Chapter 1074 Who doesn't envy them!

Uncle Fang nodded in response, "Divide the brigade's land and let the commune members plant it by themselves. When the harvest comes, let them hand over the public grain to the brigade, and then the brigade will send the grain to the grain station."

"As for the salaries of the various cadres in the brigade, we will discuss them later, so raise your hand in favor of the division?"

Fang Youyou is also very busy.

After breakfast, I went to Mr. Zhao's place to do some work.

Captain Fang took Ye Qinghe, the son-in-law, to discuss the matter of inviting those people to warm the house.

Several nephews came to see Little Moon and the others.

It was the National Day, and when I saw Xiao Yuer, there was a two-year age difference between the two, but there was no problem in communicating.

Little National Day can also be said to be a village baby.

When Fang Jianshe came back from university, it was not easy to go back to his hometown to eat his parents' food and take care of his children at home.

Who doesn't envy them!

Fang Xiaowu was doing business in the provincial capital, but he took his cousins ​​and brothers with him, and it was the same. The wallets of Fang Jianguo and Fang Jianshe were only a little bigger, and they still had some pressure to let their daughter-in-law support them.

Mrs. Fang also took out chicken cakes for them to try.

"Third daughter-in-law, where did you buy a house with the third?"

The Little National Day was lost in an instant, "Brother Xiaosanzi, can you not mention it?"

Many old ladies even saw that old lady Fang had gained weight, and she was wearing new clothes, thick new padded jackets.

Xiao Yu'er was still watching, and his uncle was also watching.

"My granddaughter and grandson-in-law are very kind to our elders, even my in-laws and mother-in-law are also very kind. They often buy chicken cakes, malted milk, and milk in the morning. At first, I was not used to drinking it. .”

When I went out, I saw a lot of people coming together, so I gave them a little bit.

They didn't dislike the biscuits shared by the third child, they thought they were very delicious and crunchy.

On the side of Fang's family, Mrs. Fang's third sister-in-law came to the house, and she liked the little moon who looked like her sister-in-law very much. She only had two sons.

And their padded jackets are also patch after patch, the kind that have been mended for three years and three years.

"Xiao Yu'er, I'll take you to see the little chickens. My grandma raised a lot of chickens."

"Little Sanzi, take them out to play evil, remember not to go to the river." Ye Qinghe still hopes that his son will be more lively. In the capital, each of them has something to do, and the weather is cold, so basically they don't let him go out. Now that he is back in the brigade, let him go out and have fun.

"Uncle, don't worry, I will keep an eye on them."

For the children in the village, let alone biscuits, even during the Chinese New Year, the adults in the family will buy some hard candies, but they can only eat a few during the Chinese New Year.

After each of the little ones shared a sandwich biscuit, the rest was all given to the little fish.

Ye Qinghe also offered them a small bag of sandwich biscuits, "Remember to come back for lunch."

After breakfast, Mrs. Fang was about to come to Fang's house, when other old ladies in the village came to her and asked about the situation in Kyoto.

Aunt Fang tidied up the house, the Chinese New Year was coming soon, so she cleaned up, and Fang Yuncheng was helping.

The third son especially likes Xiao Yuer, "National Day, aren't you afraid that the big cock will peck you?"

The third sister-in-law Fang also said, "Where is the junior high school next to the high school, there are two little Yang'er brothers, and it was Brother Dahai who sent them to the school."

Brother Da Da often goes out, and she can't go to the city often.

But teach the two brothers to cook, and they can cook and eat easily.

"Buying a house is a good thing. Education in this city is better than education in our village."

(End of this chapter)

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