Chapter 1070 This cousin is really good
Uncle Fang also came back. Seeing so many people surrounding him, he sent them away.

As soon as they left, Aunt Fang and the others quickly brought out the food, and took over the little moon sister and brother to make milk powder for them.

Although Xiaoyuer is small, he can eat by himself.

Brother Fang and the others hurried over after they parked the car.

Uncle Fang looked at his parents, who had been to the capital for more than a year. In the photos brought back by his nephews years ago, his parents looked good.

Looking at it now, it is true that he has gained a lot of weight and is in good spirits.

It's just that the second child has gained a lot of weight.

"Xiao Yu'er, this is mother's uncle, you should call him grandpa."

According to this number of generations, it deserves this title.

"Hello, grandpa." Xiao Yu'er called obediently.

It's also very long.

Xiao Yu'er nodded, "I heard from my brothers that I came here with my mother when I was very young."

"Little Yu'er, this year we will celebrate the New Year at your mother's hometown."

This is the difference between urban children and rural children.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Immediately take out some food and share some.

Big brother Fang and his brothers have bothered about the house and furniture.

After eating, Mrs. Fang packed up and washed immediately.

Xiao Yu'er thinks that Xiao Yu'er's cousin is really good, much better than his own brother.

Not afraid of life at all.

There are also several brothers and sisters-in-law of the Fang family.

As for the third son and the others, introduce themselves immediately.

"Mom, this is?"

Xiao Yuer shouted.

"Thank you, sister-in-law."

After the autumn harvest, before wheat is planted, cement, bricks, and tiles are ordered.

Wow, if you are less than two years old, you can say such a long word.

I didn’t know until I went to Kyoto that the toilets are different, especially the toilet at my sister’s house is very convenient, and it doesn’t smell bad. There is also a special place for bathing. Which house my parents build, I hope that my sister’s family will be more convenient when they come back. Some.

"Father and mother, with the money you mailed back, the house was built, glass was installed, the bathing place and toilet were renovated, and furniture was added. Wait a minute and see what else you need to buy." Brother Fang told Mother Fang and the others were talking about it.

"This is Grandma"

The fourth child's family hasn't been back for almost two years. Their house is a little messy. Knowing that they are coming back, they went to clean it.

On the National Day, I looked at Xiao Yu'er, the little sister in my grandmother's arms, and the little brother in my aunt's arms.

Otherwise, how could it be built in just over a month.

Fang's mother didn't bring the things back before dividing the things.

"Yes, and very polite."

"Uncle, which house is yours, Dajiang and the others also cleaned it for you."

Mrs. Fang and her sisters-in-law looked at Xiao Yu'er.

"it is good."

They also thought that since they haven't been back for almost two years, it must be a mess, and they planned to clean it later, but they never thought that their elder brother and sister-in-law had already helped clean it up.

"Xiao Yu'er is only less than two years old, and he speaks so clearly."

When the strawberries and watermelon were brought out, Big Brother Fang was stunned.

How are you so smart?
"Xiao Yu'er, when you're full, I'll take you out to play." Although Xiao Sanzi is in junior high school, he likes Xiao Yu'er very much.

When the wheat was planted, they immediately found someone to build a house, and hired some small workers from the brigade.

Why is there still this?

Isn't it something only in summer?

Why is there winter?
"This strawberry can't be kept for a long time, but the watermelon can be kept for a long time."

After dividing these two things, ask the son and daughter-in-law to help carry the things back to the new home to have a look.

(End of this chapter)

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