The female supporting role is a heartthrob in the chronology

Chapter 1114 The most unreliable love at first sight

Chapter 1114 The most unreliable love at first sight

I didn't dare to call Shanshan intimately, so I could only call my classmate Zhao, but I still called Shanshan from the bottom of my heart.

"Student Zhao, is this your sister? How does she look like you?"

Zhao Yunhuan really wants his sister to introduce who this gay man is?

The tone of the conversation with my sister was a little familiar.

In the past two years, after Zhao Yunhuan devoted himself to movies and TV dramas, he has been extremely busy, and this Chinese New Year is a time squeezed out.

"I'm her sister, are you my sister's classmate?"

Some of these college students are a little older, and the largest ones are now in their thirties.

Therefore, it is not possible to classify by age whether it is a working person or a college student.

"I'm not Zhao's classmate, I'm his."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Zhao Yunshan, "Su New Year"

After being yelled at by Zhao Yunshan, Su Xinnian, who still had a playful smile, looked at Zhao Yunhuan, and introduced himself seriously, "Sister, hello, I am Su Xinnian, and I am pursuing classmate Zhao Yunshan. I am 25 years old and only returned to China last year. Yes Zhao Yunshan fell in love at first sight."

The most unreliable love at first sight.

"It was love at first sight, you just fell in love with me." Zhao Yunshan rolled her eyes at Su Xinian, and said in a bad tone.

But Zhao Yunhuan looked at Su Xinnian. This gay man didn't seem to mind his sister's bad tone and embarrass him.

"You don't believe that I fell in love at first sight, so I will have a long-term love."

Is my sister being molested?
"Do you have a job now?"

Su Xinnian immediately introduced his family members, "My family has a company abroad, and now I've returned to China to open a company in the field of real estate and electronics. I have brothers above me, and a sister who is in high school."

real estate?
and electronics in this regard?

Why does "sister" want to know about his family background and family situation?

She didn't think this man would really like her.

The classmates in the class used to please her because of the relationship between her grandfather and father.

"Su New Year, it's New Year's Eve, my sister and I have something to do, you go first!"

Her sister has been very busy this year, and she managed to take advantage of the Chinese New Year period to go out with her sister for a stroll without calling the lesbians in the compound.

Zhao Yunshan is from the 1978 class, and she is also a junior.

"I can help you carry your things."

Su Xinnian grew up abroad, so he is more open-minded and has a brighter personality.

"Where we need you to help us carry things, you go quickly."

Otherwise, if an acquaintance sees it later, they don't know what's going on about her.

The man showed up outside her school in a sedan waiting for her to pass.

Later, he also appeared on a motorcycle.

I don't know what it means to be low-key.

The high profile made Zhao Yunshan want to cover her face, not wanting to know this person.

"Can I take you to a movie?"

Need him please?
This person is relying on him today!
"Sister, let's go, don't worry about him."

Regardless of this gay man?
"Shanshan, if you like him, you can try to date him for a while."

If you don't like it, or reject it early?

"I don't like him flaunting his family's wealth."

Su Xinnian, who was behind him, was taken aback when he heard this reason, "I'm already keeping a low profile."

He went back to meet those friends before, but they all felt that he kept a low profile.

Already changing.

How can you not like him just because he is rich?

"My cousin is rich, but she is very low-key."


(End of this chapter)

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