldn't Tiancheng's world fall into the hands of others?
By then, wouldn't Jiang Lecheng's descendants have no glory and wealth?
Thinking of this, Jiang Lecheng also ran quickly.

When the three of them ran to the study panting one after another, Ye Yiheng was holding his brows behind the desk.

Seeing His Highness the Crown Prince's whole body was filled with cold air, Song Guo and Jiang Lecheng couldn't say a word of what they wanted to ask just now.

Only Miaozhu quickly blessed the body: "Your Highness!"

Song Guo reminded her: "The room is at the back, where His Highness used to rest temporarily."

Miao Zhu nodded and hurried to the back.

Seeing Miaozhu walking away, Jiang Lecheng squinted at Ye Yiheng, and asked softly, "Your Highness, do you feel anything is wrong?"

Hearing this, Song Guo immediately pricked up his ears to listen.

Ye Yiheng exuded a biting chill all over his body, and cast a sidelong glance at the two of them.

Just now when he let Jiang Lecheng go out, this guy was just outside the door with his ear on.

In addition to what Song Guo was worried about, he could know what kind of dirty things these two people were thinking without thinking.

"Lonely, it's time for you to get married. As for the pine cone..."

Jiang Lecheng said honestly with embarrassment: "Your Highness, the family members are anxious about the minister's marriage."

"Yigu sees that the maid of the cold palace is suitable for both of you."

The voice is cold, the tone of the tone is neither fast nor slow, and the tone is full of shock.

Jiang Lecheng and Song Guo immediately knelt down: "Your Highness, calm down!"

The maids in the cold palace are all old maids who have not yet left the palace. How can they match him with the dignified son of the Duke's mansion?

Even if it is a pine cone, those old maids are not worthy!

At the back of the study, Miao Zhu has entered the room.

When she saw her young lady lying on the bed with neat clothes, she felt relieved.

Thinking of the prince's stern and gloomy face, Miao Zhu couldn't help reaching out to check Li Yuyan's breath.

Still breathing, her young lady is still alive!

Just how did you fall asleep?
"Miss, miss, wake up!"

It was useless to call her, Li Yuyan turned over and continued to sleep.

Miaozhu had no choice but to sit on the edge of the bed and watch over her.

An hour later, Li Yuyan finally woke up.

The first thing I do when I wake up is to see if my clothes are intact.After confirming that he was in good condition and that there was no shameful pain in his body, he calmed down slightly.

"Miss, how did you fall asleep?"

Li Yuyan was startled by the sudden sound, and then saw Miaozhu sitting at the end of the big bed.

"How did you get here?"

"Song Guo said that the young lady is asleep, and let the maidservant take care of her."

Hearing this, Li Yuyan snorted: "That sounds nice, I fell asleep, I didn't fall asleep!"

"Miss, are you and His Highness the Crown Prince really..."

Li Yuyan got off the bed: "Let's go back to Fengyuan and talk about it."

Miaozhu nodded, and the master and servant went to the front study.

In the study room at the moment, Ye Yiheng was leaning on the back of the chair covered with white gauze, and when he heard the footsteps, he said coldly: "What does the princess want to say?"

Li Yuyan stopped in her tracks and signaled Miao Zhu to wait for her outside, and then said slowly: "Your Majesty is not restless, Your Highness, please don't take your life!"

Not to mention trying to prove that he can do it.

She didn't dare to say the last sentence.

Once he said it, the lunatic might actually do something.

No matter whether he is as bad as the rumors or as good as a dream, she doesn't want to bear it.

Generally, people who can't do it are ruthless and play tricks in different ways.

Thinking of this, Li Yuyan couldn't help trembling.

Ye Yiheng frowned.

Could it be that he said that if she is restless and gets rid of her, she will be afraid of herself?

He straightened up: "Show your sincerity to stay in the East Palace, your life can be saved for now."

Li Yuyan pursed her lips, thought for a moment, and said: "The minister returned to Li Mansion to take back her mother's dowry and put it in the East Palace. Does this count as the sincerity of the minister to stay in the East Palace?"

See him silent.

She hastened to add: "My daughter's mother is the daughter of a wealthy family in the south of the Yangtze River. My grandfather's family has no power, and the only thing I have is money. Therefore, my mother's dowry is very rich. Although it can't compare with the property of the East Palace, it is still quite a lot." wealth."

My grandfather's family is the richest man in the south of the Yangtze River. At this moment, she only talks about rich households, because now they can only be counted as wealthy households.

Since the death of my eldest brother and mother five years ago, my grandfather's family has been running around.Because he has no power, he lost a lot of money in the middle, and now he is being suppressed by different forces. It is difficult for his grandfather's family to do business, and he can no longer be called the richest man in Jiangnan.

It turns out that she is the daughter of a Jiangnan girl, no wonder her skin is more delicate and fairer than ordinary girls, and her waist is also more slender.

The fingertips and palms seemed to still have the softness and tenderness of her face, Ye Yiheng coughed lightly.

The handsome eyes under the white gauze inadvertently caught a glimpse of her slender waist, and hurriedly looked away: "Yes!"

Hearing this, Li Yuyan blessed the body: "Thank you, Your Highness!"

Ye Yiheng turned to the door and said, "Mo Chen."

Mo Chen heard the voice and came in: "Your Highness, please give me instructions!"

"Bring a few people back to Li Mansion with the Crown Princess to move the dowry."

Mo Chen lowered his eyebrows and lowered his eyes and asked, "Is it the dowry of the princess' mother?"

Li Yuyan nodded: "That's right, I hope Mochen's guards will call a few more people, the mother's dowry is a bit too much."

Mo Chen's heart trembled, and he cupped his hands and asked, "Your Highness, what should we do if someone obstructs Li Manor?"

(End of this chapter)

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