Chapter 1075 Grandma Lin is sick

Sister-in-law Fang San recognized this. Her mother-in-law had lived in the capital for several years, and had even been open for business for so long.

She also plans to buy something in the city then, but where to buy it from?
Sell ​​braised pork, where does the meat come from?
It can only be put on hold temporarily.

When the city can also do business, she will go to the city to open a shop to do business.

"Mom, do you want to host a banquet?"

"Build a new house, and there are two sisters and brothers, Xiaoyue, let relatives and friends have a look."

The third sister-in-law couldn't refuse this.

"Mother, there is one more thing that I think I should tell you."

What a serious look.

Mrs. Fang San got vaccinated in advance and started to say, "It's just that grandma seems to be getting worse and worse in the past six months."

Mother Fang took a while to say a word, "Send her to the hospital to check on the situation."

Fang's mother's footsteps are a bit heavy. She is the eldest in the family. She has taken her younger siblings with her since she can remember, and has to do some housework at home.

Why is it still this expression?
Came back yesterday, still happy.

Fang Youyou left this sentence and went to the brigade cadre to get the key and issue the certificate.

Fang Youyou knew about this.

Fang Youyou helped Mr. Zhao with the cleaning and tidying up, and went to Kyoto with them after the next year.

Because he returned to the brigade, basically he didn't spend any money on the brigade, so Fang Youyou didn't bring any money with him.

"Very serious?"

Ye Qinghe, who was not far away, also heard their conversation.

The third sister-in-law Fang sighed, "I'm getting old, so I haven't taken care of it well."

Originally, it was the twelfth lunar month, and it was a happy event at home, so it was not easy to mention it, but I was afraid that my mother-in-law would find out in a few days, and my aunt would gossip about it.

Captain Fang still has some complicated feelings about his mother-in-law.

This is also one of the reasons why Fang's mother is so kind to her daughter.

When the daughter-in-law married him back then, she asked for a lot of gifts, which was nothing. When the daughter-in-law became pregnant again with her own daughter, she also said that as the daughter grew up, she also hated her.

"Your grandma is sick."

"Master, leave it alone, I'll clean it up for you tomorrow."

Naturally, the body became weaker and weaker, and it dragged on like this.

Now she doesn't know what's going on.

"Let's go and take your grandma to the city to have a look."

The mother and daughter act separately.

Nowadays, every day is a day, and suddenly there are some complex and unspeakable things.

"Mom, why are you here?"

"Of course, I don't have any money on me. Mother, you go back and get the money, and I'll drive the tractor."

Grandma is completely day-to-day.

What did Fang Youyou think it was?

"I'll go find your little sister."

The third sister-in-law did not stop her. After she married into the Fang family, she knew that her grandma was not very kind to her mother-in-law, nor did she have a good look towards her younger sister. She thought they should marry off.

The in-laws have gone to the capital, and only their juniors know about this matter at home. When they heard about it, their sisters-in-law went to see it together, lying on the bed, unable to get out of bed.

To go to the hospital, you must bring money.

Uncle and the others would be willing to let grandma go to the hospital in the city to see it.

To add diesel, you need to prove it before you can add it.

When she pulled out the tractor and parked it on the main road, Mother Fang also came over.

"Be careful."

The captain can't leave here. His wife and daughter have gone. He and his son-in-law have to watch over the three children at home and cook for them. Someone must watch over them.

(End of this chapter)

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