Chunliu persuaded: "Pavilion Master, Ruofeng still has half a day to go to Linqing Pavilion. These days, you have been riding in a hurry, even if you are in a hurry to go to the border, you should take a rest."

Xia Tao echoed: "Yes, Pavilion Master, it's time for lunch soon. You eat in the pavilion, and then take a lunch break. Then there will be time to leave."

Miao Zhu pinched her arm with pantothenic acid, her hands were sore from riding the reins of a horse for the past few days.

Seeing this, Li Yuyan nodded, "Then listen to you."

Seeing the pavilion master's promise, Chunliu and Xia Tao hurried to arrange food.

I also need to make some pastries for the pavilion master and Miaozhu Road to eat.
the other side.

Ye Yiheng and his party walked by water.

The boat moved forward at the fastest speed. Everyone thought that the prince's move was to find Li Yuyan.

But no one dared to mention it.

On weekdays, Ye Yiheng didn't talk much at first, but since leaving Jiangzhou, he became more and more silent on the boat.

Song Guo was very worried, for fear that his highness would suffer from lovesickness.

It is said that lovesickness is not a disease, but it can kill people.

Thinking of this, Song Guo took Jiang Lecheng, Mo Chen, Liu Yun and Yinshuang to talk in secret.

"Do you think His Highness is suffering from longing?" Song Guo first looked at Jiang Lecheng.

Jiang Lecheng laughed at himself: "Your Highness has been bitten by a woman, and Mo Chen has also been bitten by a woman. I have no such experience. You should ask Mo Chen about this."

Song Guo nodded and turned his gaze to Mo Chen's face.

Mo Chen chuckled: "It's a joke, I was bitten by that crazy woman Miao Zhu, how do I miss her? Am I sick?"

As soon as these words came out, Song Guo, Jiang Lecheng and Mo Chen all looked at Liu Yun and Yinshuang.

"You are women, you should know women best." Song Guo pondered for a moment and asked, "Does Miss Yuyan have His Highness in her heart?"

Liuyun and Yinshuang looked at each other, how could they say that Li Yuyan, they hadn't had much contact with each other?
While they were thinking, Mo Chen laughed: "Can these two be called women?"

"The skin is rough and the flesh is thick. If you break your wrist, you can pinch and break the bones of a person's hand."

"Miss Yuyan's skin turned red when His Royal Highness pinched her wrist. Their skin probably wouldn't turn red even if they were run over by a carriage."

Mo Chen only cared about speaking bluntly, completely unaware of Liu Yun and Yin Shuang's increasingly serious faces.

As soon as Mo Chen finished speaking, they got up and greeted Mo Chen cordially with fists and kicks.

Jiang Lecheng and Song Guo frowned and watched in pain. Fortunately, it wasn't what they said just now.

Although the fist didn't hit them, just hearing the sound was inexplicably painful.

Song Guo felt the benefits of being a little eunuch for the first time.

Ye Yiheng heard the conversations and sounds coming from the room.

He walked over slowly, knocked on the door, and said in a calm voice, "This speed is only for returning to Beijing."

Not to find her.

Hearing His Highness's voice, Song Guo quickly opened the door, Liu Yun and Yinshuang closed their fists, and stood up together with the rest: "Your Highness."

Ye Yiheng glanced at them, and said calmly: "She is seasick and cannot walk by water."

A more convenient way than water is to ride a horse.

That day in the Guozijian competition, seeing her riding a horse was quite vigorous and dashing, if he guessed right, she decided to choose riding.

Leaving Mama Zhao, one can delay the time, and two can leave Jiangzhou as quickly as possible...

leave him.

Everyone in the room reacted.

Jiang Lecheng sighed: "We are so stupid, why didn't we think of it?"

In today's Jiangnan area, the water level is gradually falling, and the roads are slowly returning to traffic.

Under such circumstances, she would definitely not choose to take a boat, not to mention that she couldn't control the speed, but it also depended on the boatman's face.

Song Guo boldly asked: "Your Highness, shall we go to find Miss Yuyan?"

Jiang Lecheng gave him a hand: "Tiancheng is so big, do you know where she went?"

Several people were silent.

At this moment, Ye Yiheng's clear voice sounded: "Gu probably knows where she went."

"Your Highness, let's chase after him." Song Guo said loudly.

It seems that His Highness and Miss Yuyan's former fiancée were not for nothing, and this thought can be figured out clearly.

While Song Guo and the others waited expectantly for the prince's reply, Ye Yiheng glanced at them indifferently, and left the door without making a sound.

Is he shameless?
This is the second time that woman has escaped from his side.

Seeing His Royal Highness walk away, Liu Yun and Yin Shuang continued to "greet" Mo Chen.

Mo Chen held his head, glanced out of the window inadvertently, and shouted: "It's alright, it's alright, don't hit me!"

Liuyun and Yinshuang withdrew their hands.

Mo Chen pushed them away and said loudly: "We have reached the boundary of Linqing Pavilion!"

Ye Yiheng was standing on the deck, looking up into the distance.

He heard what Mo Chen said.

It is now April, and the mountains are green and the clouds are flowing. This is a good place.

No wonder the genius doctor chose this place as the location of Linqing Pavilion.

Mo Chen ran to the cabin: "Since we are passing by, let's go to Linqing Pavilion to have a look."

Jiang Lecheng also came out in a hurry: "Yes, if we want to attack Linqing Pavilion in the future, we should explore the way this time."

Suddenly, a thought crossed Ye Yiheng's mind, did she think he was blind and weak?
In this way, he should be more optimistic about eye diseases and cold diseases.

Thinking of this, he said in a deep voice, "Go to Linqing Pavilion."

When everyone heard this, they were very excited.

Although according to Ruofeng's previous news, the genius doctor is now in southern Xinjiang.But being able to get close to Linqing Pavilion, maybe their highness's eye disease and cold disease can be diagnosed and treated by other medical experts in Linqing Pavilion.
The capital, Prince Liang's Mansion.

After Li Manting's miscarriage, according to Feng's statement, she also needs to confine herself.

This allows the body to recover so that it is possible to conceive again as soon as possible.

Li Manting was not sure about this, because she had seen King Liang very few times these days.

The more uncertain you are, the more irritable you are, and you have dropped a lot of things, but you are still not relieved.

Jin Ju whispered at the side: "Concubine, Liang Wang must be sympathetic to your body, that's why he didn't come."

Li Manting sneered, and then shouted: "Go and invite him, just say I'm not feeling well."

After a stick of incense time, the kumquats go and come back.

Seeing her coming back alone, Li Manting scolded: "Can't you please do it alone? What is the use of my concubine keeping you?"

Jin Ju shook her body and said: "The king of Liang said that the side concubine is not feeling well, so she can just rest, and don't think about anything else."

Hearing this, Li Manting felt that the scratches on her face must have disgusted Liang Wang.

But the scar removal ointment given by the imperial physician was ineffective, and it was inconvenient for me to leave the palace because of confinement.

Li Manting took a deep breath, forced herself to calm down, and said to Jinju: "Go back to Li's house and let my mother go to the Wu family's father and son. Let them think of a way no matter what, and develop some powerful scar cream , Remove the scars on my face!"

Kumquat respectfully said yes.
Ye Yiheng's boat sailed towards the boundary of Linqing Pavilion.

Halfway there, I saw a young man on the bank, drinking water and washing his face.Mo Chen touched his painful head from Liu Yun and Yin Shuang's beating, waved his hands and shouted loudly: "Ruofeng, Ruofeng."

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