Chapter 1093

But the eldest sister is different here. With the support of her niece and niece and son-in-law, there is no shortage of this little money at all, and they can't afford so much money.

Uncle Lin and Uncle Lin each received 30 yuan.

"The Chinese New Year is coming soon, mother will ask my younger brother to pick it up first, and I will ask Yoyo to prepare some medicine for mother."

After Fang's mother finished speaking, she looked at Uncle Lin and Aunt Lin, "I will ask Da Jiang to visit often. If anyone dares to deceive me and doesn't take good care of my mother, then I don't care. After all, I am married. out daughter."

These words made Aunt Lin gasp, she didn't know that her sister-in-law said it to her.

"No, no."

The money was received, not to mention that the mother-in-law was originally their son's support, and now the elder sister-in-law is willing to pay the money, and the medical expenses have to be shared equally, so she dare not say anything more. Let them share the money equally immediately. After receiving the money, I don't want to take it out.

After discussing this, it is not good for them to stay any longer, and they each brought their own families and prepared to leave.


Fang's mother glanced at her younger sister who still didn't want to leave, "I want to borrow money, no."

Even if they have it, they won’t lend it to you.

There is no return to meat buns beating dogs.

Mother Fang knew this.

At the beginning, she almost married a worker who had a job in the commune, but her younger sister saw each other like her brother-in-law now, and insisted on arguing to marry him.

When Fang's mother was a girl, she still looked pretty good, otherwise she wouldn't have given birth to a girl like Fang Youyou.

As for Aunt Lin, she was not much different when she was a girl.

After the two of them left, only Uncle Lin's family remained.

"Yuyou, go grab the medicine."

Fang Youyou dragged Ye Qinghe to Dr. Zhao to get medicine.

"My mother is not in a good mood."

"After arriving in Kyoto, it will be fine if mother gets busy."

Fang Youyou didn't continue to worry about this matter, it was very simple for her, money can handle a lot of things.

The two of them went to get the medicine, Fang's mother asked Captain Fang to set up the ox cart and take them back.

"Ms. He Miao, I also know that you are marrying into the Lin family. My mother is not good to you, but she is like this now, and she lives day by day."

Aunt Lin has never refuted. When her mother-in-law treated her like that, her sister-in-law helped her a lot.

"Sister, I know."

"I've wronged you. I'll take care of my mother for two years. I'll ask Yoyo to find a job for my niece and son-in-law in Kyoto."

Mother Fang knew that Aunt Lin was unreliable and could only rely on the younger brother and his wife.

I have to say, Mother Fang's words shocked Aunt Lin.

Several grandchildren in my family have to go to school, and relying on them to earn work points at home, it is simply impossible to support them.

"Sister, this."

"I keep what I say, but don't tell your elder brother and sister-in-law about this."

Aunt Lin nodded, "Sister, I won't say anything, I will take good care of my mother-in-law and not worry you."

The eldest sister is willing to give their family a hand, of course she is willing.

Mother Fang went into the house to tell Grandma Lin.

Aunt Lin Xiao whispered about it to her daughter Lin Hemiao outside.

"Mom, I'm going to wrong you."

As long as Lin Hemiao could remember, she knew that her grandma didn't like her.

But now my mother has to take care of grandma for their family.

"How can I be wronged? I used to give food for the elderly every year, but now I don't have to." It also allows the elder sister to take care of their family more.

The door-to-door son-in-law recruited by her daughter can't rely on her mother's family, and her husband's family is even poorer.

(End of this chapter)

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