If the wind wiped off the water on his face, he raised his eyes and saw an official ship.

And the person on the boat who waved to him was Mo Chen?
Taking a closer look, it was indeed Mo Chen.

It's just that at this moment, his nose is a little bruised and his face is swollen, which makes him dare not recognize each other for a while.

This person was beaten so badly, could it be that he was murdered by villains?
Ruofeng took the sword from the horse and shouted, "I'll save you!"

While speaking, he pointed his toes and flew onto the boat.

If the wind landed on the boat, he still hadn't stabilized his footsteps, and saw that the pine cones were there, and looked again, his highness was walking out slowly.

"Save who?"

Ye Yiheng's voice was cold.

Ruofeng almost sprained his feet, retracted the sword, and stammered: "Subordinate, subordinate, look at Mo Chen's face, think..."

Song Guo pursed her lips and smiled, and said after laughing enough: "Mo Chen is like this, it's all because of his broken mouth."

Liu Yun and Yin Shuang crossed their arms and sneered in unison.

Ruofeng suddenly understood that he probably offended these two women.

With a chill in his heart, Ruofeng knelt on one knee and cupped his hands: "Your Highness, this subordinate has neglected his duties and has not found a miracle doctor in Southern Xinjiang. Now I am going to Linqing Pavilion to ask for an explanation, but I did not expect to meet Your Highness."

Ye Yiheng said lightly: "You have lived in Linqing Pavilion for many days, since that's the case, you lead the way."

Seeing that His Royal Highness is about to go up the mountain in person, Ruofeng couldn't help but speak first: "Your Highness, the genius doctor has come and gone without a trace, and we may not be able to see him during this trip."

"It's okay, I'm very curious about Linqing Pavilion, so I should take a tour."

Hearing this, Ruofeng felt relieved.

Lead the horse into the boat and sail all the way towards the mountain where Linqing Pavilion is located.
Li Yuyan had lunch at Linqing Pavilion, and then took a lunch break.

Maybe it was because she didn't get much rest after traveling all the way. When she woke up, the sun had already set.

Li Yuyan left the room sleepily, and asked the maid guarding the door, "How long have I been asleep?"

"Return to Pavilion Master, you slept for two hours."

"Where's Chunliu Xiatao?"

"They are making pastries in the kitchen, and they say they are for the pavilion master to eat on the road."

At this moment, someone came to report: "Pavilion Master, there is a group of people coming up the mountain, and Ruofeng is among them."

Ruofeng came to Linqing Pavilion alone before, how did he bring a group of people this time?

"Hurry up and tell Chunliu Xiatao to come and see me."


Not long after, Chunliu Xiatao came over, and the two of them knew that Ruofeng brought people up the mountain.

Chunliu apologized and said: "Pavilion master, it's the maid who neglected his duty. Everyone in Linqing Pavilion already knew Ruofeng, so when he came, someone from below came to report him."

"Two hours ago, he disappeared with his horse and man, and we thought he would not come. The maidservants are very surprised to lead others up the mountain now."

At this time, another person came to report: "Pavilion Master, it has been found out that Ruofeng boarded an official ship and came with the people on board."

Hearing this, Li Yuyan felt inexplicably nervous.

Could it be him?
Thinking that it might be Ji Qingyu, she asked, "Is there someone who can cover the white gauze with eyes?"

"Back to Pavilion Master, among this group of people, there is a man with a white veil over his eyes."

Hearing this, Li Yuyan closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead.

How did this blind man come to the door?
Could it be that she discovered her identity?
Chunliu Xiatao came to his senses: "Pavilion Master, is that the crown prince?"

The blind prince covered his eyes with white gauze, and everyone in Tiancheng had heard of it.

Li Yuyan nodded: "Notify Miao Zhu immediately, let her pack up and walk with me from the back mountain."

Xia Tao said yes, and turned to Miaozhu's room.

Chun Liu said: "Pavilion Master, the maidservants go and stop them first."

