Mother Fang snorted coldly, "I have a good daughter, don't you have several daughters? How did you treat your daughter back then?"

And sour this with her.

Uncle Lin said, "Sister, we all have to earn work points, and we don't have enough money to send our mother to the hospital."

Where do they have any money.

Fang's mother stared at Uncle Lin, just staring like this, without speaking for a long time.

"Why did my mother marry you a daughter-in-law when you were young, take care of your grandchildren, and earn work points, but now you can't do it anymore, and you don't want to take care of me when you are old? Let me tell you, the three of us can say that we don't want to take care of you, but you can't. , from childhood to adulthood, your parents valued you the most, we siblings still can’t get enough to eat, but you can hide and eat what your parents saved for you, have you forgotten now?”

These words brought Aunt Lin and Uncle Lin back to that time.

"Brother has been favored by us since he was a child, because his parents said that he is going to provide for them in the old age, is this the careless old age?" Uncle Lin asked in a questioning tone.

Although he is the youngest son, he is not very favored. After growing up, he couldn't get enough to eat and looked for food everywhere, but his parents secretly gave him food.

"And after I got married, how did my mother treat my wife and children? Brother and sister-in-law should have an impression?"

Aunt Lin wanted to refute, but faced the eyes of their siblings, she swallowed it back.

"Little brother, those things are in the past. We need to discuss about my mother now. Does your family come every month or every two months?"

Hearing Fang's mother say this, Fang Youyou also came over and offered her price, "In order to reassure my mother, I am willing to pay five yuan a month. The three children in my family are still young, and my parents are here After the next year, he will definitely follow me back to Kyoto."

Simply and directly.

"What's wrong?"

Fang Youyou looked at Aunt Lin, "Equal share, how much money will be spent at that time, belongs to my mother's share, and I will help my mother to pay."

Mother Fang didn't stop her daughter from saying this.

Now that her family is building a new house, the eldest brother-in-law and younger sister want to blow up some money from her. Mother Fang doesn't know this.

She supported her daughter's offer of five yuan.

She knew that her daughter was lavish with money, and now that she gave out five yuan, it was also a sweetener for the elder brother and the younger brother.

Aunt Lin said with a smile, "Yuyou, you are going back to Kyoto after the next year. If you want to come back, you will not come back until the Chinese New Year next year. Can you give me the money now?"

This is because they are afraid that they will not recognize it, so they have to give it in advance.

"Yes, send me a note." Mother Fang said with a cold face, she didn't have any affection for Aunt Lin. It can be said that if Grandma Lin left, she might have less contact with them.

Fang's mother doesn't feel that her natal family is a source of support, and if she has the ability, she can also make a good living in her in-law's family.

Fang Youyou plans to pay this money.

"Brother Ye, come here."

Ye Qinghe immediately walked over, before the elders were discussing things, it was not easy for him as a junior to come up and listen, but now when his wife called him, he immediately came up to meet him.

"Teach you to write receipts, and give pension money by the way."

Ye Qinghe helped with the work and wrote two copies, one for the four of them, the two daughters shared the medical expenses equally, and they followed the two sons for retirement.

Aunt Lin didn't dare to say no, she was afraid that her elder sister would also ask her to pay five yuan a month for the pension, how could she get it.

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