Chapter 1113 High vision, very picky
Auntie doesn't know?

What about the brother-in-law?


Captain Fang pondered for a while and said, "I heard from my son-in-law that even if the land is distributed to the villagers, they still have to pay public grain every year, but it is still an experiment and has not yet been popularized nationwide."

"Then how many years will it take if it spreads to us?"

Even Uncle Lin was very curious.

If it is really popularized, they can have land, as long as they grow food well, it is completely enough to eat.

Captain Fang looked around and saw that they were all looking at him expectantly.

"Five years at the latest."

Is it still so long?

It would have been nice if it had been done sooner.

Uncle Lin also asked Captain Fang a lot of questions. After all, this brother-in-law used to be the captain of the brigade, and he stayed in Kyoto for such a long time. Kyoto is the capital, and the news is better than theirs.

The lunch at Uncle Lin's house is relatively rich.

Aunt Lin and her husband did not stay long, and left. They came on foot, and it took more than an hour to walk back, unlike the elder sister and her husband who came here on bicycles.

Aunt Lin packed a lot of things for Fang's mother, such as cured chicken and some dried vegetables.

Here in Kyoto.

Aunt Zhao glanced at my sister-in-law.

"Is sister-in-law okay?"

Why do you keep looking at her?
Since I came back today, I have looked at her from time to time.

Is there something to tell her?

Is it about the nephew?

"Xiao Heng didn't go on a blind date?"

Sister-in-law wants her to persuade her nephew?

"No, it's just that I'm not used to it. The house suddenly became deserted. When will Xiao Yu'er and the others return to Kyoto?"

Oh, it's because of Xiao Yu'er and the others.

No wonder seeing the two of them coming, I was a little disappointed.

"I don't know, I should return to Kyoto soon, and then let Xiaohe and the other couple bring Xiaoyu'er and his brother and sisters to pay their respects in the old age."

In the end, Aunt Zhao didn't mention Xiao Yu'er's abduction to her sister-in-law.

Let's talk about Zhao Yunheng again.

"I don't know what kind of girl Xiaoheng likes. I've asked him to see her in the past few years, but they haven't succeeded. My colleagues all say behind my back that Xiaoheng has high vision and is very picky."

This made Aunt Zhao very angry.

Where did she choose, where did she ask too much.

It's almost enough to say that as long as it's a girl, it's fine.

Why do some people still think that their mother and son have high eyesight.

There is also Huanhuan.

All of her children are single with her.

It made Aunt Zhao very angry.

Everyone is stubborn with her.

"Maybe their fate hasn't arrived yet."

Sisters Zhao Yunhuan and Zhao Yunshan went shopping after they had lunch, fearing that Aunt Zhao would say something.

"Student Zhao"

Hearing this familiar voice, Zhao Yunshan gasped, why did she meet him here?

The last time I went to my cousin's sister-in-law for a lesson, I thought it would scare her away, but it didn't.

"Student Zhao"

Zhao Yunhuan thought that the other party was just her sister's classmate.

"Hello, classmate"

The two sisters Zhao Yunshan and Zhao Yunhuan are still good-looking, the elder sister looks gentle, and the younger sister is more agile.

"Coincidentally, you are also out shopping." Zhao Yunshan almost gritted her teeth when she said this.

The person who came here was a gay man who had been pursuing Zhao Yunshan. He was about 1.8 meters tall and had a somewhat unruly appearance, giving people an unreliable influence.

I saw Zhao Yunshan by accident today, so of course I have to join in.

(End of this chapter)

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