Fang Youyou looked back at Fang Xiaowu, and said threateningly, "Am I fierce?"

Dare to say she is fierce?
She has been suppressing her anger.

Ye Qinghe smiled and shook his head, "It's not fierce, my wife is still so pretty, but she's the classmate of your class."


Fang Youyou is not only the class flower, but also the courtyard flower of their courtyard.

Fair skin and good figure.

"That is."

Seeing the couple singing in unison, he seemed like an outsider.

Fang Youyou lowered her head and started to work. They haven't had lunch yet.

"Sauerkraut shredded pork, cut a piece of meat for you."

"I don't know if it's enough. There are so many guests in the warm room."

"So big?"

Otherwise, her son would be under some pressure alone.

If the chef is invited, of course the helper will be invited.

Fang Jianshe put the little ones in the family to sleep before coming over to watch the fun.

After saying this, Fang Jianshe thought of another thing, "Little sister, when is the treat?"

These two days?
"My little girl, please order the chef as soon as possible. It's the Chinese New Year, and there are quite a few wedding banquets, with so much meat."

Fang Youyou looked back when she heard the voice, it was Erya.

There is no land contract system yet, and they are still earning work points in the brigade, and the money for each household is the little money that the brigade distributes every year before the Chinese New Year.

Fang Jianshe had dinner, and Ye Qinghe invited him to dinner, but he refused.


"But I don't know about the famous chefs nearby, do you know about the fourth cousin?"

"Two ya."

All three are busy.

"You are pregnant again, congratulations, congratulations"

As soon as these words came out, Fang Youyou really thought about it.

Fang Jianshe nodded with a smile, "Although I have been in the city for several years, I have stayed at home for more than ten years. I know this. There are too many people. Please hire two chefs. As for the helper, please ask our brigade to cut it." For the dishes, there are still some aunts who know how to cook, and when the time comes, give them some leftovers, and they are all willing to help."

Er Ya had a smile on her face, "Yes, I'm pregnant again, and I want Tie Dan to have a companion."

When she got married before, she was hired by her parents as chefs, so she didn't pay attention to these things, but now her parents are not at home, and the eldest brother and the second brother are very busy, so this banquet has to fall on her head.

Seeing that she seemed to be pregnant again, her belly was very obvious.

Now that they are young, Dazhu still listens to her very much, and can support two children. When they are old, they will rely on their two children.

Fang Jianshe looked at the amount of meat, "It's enough. When the time comes, ask a chef to cook it. Potato roast pork, pickled pork with preserved vegetables, and fried twice-cooked pork, there will still be a lot of meat left."

"It makes sense. After we have dinner, we will invite people."

After dinner, Fang Youyou and Fang Jianshe went to invite someone, the day after tomorrow, which is the 29th of the first lunar month.

Fang Youyou was busy in the yard, Ye Qinghe was chopping vegetables in the kitchen, and Fang Xiaowu was cooking.

Went away two.

The aunts of the two next door, and a few aunts and sister-in-laws who usually cook well in the brigade.

"It should be these two days."

But when the members of the brigade saw Fang's family, they were still willing to let their children go to school. Now it's just a little bit harder.

"It's a good thing."

Now that Erya thinks about it, she still doesn't regret the choice she made back then.

"Come early the day after tomorrow."

"it is good."

In the past two days, Tie Dan has been talking about Xiao Yu'er, and it can be seen that Tie Dan likes Xiao Yu'er very much.

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