Chapter 1071 Little Fish Is Very Popular

When Fang's mother and the others came to the new home, they were all stunned for a moment. The building was well built, and the courtyard wall and gate were also repaired.

"Father, look at it"

Brick house, this is their brick house.

The main room is very bright, with glass installed on both sides of the windows.

"It's just that we can't have electric lights like in the city, and we don't know when to install electricity here."

They are too poor here, even if they want to install electricity, the members are reluctant to use electricity.

"Now I can only come back to live occasionally."

It is impossible for Fang Mu to leave the stewed meat shop and go back to the brigade.

What's more, there is a large piece of land in the suburbs, and it is impossible for the old man to come back and live for a long time.

"Mom and Dad, the quilt is out to dry and the bed has been made. Take a rest."

"Too many things."

"Little fish, where did you get the candy?"

"Then what do you like to eat?"

The two little ones were not alone here, Ye Qinghe was packing his clothes, and looked at the two little ones on the bed from time to time.

Children want to know what little fish like to eat?
The shoes on Xiao Yu'er's feet are small leather shoes plus fleece, and the whole body reveals that this child has a good family background.

"Listen mother."

"Yes, this is Xiao Yu'er, don't mess around."

"The news of our return, your aunts and the others will know soon."

But today I tasted it.

"One for each of you."

This big white rabbit toffee is very expensive, and they basically can't eat it.

Many children immediately envied Xiao Yuer for being able to eat candy.

As for Xiao Yu'er, he was taken out to play by Xiao Sanzi.

Although I know that my aunt has money to buy candy for Xiao Yu'er, but my aunt also said that if you eat too much sugar, you will grow moths.

Fang's mother and Captain Fang are packing these things, who will give them.

It's still white rabbit toffee, which many children have never eaten. After biting a little, they wrap it in a candy paper and plan to save it for tomorrow.

They bought a lot of things back.

"Little Sanzi, this is your aunt's son, right?"

Xiao Yu'er said obediently, "Hello, brothers, eat candy" and grabbed some candy with his small hands from the pocket of his coat.

Grandma filled Xiao Yu'er with sugar, and so much sugar?

"Thank you little fish"

"Put little moon and little dolphin on the bed and go to sleep."

"Little Yu'er, can you eat candy every day in the city?"

Xiao Yuer shook his head, "Father said, I ate too many long worms."

"Given it by grandma."

Fang's mother also saw it. It took a lot of effort for them to get on the train.

As soon as they left, there were only seven of them left in an instant.

It directly surprised Xiao Sanzi.

They even brought their in-laws with them to settle down in Kyoto.

The sisters-in-law planned to call the children away too. After a few days of train ride, some were tired. Parents and the others were getting old, so they must be tired too.

"The house is still built, and no one is invited to warm the house. Now that we are back, we will treat guests to dinner."

The two little ones embraced the bed and went to sleep, and the older ones started to pack up, and sort out the things they brought back, and they had to share them out one by one.

After Fang Youyou cleaned up, she saw that there was no water in the water tank, so she carried the bucket to fetch water.

"I'm still young, so I can't eat a lot."

The little third son took the little fish to play again, and some of the little sheep came to play, and some of them took the little fish to play.

"Xiao Yu'er, are your younger siblings twins?"

Xiao Yu'er knows what twins are, and what are twins?
"It's twins, younger sister and younger brother." The younger siblings are still young, otherwise they would have been able to come out to play with him.

(End of this chapter)

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