The female supporting role is a heartthrob in the chronology

Chapter 1086 One day afraid of being rejected

That's right, Xiao Yu'er is good-looking, he's also a city kid, and he has something to eat, so he's a little popular.

Now I'm looking at Erniu, and it's been a few years since I married a new wife, but the widow's stomach is still there.

Erniu's family blamed her back then, thinking it was because she couldn't give birth.

Captain Fang came back and also talked about being discharged from the hospital tomorrow.

"Tomorrow we will drive the ox cart to the commune to buy some things."

Daughter, they have all decided that it will be the day after tomorrow, and the 29th of the twelfth lunar month cannot be postponed.

Keep the grandkids informed.

He also asked someone to bring a message to the daughter-in-law's natal family.

And his in-laws, I don't know if they will come?
The 28th of the twelfth lunar month.

Captain Fang took Fang Xiaowu, his nephew, to the commune to buy some things, such as candy, melon seeds, wine, some seasonings, and most importantly, food.

There was another bed at home, Fang's mother first asked Uncle Lin to put Grandma Lin on a chair, and she went to make the bed and get out.

Uncle Lin nodded, and he couldn't live and eat for free with Eldest Sister.

Only after a hard time did I know what it feels like to be rejected.

Building a house is a big deal.

Several sister-in-laws brought some dishes over.

Only food requires food stamps, and other things are bought without tickets.

"That's fine."

Fang's mother moved quickly, and after the bed was made, she helped Grandma Lin into the house together with Uncle Lin.

"Yuyo, Xiaoye"

Uncle Lin looked at his niece and niece and son-in-law, and also saw the twins of the niece. The two siblings were looking at them with their heads tilted. Their eyes were big, they didn't cry, and they didn't even drink from the bottle.

"Then bring my aunt and Sister He Miao over for dinner tomorrow. We're going to hold a banquet, build a new house, and have fun."

"It looks like Yoyo when she was a child."

It's the Chinese New Year, and there are a lot of people going to the commune. Fang Mu and the others came back after being a cow with the wind.

It's not that Grandma Lin can't get out of bed to walk, but her legs have severe rheumatism, which makes walking a little painful.

And Mother Fang and Uncle Lin also came back with Grandma Lin on their backs.

Grandma Lin never dreamed that one day she would be afraid of being rejected.

He was looking at his niece and son-in-law, as if he didn't mind it.

Grandma Lin stayed in the hospital for a few days, her health improved a lot, her spirits improved, and she also saw her granddaughter and the others.

"Mother, grandma, uncle"

Only then did Uncle Lin notice that the eldest sister's house is a brick and tile house, and it's not too small.

"Sister, I'll go back first."

Ye Qinghe brought Uncle Lin a glass of water.

There were no patches on the clothes, and they were even holding something he hadn't seen before. It contained something milky white, which should be milk powder.

There is indeed a banquet.

Fang Youyou nodded, "It's them."

This pair of dragon and phoenix twins are really good-looking, white and fat. He has seen many children, but none of them can compare with the two in front of him.

I'm afraid that the money for the big sister's house will be paid by the niece.

"Is this the pair of dragon and phoenix twins?"

"Uncle, do you want to go back later?"

"I think so too."

But I dare not look at them for fear of being rejected.

Seeing that his uncle was leaving, Fang Youyou cut him a knife and told him to carry it back, and told him to come early tomorrow.

"Girl, your grandma has severe rheumatism. Show your grandma. If the rheumatism is cured, you can still walk on the ground."

Otherwise, if she is lying in bed all the time, who wants to take care of her?

"it is good!"

Fang Youyou has no objection, the rheumatism can only be alleviated, and it is difficult for her to cure it all, after all, the medicinal materials are not very complete.

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