Li Yuyan warned: "Be careful!"

Unexpectedly, when Li Yuyan turned back to the room, someone said again: "Pavilion Master, those people are already in the main hall!"

Li Yuyan squeezed her fingers, if the blind man really found out her identity, it would be useless for her to hide.

The most urgent thing is that she has to confirm first, does the blind man know her identity as the Pavilion Master of Linqing Pavilion?
Thinking of this, she moved closer to Chunliu's ear and whispered something.

Chunliu nodded approvingly, informed Miaozhu and Xia Tao, and then went to the main hall.

Li Yuyan went to the attic above the main hall.

Looking from the window made of shells in the attic to the main hall, Ye Yiheng stood there facing the wind, quietly admiring the various landscape paintings hanging on the wall.

Fortunately, she didn't sign those paintings.

This man's wisdom is close to that of a monster, if he sees the clue, it will be bad.

At this moment, Chunliu pretended not to know that it was the crown prince who covered her eyes with veils, and said to Ruofeng, "It's a misfortune that you came, my pavilion master, you came back a few days ago, and now you're traveling again."

Ruofeng sighed: "I said, why can't I find anyone in southern Xinjiang?"

Chunliu smiled and said, "The southern border is so big, it's quite difficult to find someone."

Seeing His Highness admiring the paintings, Ruofeng said, "Before I went up the mountain, someone told my subordinates that these paintings were all made by the genius doctor during his travels."

Ye Yiheng remained silent.

On the other hand, Mo Chen looked around the main hall, saw many landscape paintings, and couldn't help but ask Chun Liu: "Your pavilion master is an old man, why are his legs and feet so agile, running around all over the place?"

Seeing that they all thought the pavilion master was an old man, Chunliu followed their words and said: "My pavilion master is naturally free-spirited, it is somewhat difficult for you to find him, what he yearns for most is a life like a wild crane in the clouds."

Ye Yiheng pointed gently at the bright red hairband on the figure in the painting, signaling Jiang Lecheng to speak.

Jiang Lecheng took a closer look, and saw a figure in a black cloak on a landscape painting. At first glance, he couldn't tell whether the person in the painting was a man or a woman.

But the long hairband that flew out from the corner of the cloak was bright red.

Jiang Lecheng understood, turned around and said in a loud voice: "These paintings are all famous mountains of Tiancheng. I can see the life like the idle clouds and wild cranes that your pavilion master yearns for."

"However, the young master has a question, and I would like to ask the girl to answer one or two questions."

Chunliu said with a smile, "Please tell me!"

Jiang Lecheng closed the folding fan and pointed to the red hairband on the painting: "Your pavilion master has a very peculiar hobby. Why does he like red hairbands like a little girl?"

Chuntao was terrified, but her face was very calm, she said with a smile: "At this time, a girl my Pavilion Master admired when he was young, and painting her on the painting can be regarded as the Pavilion Master's yearning for her."

Ruofeng winked at Mo Chen, and the two communicated silently with their eyes.

Ruofeng: [Let me just say, the pavilion master is an old pervert. 】

Mo Chen: [You can't judge people by their appearance! 】

Regarding what Chuntao said, Ye Yiheng slightly shook his head.

The woman in the painting reminded him of someone.

Ye Yiheng pinched the center of his brows, why did he come here and still think of that heartless woman who just wanted to escape from him?

Li Yuyan, who was watching from the attic, frowned slightly.

Among these paintings, there is only one of her painting herself, riding a horse in a hooded cloak among mountains and rivers.

The painting is huge, but she painted herself with just a few strokes, only the size of a fingernail.

Unexpectedly, this point was spotted by the blind man.

At this moment, Ye Yiheng raised his head and looked up at the window made of shells in the attic.

Although he covered his eyes with a veil, Li Yuyan inexplicably felt that his gaze was moving towards her.

All of a sudden, her heart beat faster, this crazy batch will not find her, right?

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